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Posts posted by T-Dog

  1. 16 minutes ago, bickster said:

    BC Camplight tonight at the Arts Club. It was meant to be in the Theatre but it ended up in the downstairs venue which is bigger and better as it has a raked floor so everyone gets a great view. They’ve also improved the venue by knocking into the old Bar Fly bar so it’s much easier to get a drink and there’s a decent selection. Much better venue now it’s not run by the Academy Group shysters

    He was really entertaining with decent banter, asks if anyone is here from Warrington, gets no response, then says this songs about Warrington and launches into “I'm in a Weird Place Now” :D 

    I wasn’t too familiar with the latest material but it was all good and bought the album at the merch desk, which was manned by the band themselves with Brian signing anything in sight.

    Taking the missus to a gig is a pain in the arse though, she’s just not gig savvy. Oh well more of that next week for Bill Ryder-Jones

    Good review and am a big fan of Bill RJ but never seen him live - Hope it's a good one for you, please report back

    • Thanks 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, imavillan said:

    Watched this so many times, very funny.

    Have you watched Early Doors? If you like Phoenix Nights i'd say you'll like ED as well and thats on Daily Motion.


    Very late to find Early Doors but yep, ranks very very highly - Definitely in the top ten, the last episode with the Coppers was amazing.

    • Like 1
  3. Completely theoretical question, and if it's not allowed, I apologise.

    If there's a video streaming on a website that isn't one of the main streaming sites or social medias or, let's be honest, 'adult entertainment' sites, if there an app or a website that could download it? For instance, if I had family using a server in, I dunno, China, Russia, and they had a nice family video (a wedding for instance) hosted on it, is there an easy way to download it?

    Thank you in advance

  4. 11 minutes ago, turvontour said:

    What's the difference between showing the QR code from your ticket email, and taking a screenshot of it to show? Both work for me.

    But also, I've known people by us that have printed it, and never had an issue. I'm not sure why the QR code changes at all to be honest.

  5. 11 minutes ago, turvontour said:

    What's the difference between showing the QR code from your ticket email, and taking a screenshot of it to show? Both work for me.

    The QR code on the app seems to change every so often, I don't know if it's rotating or changing entirely, I don't understand it as I've never seen it before anywhere else. 

    Also, we've both had had problems using the app in the past to get into the ground, immediate red light at the turnstiles, then had to go to the ticket office by the Holte, queue up, paper ticket, (asked to) queue again (look for head steward in that situation) and then scan in again. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Captain_Townsend said:

    Indeed, it is curious. Of course there could be two sides to it as with everything else.

    I am just linking to what project B6 are saying themselves and it sort of fits with how I generally feel about the direction of things off the pitch over the past year or so.

    Appreciate it, I've no problem with the B6 or the Brigada projects, it's a shame the club don't support them.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Captain_Townsend said:

    Check out their twitter tonight, the club didn't support them


    Sorry mate, I don't use twitter, thanks for sharing that. 

    Why would the club not be behind it? Is it fear of an 'ultras' culture? 

  8. 7 minutes ago, DJBOB said:

    I mean he would have clearly made a difference playing second striker or LM instead of shoehorning Tielemans, McGinn all over the place, and doing anything to not play Zaniolo. 
    Was second in the squad for expected goals and assists too. 


    If I'm reading that right, that's 12 expected goals and assists in 38 games? 

    For context, same website, Diaby (who, let's be honest, hasn't been great) has 9.9 in 28 games. So he has 10 more games, to get 2 more expected G&A to have a season better than Buendia. And he's been pap this season. https://fbref.com/en/squads/8602292d/Aston-Villa-Stats

    To clarify once again, I like Buendia, and I do think he'd offer us something we don't have at the minute, but the train of thought that our season would have been much better with him in seems a bit odd to me.

    (Also, fully appreciate last season wasn't as good as this season, didn't win as many, didn't score as many, but that's still not enough to convince me) 

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, useless said:

    He's being unfairly overhyped in his absence, which will only lead to unfair criticism if doens't live up to that hype upon on is return. Before injury he was in a similar position to Bailey, that is he had to prove this season that he was good enough for a top six side, so it shall be the case for next season

    I totally agree, I've no idea where this 'Buendia could've been the answer' has come from, I thought he was average at best before the injury, and very inconsistent.

