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Posts posted by Rustibrooks

  1. 5 minutes ago, bickster said:

    I did read it, you compared the two countries and said you don’t see why their position isn’t the same and why they are being treated differently.

    The answer is obvious and has already been answered before you even made your post

    But just to repeat it, SA only last week welcomed Hemedti to SA, leader of the RSF and perpetrator of both genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, in some instances multiple times. He's had help from the likes of the Wagner group on his way, he's on the side of the Houthi in Yemen, he's been at the head of a number of well known massacres. He’s a despicable human being with a dreadful record of slaughter

    This and a lot of the other shit going on in the world right now all go back to Putin, via Iran and South Africa are also part of that equation. South Africa isn’t some innocent country in this, it's absolutely a Russian ally. You have to view their actions through that lens.

    I compared their security voting intentions/the ICJ case. IMO I think they can be compared. What I will say though and I said it to specifically you at the time of the UN votes, I don’t think geopolitics should matter for what’s right and wrong. I obviously understand why countries hands are tied with certain things.

    I’m aware SA hosted the RSF and they are a horrible lot(that’s why I said South Africa aren’t perfect). Also recently SA have sent a security force to DR Congo to help with the cobalt mining genocide over there by M23. I don’t want to make this into the Africa politics thread but I wanted to bring that up to say that they aren’t ignoring everything that’s going on in the world. Could they do better? Obviously but that can be said for everyone. A lot of these issues are indeed Russian/Iran led as well as US/UK led.

  2. 2 minutes ago, bickster said:

    When did South Africa get invaded by Russia? Comparing SA with Ukraine is a false equivalence.

    But this was the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry of the attack on Al Ahli Hospital


    I didn’t say SA got invaded by Russia that has nothing to do with what I’m saying. Look at what I said again

    At the time when they had the UN votes, Ukraine abstained and it was questioned and then excused. But SA’s motive is being excused and is now being labelled as hypocrites and being on the same level as Russia. 

    SA also said this about Hamas at the ICJ but this seems to have missed people. (Apologies for the X link I can’t find the website for the court docs)



  3. I remember at the time when there was one of the early UN Security Council votes in favour of a ceasefire, Ukraine voted to abstain and their motive was questioned. This however was quickly excused due to their geopolitical position with US and UK. I don’t get why this is not the same case for SA with their position with Russia/China? 

    SA are not perfect (none of these countries are), however they have every right to bring a case to the ICJ. There are other genocides and atrocities around the world, are the world now going to expect SA to do the same with all of them? I hope not but what I hope that’s come from this is that it inspires others to follow suit with the other genocides. If countries always have to look at themselves before presenting a case like this then we are likely to get no where with peace around the world then.

  4. 10 hours ago, Jareth said:

    Have been mulling the SA paradox about Russia and Israel. They've been close to Russia though abstaining at the UN. They've also had a relationship with Israel since Mandela. Agreed about BRICS but that does not erase the commonalities of the countries, which is also why you have Irish barristers representing South Africa. Not sure you can write SA off by only considering their geopolitical place. 

    Pretty much agree, IMO it’s just a bit of whataboutism and most people would be calling it that if situations were flipped around.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Pongo Waring said:

    Where are these Zaha to Villa rumours coming from?

    Would love Wilfried Zaha here. Zaha on the Left, Bailey on the Right. What an handful!

    Having Martinez and Zaha in the team to wind the opposition up is something I can get behind 

    • Like 3
  6. I wonder if we’ll eventually do a 'culture' kit like Arsenal? I remember they had a kit that was based of the Jamaica colours as apart of their culture kit i think last season? Would be cool if we done done based on something to do with area/demographics of the area

  7. It’ll be a big shame if this is all true. I don’t want to be too hard on the lad but in my own opinion( a bias one at that) he’s in a really favourable position as a young striker. He’s currently working with one of the best managers that is known for getting the best out of his strikers.

    It could be that Emery's personality and Duran’s, just don’t mesh at all which can happen in any sort of working situation. That’s no fault on anyone, whatever the reason is hopefully we can get some more light on it soon. 

  8. I’ve seen somewhere that AC Milan have used up their non-eu quota already, I’m guessing they are selling/loaning someone out if they are serious about Duran.

  9. I think 86 points might be enough for any team to win the league this year. (Just a guess based on the top 4)

    As a rough estimate if we are going for the title, we would need to get around 47 points? Which if I calculated correctly it’s 2.47 ppg. It will be tough but if we can get some reinforcements and have some luck with injuries then who knows?


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