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Posts posted by fifa09don

  1. why in the whole **** world has the FA not introduced video technology that could have been implemented 5 years ago easily, so we can sort out these shit refs who make wrong decision after wrong decision, and linesman who clearly its imposible to look in 2 places at once and can never make perfect decision, what the **** are they waiting for, why put it off, do the FA want more stupid decisions having big effects such has 3 yellow cards, a goal lost, possibly 3 points, and our chance to go in the big four. TECHNOLOGY U **** IDIOTS ITS SIMPLE.

  2. i think peoople saying ash has been bad, i think have half a point, hes been v.bad in open play, seems to walk along the line until he loses the ball, or picks out the wrong pass. but his deliveries for both goals were fantastic over the keeper to back post

    Also to be fair to him today he is up against one of the best RBs in the game at pres who is bloody quick and therefore hard to beat.

    disagree completly this is his chance to what he does best because against most other oposition he will have 2/3 people marking him. at chelsea just bosingwa

    There is a reason Chelsea don't go to 2/3 and that is Bosingwas doesn't need it.

    it appears your right, but now hes down injured and ivanovic is coming on:)

  3. i think peoople saying ash has been bad, i think have half a point, hes been v.bad in open play, seems to walk along the line until he loses the ball, or picks out the wrong pass. but his deliveries for both goals were fantastic over the keeper to back post

    Also to be fair to him today he is up against one of the best RBs in the game at pres who is bloody quick and therefore hard to beat.

    disagree completly this is his chance to what he does best because against most other oposition he will have 2/3 people marking him. at chelsea just bosingwa

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