  10. 7 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    But I think the general lifestyle of being an on the road wrestler which led to heavy recreational drug use, non recreational drug addiction (eg painkillers) and drinking, plus the mental health issues and, maybe most importantly, head injuries are what led to more wrestler deaths than steroids

    Oh yeah, definitely a lot of cocaine use, it tends to go hand in hand with steroids - After all, lager makes you fat, cocaine doesn't (until cokebloat phase but that takes a loooong time). Everyone I know who's used 'roids or test is a frequent cocaine user.

  11. 7 hours ago, Wainy316 said:


    So because I have absolutely nothing better to do other than work (yuk) I've ran the following 10 years worth of Rumbles.

    Some scary numbers in there and over a third of 1995 field are now deceased.  Even 2000 trumps 1993's total.


            Year      Deaths
    1994 7
    1995 11
    1996 5
    1997 6
    1998 3
    1999 7
    2000 7
    2001 3
    2002 3
    2003 4


    My next task is to find the most recent Rumble with all 30 participants still alive.

    Jesus there's some mad numbers in there - how tragic

  12. 1 hour ago, Wainy316 said:

    My enduring memory is Randy Savage (now deceased), trying to pin Yokozuna before being eliminated.  What were you doing Randy!?  No pinfalls mate!

    24/30 seems a decent return of wrestlers for a Rumble that old.  I actually think you may find later Rumbles with more dead wrestlers than that.  Well that's my fun task for the day.

    Yeah vague memory of two wrestlers trying to pick Yokozuna up and throw him out the ring too (although that's a very blurry memory). Would be interested to see your findings if you do dig out the data sir.

  13. Was talking about the Royal Rumble earlier. Memories of it from 1993, Yokozuna winning, might be irrelevant to most. Was intrigued as to how many of those wrestlers were still alive. 

    Of the 30, 24 are still alive. One of the dead was Owen Hart (obviously a tragic accident), one of them died from natural causes last week. The others, the average age of death was 44 years old. 

    Stay off the 'gear lads.

    • Like 1
  14. 31 minutes ago, Xela said:

    Why do 95% of the blokes going to Cheltenham dress like Peaky Blinders now?

    I don't think it's just those going to Cheltenham, it's everywhere. I've turned fellas away from one of my events before because they've turned up dressed like that. 

  15. 7 minutes ago, avfc1982am said:

    Everyone that was on the pitch for the additional 35 mins 

    So Tielemans, Bailey, Luiz and others worked harder than Ginny yesterday? They were on the pitch longer, but I didn't see a single one of them making the effort he did

  16. 30 minutes ago, avfc1982am said:

    So what your saying is Emery is picking players that aren't interested in winning? You know how stupid that sounds.

    It's not just hard graft that wins games.

    Again, who worked harder than McGinn yesterday? You haven't answered.

  17. 28 minutes ago, avfc1982am said:

    Don't talk stupid. Every player wants to win. 


    Every player WANTS to win - only one or two made the effort to try and win yesterday. Name someone else that played yesterday that worked harder than McGinn?

  18. 1 hour ago, Chine said:

    Do dogs find things funny ? Do they have a sense of humour. My wife thinks yes ,I think no

    If I remember correctly, laughter comes from a response to fear that's evolved throughout the years, almost a relief from the setup of a joke (don't quote me, but I'm sure that's a thing, it was in a book once). And Apes laugh when they're tickled, so I would guess dogs probably laugh too, just maybe not as we know it.

    • Like 1
  19. 4 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Why roll a simple pass in for a Palmer hattrick when you can dance around the keeper and try and blast the ball through 2 players 

    Never change raheem 

    I like Raheem (I realise I'm in the minority) but that was such a selfish move, he could have rolled him in on three occasions during that 

  20. 1 hour ago, Villa_Vids said:

    I think he got the crowd going and was our brightest performer during the game - I think he was very unlucky with the red card IMO.

    IMO the only one on the pitch that really wanted to win this game. He chased everything, he won a lot, he was like a terrier all game.

    • Like 1
  21. I have also noticed there seems to be a group of fans on the far lefthand side of the Lower Holte (where Brigada used to be, more or less) or tend to start most of the songs in the Holte End, it wouldn't take much more to join in to make it a little more 'effective'

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