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Posts posted by wishywashy

  1. Mutually exercise the option now on the current contract to ward off all the media noise, sign a new contract properly in the summer seems to be what's happening.


    • Like 4
  2. 10 minutes ago, ender4 said:

    Took my son to Villa to watch the Bournemouth game. They brought out that AU1500 flag thing into the centre circle.  

    My son asked me unprompted why do they have Chinese writing in the centre circle and what does it mean in English. 


  3. 20 minutes ago, avfc17 said:


    Funny how that was posted yesterday with the new Betano logo, which we've only seen properly for the first time today.

    Presumably still just a FIFA mockup and that's all, but that little titbit does get an eyebrow raise out of me.

    • Shocked 1
  4. I talked to a mate from Australia the other day about the Canberra expansion, there have been unknown delays in the bid but he thinks it's progressing. Apparently this is the sixth attempt to get a Canberra men's team off the ground, which bodes well.

    There were concerns that Canberra United, the only professional team in the area (in their women's league) would be a victim of the delay and go bust, as the state-owned company that runs it doesn't want to fund them anymore. It appears they've found a short-term solution for now. He assumed the consortium that would come in (presumably involving V Sports as a minority partner) would take them over.

    Does sound like a bit of a mess, hopefully it'll get sorted.

  5. 3 hours ago, Alakagom said:


    Vitesse sitting on -1 points in Eredivisie after points deduction which allowed them to keep their licence. Had dodgy Russian owner funding the team. 35 years straight in Eredivisie now starting from nothing. Seems a good fit, Netherlands perfect place to develop talent, something akin to Brighton's model using USG in Belgium.

    They're quite heavily in debt and their new owner has been rejected by the Netherlands FA, I believe.

  6. 2 hours ago, JoshVilla said:

    I've seen a couple of posts from them saying how "smalltime" it'd be if we did a bus parade if we went all the way and won the Conference League. Aside from the obvious, being that they're the experts in all things small time, a few points:

    1) I'm sure they'd all give their extra fingers to just be in the Premier League for starters, let alone finish high enough in the table to qualify for the Conference League.

    2) As above, it's a difficult competition to qualify for in the first place. Finishing top 6/7 in the Premier League is no easy task.

    3) There's some bloody tough teams in this competition. Ajax, Lille, Olympiakos, Fiorentina, Fenerbahce - not teams to be sniffed at, especially away from home.

    4) It doesn't matter whether it's a "new" competition or not. 

    5) Mate

    It's just jealousy.

    Although given they're the club who retired the shirt number of a kid who didn't even play a full season worth of games for them, I suppose they'd be experts on being small-time... Mate.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  7. Sunak plans to tackle unemployment. Is he going set up programmes to help particularly younger people into work? Incentivise training and encourage businesses to do the same? 

    No, he's going to stop GPs from being able to sign people off work to tackle 'sick note culture'. And of course, good old fashioned stripping of benefits.

    Of course, said 'sick note culture' is a complete myth:


    EDIT: Was wondering what all this talk was clearly hiding. Turns out they're about to gut PIP. JFC.


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