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Posts posted by birdman

  1. Hopefully Mings will learn when to play out and when not to. However I would rather he carry on playing in the style he does and put up with getting caught out now and again OVER being too safe all the time and hoofing it. The style he plays always carries more risk but for me the trade off is acceptable. Its just improving that decision making.

  2. 5 hours ago, Dave-R said:

    People say he needs to be playing in a top 6 side with the best players for him to reach that next gear, I disagree. I think Jack can reach that next gear just by playing against more difficult opposition which he is doing. When we first arrived in this league most our players against spurs were real sluggish and slow, each and everyone of them was always going to take time getting upto speed. Now they are upto speed alot of them they now need to excel and Jack himself will most certainly do that playing against the best in this league, he doesn't need to be alongside the best. In fact I'd go as far as to say the best way for a player to shine in this case Jack, is by shining with a squad where everyone in that team are trying to get the notice, the status even the glory. Those top 6 clubs and there players already have all that fame and glory, It would take him a long time or a massive injury crisis, Jack would be waiting and waiting for his chance to break into there sides. Jack would learn no doubt about that but at a cost of time on the field for a while. The best way is always beating the best on the field as you learn your opponents and add things to your game to beat them, Jack is doing that right now and he doesn't have to bloody wait for game as he's the star here.

    Jack's best place is here with us while ever were in the premier and he and everyone bloody knows it. Those who come out and say he should be at a top 6 side are just not wanting him to be at Villa anymore. The only way they know how to make top clubs thirsty for a player is to spark some crazy media spark off all in hopes some top club will see it and take note. They would of already taken note anyway that's for sure, we have two players in Jack and John who the top 6 would want and they would have to pay massive to prize them away for us. Would of been a time that a top six club would of been able to do with ease and small change, but they can't do it as successful these days. Clubs were needing the cash back then but now the premier is a place of spoils from the wars and clubs get rich quick, not like the 90s a player like Jack or John would of been off to Man Utd for peanuts.

    Jack will stay with us while ever were in the premier, as for his England call up, I don't think Southgate will take him to the euros for a few reasons and it's a shame because they for the wrong reasons. Would be perfect to go to euros and get some experience then he's ready for the world cup stage after which I also dread for Jack is he doesn't go to those euros under SG.

    I think he will go. If he keeps this up I cant see how Southgate can not pick him. Pundits up and down the country and opposition fans are raving about him and Southgate will be under alot of pressure. Imagine not having that talent on the bench to call upon? Imagine the criticism he will get if  England struggle for composure and creativity against better opposition than we have faced recently. 

  3. Its clear from the extended highlights (thanks for that by the way!) that Wes needs to work on his movement...technically and in terms of actual effort.

    30 secs - why is he attacking the same space as El Ghazi? Wes should have darted either left or dropped right towards far post as either move could have drawn a Newc player away. 

    7:32 - One two with Jack...nice but why isn't he immediately busting a gut to get to the box? Its as if hes admiring the move for a split second and loses valuable time. As it turns out he ends up with decent space on edge of box anyway but is let down by poor decision from McGinn.

    8 min - the sitter - on another day he scores that. Should have done better though

    Lots of good link up play too its just that he needs to be playing a bit higher and perhaps being more positive with the ball at his feet. I want to see what he can do driving at goal and testing the keeper!

  4. 1 hour ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

    To be fair, Tammy missed way more chances for us than I've seen him do at Chelsea this year. He's been absolutely clinical, and I never saw this run of form coming from him. 

    Indeed. Tammy has way more chances created for him (both at Villa and Chelsea) and is also very good at creating his own chances hence he will always be prolific in the box as long as he gets the service. A very good combination.

    Wesley is nothing like that because he plays too deep and when he is in the box is solely relying on service from others (so far at least) which as far as I can tell has been scrappy (anyone else think we put too many useless "floaty" balls in the box?)

    He does need to improve and also try and create his own luck by generally being more positive on the ball and holding off players while running TOWARDS goal rather than always trying to bring others in to play with back to goal. Obviously we don't know what instructions hes had from Dean Smith but adjustments needed in both tactics his general play. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Rob182 said:

    I love Jack, but I just wish he could shoot!

    He’s scored the odd goal here and there, but for a player as expressive in the attacking third as he is, his shooting is absolutely shocking. Imagine if Hazard could do all the trickery in the world, but then turned into Tonev when he lashed at goal. That’s how I (harshly, perhaps) view Grealish’s ability.

    Yes he usually tries to score by teasing the ball around the keeper but I think he would be more successful if he could put his foot through it on occasion. After hes done all the hard work on the ball and left opposition defenders in meltdown sometimes he could do with smashing the ball at goal instead of looking for one more pass. Its that fine balance between selfish and team work!  His natural instinct is always team work and of course thats his strongest game.

    • Like 1
  6. Had a very decent game yesterday despite missing the sitter. Particularly the first half where he was holding the ball and looking to bring other into play. I noted a few occasions where he had the ball and was frustrated with the movement of his team mates and could only play the ball backwards! Could see him throwing his hands in the air.

    He just needs some confidence to drive at the defence and get some shots off. Too much time with his back to the goal and holding defenders off - which he is good at but wont help with the goals on its own.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Tomaszk said:

    Don't think we are at all right now.

    We could have had Cameron Archer up front the last 4 games and I don't think he could have done any less than Wes.

