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Posts posted by Jondaken

  1. You don't see an intelligent designer or an architect, you see the wonders of physics and chemistry and time. It doesn't stop being any less wonderous. Indeed you might even say it's more wonderous and enticing and interesting and fulfilling.

    What is wrong with seeing it all and thinking it's been designed though?

    It's the major thing thats kept me in my faith all these years. There are two pissible options, either it was all done by chance, or it wasnt. I cant get my head around how it could all just fall into place, therefore I take the other option. That combined with personal experiences ofcourse.

  2. You obviously weren't paying enough attention if you still believe in fairy stories.


    So you were told in School that God doesnt exist were you? Must have missed that.

    I'm pretty sure I was told to make up my own mind.

    No, I wasn't.

    However in making up my own mind I realised like most right thinking people that hey, this stuff is evidenced... and this stuff isn't.

    I honestly believe anyone who couldn't make that same judgement, is either stupid, gullible, or wasn't paying enough attention.

    Sorry if that's harsh or offensive.

    It's harsh, not offensive. What do I care if you think im stupid gullible and lazy, I know I'm not.

  3. I was never told Father Christmas didn't exist either. Worked that one out myself too.

    It comes under the "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" requirement.

    If my Dad ever comes into my room with a God suit on trying to fool me, I'll be sure to start doubting.

  4. It's odd that people of science now appear to be arguing for the existence of something they can neither touch or see and there is absolutely no evidence to support it's existence....

    Yet they scoff at someone who apply that same set of criteria to the existence of intelligent life in the Universe in the form of a Creator &

    his organisation...

    Presumably alien abduction tales hold far more weight that the writings of 40 men in 66 books through thousands of years??!!

    Thought so!

    Hello Mr Strawman, how are you doing today.

    People aren't saying that intelligent life DEFINITELY exists elsewhere, just that it's extremely likely to based on what we know about the universe.

    Think of it like this, the universe is a roulette wheel, where the ball is being spun an infinite amount of times. For life to exist, the ball has to land on red.... say.... a million times in a row. What are the chances of that? Pretty damn small right? But, because we're spinning it an infinite amount of times we can be pretty damn sure it'll happen. Infact it will happen many times. The great thing is that within that infinite string of spins there will even be an infinite string of the ball landing on red! There'll also be an infinite string of it landing on black! Such is the nature of infinity.

    The universe is constantly expanding, constantly creating and destroying worlds, so say that our planet is unique amongst them is pretty damn foolish.

    It would be foolish if you beleived that this earth was created by chance that there isnt other life out there.

    If you believe that we were created, then its not so foolish at all.

    Planet. You do know what a planet is don't you?

    Unless you're saying that God has a patent on Earth and so nature avoids making any earth sized lumps of rock and putting them in orbit around a Sun sized star just in case God sues?

    Sorry, thought you were capable of having some sort of normal discussion without resorting to sarcasm + down talking.

  5. It's odd that people of science now appear to be arguing for the existence of something they can neither touch or see and there is absolutely no evidence to support it's existence....

    Yet they scoff at someone who apply that same set of criteria to the existence of intelligent life in the Universe in the form of a Creator &

    his organisation...

    Presumably alien abduction tales hold far more weight that the writings of 40 men in 66 books through thousands of years??!!

    Thought so!

    Hello Mr Strawman, how are you doing today.

    People aren't saying that intelligent life DEFINITELY exists elsewhere, just that it's extremely likely to based on what we know about the universe.

    Think of it like this, the universe is a roulette wheel, where the ball is being spun an infinite amount of times. For life to exist, the ball has to land on red.... say.... a million times in a row. What are the chances of that? Pretty damn small right? But, because we're spinning it an infinite amount of times we can be pretty damn sure it'll happen. Infact it will happen many times. The great thing is that within that infinite string of spins there will even be an infinite string of the ball landing on red! There'll also be an infinite string of it landing on black! Such is the nature of infinity.

    The universe is constantly expanding, constantly creating and destroying worlds, so say that our planet is unique amongst them is pretty damn foolish.

    It would be foolish if you beleived that this earth was created by chance that there isnt other life out there.

    If you believe that we were created, then its not so foolish at all.

  6. The big question is, how would the christians react if we found life on another planet? get them to join the e.union. then find them jobs :D

    Well, we'd all be wrong, if it was proven that tehre was intelectual life on another planet other than earth, that would prove the Bible wrong, but it wouldnt change my stance on there being a God.

  7. Regardless of what you think of SHA, they are good enough to stay in the Prem.

    That's crap.

    The only chance they have is if three other teams are more shit than they are

    If there are three teams more shit than you, you're good enough to stay in the Prem.

    This season. sha are fortunate this year, they are fortunate Hull exist otherwise it would be the same threee going down as came up

    Well, seems they were a long way off it!

  8. i'd have prefered Liverpool to get 4th if anything.

    Me too.

    But if I had to pick between spuds and shitty, I would probably prefer spuds to grab fourth spot.

    It has to be spuds if we can't do it as the worst thing for English football would be citeh getting 4th this year.

    I disagree, I think it'd be better.

    City have unlimited money anyways, so them making the CL really doesn't make a difference to them, but it'll hurt Liverpool/Spurs who didn't qualify. If Spurs were to qualify, then they'd get the CL exposure and Man City would still be able to sign top players.

    Man City did not find it easy to sign players last summer, if the make the CL, they will start finding it much easier. Id rather have Man C having loads of money but no CL to draw players in, and Spurs having not as much money but the bonus of CL, than Man City having them both and tightening their grip on being in Englands top 4. ANyway, who's to say whoever gets 4th will be get past qualifying anyway? Everton never managed it.

  9. sam!

    It's pretty strange how I have them as memories when they weren't memories at all, just pixels but I recall times in the game like they actually happened

    Dan you old rouge !

    See what I did there.

    Yes, you spelt Rogue erong 8)

    Edit: I'm keeping that typo there just because.

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