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Posts posted by ahamaad

  1. McNaught was my choice, led from the front, great header of the ball, reliable and ideal with McGrath as the sweeper.

    In his absence Southgate wins can't see the fuss over Mellberg, not in Southgates class

    would play 352 just to have McNaught, Evans and God :-)

    would you fancy playing those 3

    Karren Brady as cheerleader and you've got my fantasy! :winkold:

  2. Anyone who thinks this is a good deal needs shooting. I have just read that Spuds hav e bid 9 million for Andy Johnson, a player with fewer caps, fewer international goals and who scored from the penalty spot for most of his goals last season because he is a diving cheat.

    2.5 mill for vass, I'll say it again, clubs must love doing business with us!


  3. Not far from Queens Park, just been up there walking the mutt in fact.

    Mr Cresswell do you know of any decent Thai takeaways? I love Thai food but the only ones I know are all restaurants, can't be arsed with all that sitting down and being served shite.

    New one opened on Harborne High street. I live near Fellows lane BTW, just off War lane.

    Is that the one that's opposite the Vine? The one that does Chinese and Thai?

    I think its opposite the LLoyds TSB bank. Menu looks alright.

  4. Not far from Queens Park, just been up there walking the mutt in fact.

    Mr Cresswell do you know of any decent Thai takeaways? I love Thai food but the only ones I know are all restaurants, can't be arsed with all that sitting down and being served shite.

    New one opened on Harborne High street. I live near Fellows lane BTW, just off War lane.

  5. The Times.

    Its a good newspaper. Good journalism, easy to read, mostly factual, no stories about Brtiney adn her three in a bed romp with whoever, excellent sports/football (The Game) section. Its the one paper that jumps out at me from all the ones there if I go to a newspaper stand.

    The Guardian is a close second for the above reason.

  6. I'm having Indian tonight as it's payday - Nargis Kebab, Chicken Dansak, Nan bread and a side order of Tarka Dhal. Lentil overdose, which guarantees no end of toilet amusement the day after.

    I'd go for the curry if I were you, nothing like vindaloo to clear a cold. If you're bed-ridden it'll soon cure that as well, unless you follow through in your sleep. Or something.

    Whereabouts are you anyway? You said South Birmingham that doesn't really narrow it down in recommending good curry houses....

    Great choices, haven't had a Dansak in ages. I'm in Yardley, so anywhere Sparkhill/Cov road would be great.

    TRL, there aint many Vietnamise take-away's in Brum, believe it or not :shock:

    Ah too far away for me to recommend anywhere then, I'm in Harborne. Over this way I could have directed you to some crackers.

    Dhansak is the one dish I never get fed up with at Indians, love it. Getting a bit old for the bravado Vindaloos now :cry: Again Tarka Dhal is a wonderful side, if you like Dhansak chances are you'll like that.

    hey, I finally found another Villa fan in Harborne! Where abouts are you then mate?

  7. Would I like to see Baros come to Villa?


    Will I see baros come to Villa?

    No. Not when there are a host of other clubs who are in European comps who can have him. I heard Lyon are interested and Houllier is there.

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