    We are poor in the final third, decision making, pass selection, crossing, shooting. Everyone has a part to play not all down to Wes. We start fixing this situation, Wes will score more. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Tomaszk said:

    Don't think we are at all right now.

    We could have had Cameron Archer up front the last 4 games and I don't think he could have done any less than Wes.

    We are poor in the final third, decision making, pass selection, crossing, shooting. Everyone has a part to play not all down to Wes. We start fixing this situation, Wes will score more. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, Tomaszk said:

    Don't think we are at all right now.

    We could have had Cameron Archer up front the last 4 games and I don't think he could have done any less than Wes.

    We are poor in the final third, decision making, pass selection, crossing, shooting. Everyone has a part to play not all down to Wes. We start fixing this situation, Wes will score more. 

  10. On 12/11/2019 at 21:05, danceoftheshamen said:

    It is getting worrying now, all these injuries just as we are due to play the one game on paper we have the biggest chance of 3 points from for the next 6 games!

    Newcastle will be very tough, they will be out to get one in for Bruce as will Clark. They keep picking up results too, won at Arsenal, won at West Ham Beat Man U etc.

    Must admit i am starting to get very concerned about the next half dozen games off the back of 3 straight losses too.

    We need at least 5 points from them in my opinion which would put us on 16 from 18 games but with a load of the toughest fixtures done.

    I'm not too worried at the moment. Generally been very decent albeit without the points we deserved although you could argue silly mistakes don't deserve points! I believe we'll come out ok from the next run of games - 4 points from next 3 at least I hope.

    I really really want Jack and the rest of the lads to destroy Newcastle though - i cant stand some of their clueless fans! Some idiot was asking what all the hype was about with Grealish and I reminded him that they all thought Milner was crap when they sold him to us all those years ago. Absolute weapons.

  11. 50 minutes ago, turvontour said:

    It's just disappointing that we've paid £20-25million on someone we need to give time to develop. 

    Am I the only one who thinks 20 million transfer fee isn't that much money these days? For that kind of money these days you wouldn't necessarily expect a player to deliver from the get go?

    I think Wes was a calculated risk and has the potential to be very good. The scouts must have seen something they liked and the hope would have been to hit the ground running. Obviously we're not quite there yet however Dean Smith has to find a way to get him more support and of course Wes needs to do his bit also. 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, sne said:

    Standing off is his go to style that he uses against everyone every game regardless of what.

    This time it sorta worked.

    Indeed and with a fast tank of a player like Traore there is only two ways to defend - don't get too close and do your best to track in front of them to block any ball OR go in on them immediately without hesitation and get the ball....or get a card! 

  13. 2 hours ago, villalad21 said:

    Doesn't look the same when Jack isn't playing.

    Agreed, not been at his best last few games although I do think hes knackered as well which doesn't help. Tried to do too much, few times yesterday could have played simple pass but ended up losing it.

  14. Not easy to defend against Adama, you dont get many worse gigs than that but he was very poor and didn't seem prepared at all. So flat footed and looked like he didn't want to be on the pitch. Not what any fan wants to see but I'm sure he'll bounce back.

  15. Nyland did well and given the slating he got from many when came on I think he deserves credit. Looked a little nervous when putting his gloves on but certainly played with confidence so well done.

    • Like 2
  16. Both goals were horrendous to concede. The first was plain stupid not to have one person with the intelligence to keep on eye on what Neves was doing. Great finish though. As others have said the second one was too easy for Adama as Luiz bounced off him rather feebly but the most tragic thing were the defenders in the box who were ball watching rather than tracking the inbound attackers!! Screw where the ball is coming from just look up and make sure you are making life difficult for the players trying to score. Awareness and concentration severely lacking. 

  17. If he misses Wolves and Liverpool not the end of the world. Its a shame obviously but if you have to miss a couple of games you could argue its good timing! Any longer than that is a concern though but you have to hope others will step in and do a decent job. Only negative about a player like Jack is that he is literally unreplaceable! We'll certainly need McGinn to get back to his best but worried hes slightly jaded. *Mild panic*

  18. 12 minutes ago, carewjust4u said:

    Needs a rest...has played almost every minute. I remember last year around jan/feb we gave him a game or two off and he came back storming. Give the wee lad a chance to recover and play Luiz in his stead against City, will probably give us more balance aswell against vastly superior opposition.

    Yes I hope Smith does rest key players before we end up having an injury we regret. Its a tricky one as many of our games are pretty frantic where we don't have the luxury to replace John or Jack.

    • Thanks 1
  19. Thanks for the video, great to watch! You can see the Brighton players are fearful when up against him as they just do not want to commit and end up being mugged off...which then happens anyway lol.

    I don't think there is another player in the league you can compare him to and the England team certainly do not currently have a player like Jack, not even close.

    Looking forward to the Man City game because we should go out there and have a crack. If we lose we lose but we've given Spurs and Arsenal something to think about and maybe we can go one better this time.

  20. Perhaps McGinn is doing too much and needs to reign it in a bit! Maybe be more selective with his battles and runs in order to conserve energy. Its difficult not to like what he does but with a bit more game management can be even more effective over 90 minutes. 

  21. Proper baller is Super John! If he goes onto bigger and better things so be it. Not worth worrying aboutl! He'll be here for the season and then who knows but one thing is for sure it's a win win for us. 

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