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Posts posted by Dave-R

  1. By the time Ings leaves Villa, Tammy will be ready to step in, so Villa will buy and Watkins and Tammy could be the future striker force. 

    See if Ings keeps cracking them in then some club who needs a striker and who is above us could always come calling for him if they need a striker.

    The beauty of this is we can discuss this every season until it happens with many of you wonderful folk on VT 🤭

  2. 2 minutes ago, villalad21 said:

    Catched the las minute of it.

    Barely any people there which is disappointing.

    Covid restrictions or a lack of interest? Really hoping it's the former.

    At one point when we scored the crowd noise was loud.

    As a steward, covid restriction are still in place at football but some crowds are allowed back, it's getting there. Covid isnt going to go away, I was sposed to do racing at thirsk today and have had to self isolate despite the test being negative all because I have the symptoms.

    Interest maybe down because of Covid but also because we barely survived last season and that womens football is still gaining followers and popularity.

  3. That was a wicked comeback to a wicked win.

    Our Keeper can take a battering that's for sure.

    Lehmann is lovely on the ball, she got some skills and knows how to get past her mark.

    There were times when I thought what is this Villa team, it's so different from the Villa ladies of last season, they are playing with extreme hunger today. The passing slot of the time was fast, accurate and with speed. Our crossing was nice, again much better than last season.

  4. 9 minutes ago, remotevillan said:

    Can be watched on the fa player although.....the......commentator.....is .....pausing......between.....most......words

    Just heard and thanks.

    She just sounds robotic, is she new and learning to read lines off a screen?

    • Haha 1
  5. 22 minutes ago, nick76 said:

    So @Dave-R do you think Tammy Abraham will want to be back in England by January and we should sign him?

    I’m sure nobody will have issue with this comment 😉😂


    let’s see who bites


    Yeah he will score a ton of goals at Roma, then Villa will go buy him for even more than he would of first cost.

    We should of just bought him soon as Chelsea said he were for sale and I question those that didn't want him here.

    He could of been big at Villa and would of been but the ones who didn't want him to come back have gone silent, especially the person who said he was shit lol.

    Thing is Roma would now want a fortune for him and I'm not sure were going to be paying 60 million plus for him as they'd want there money back and then some.

    I think only chance to sign him would be him flop and we get at cut price.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Whilst this is a lovely photo and I have no complaints with it.  Men will never take women’s football seriously if they post stuff like this. 

    Well the women took part in the pics, it takes two to tango lol.

    While it's nice seeing pics like this I do also enjoy watching the womens games, so it's easy enough to put away your sexual needs to the side and just enjoy a game of womens football.

  7. 12 hours ago, CarryOnVilla said:

    It's strange that Grealish is rattled enough by Preece's  article that he tries a clap back on Twitter.

    I would of thought the opinions of Preece and the Birmingham Mail are too small time for Grealish to give a shit about now. Even in the terms of perception, Villa fans don't give that much of a shit about BM to normally care.

    Yet, something about the article spooked Jack... Either the article is blatant lies, what is public knowledge that BM are keen on telling, enough forJack not to care. or the article is saying some harsh truths, what Jack is trying to cover up in his response...

    If it were a reporter or paper with a bigger reputation, I'd get the need for a response. But Ashley Preece? come onnn, that's like using a bazooka to swat a fly 

    You know what they say?

    If something said bothers you that much that you have to come out and try play it down, is that something got to you about what was said and there must be some truths in it all.

    How many times when shit came out while he was at Villa did Jack stay silent, lots!! 

    I mean I always remember Jack posting on his Twitter account pics of being back in training, but I just don't ever remember him tweeting "glad to be back with the boys" like he has done with his City team mates. Its like he's where he's always wanted to be at the top in the premier and that is fine, just now he's getting grief for it from fans, pundits and the media and it bothers him. He wouldn't of got it all as bad as he's getting it though if he'd just kept quiet about how Villa is his club and all that he said that made it look like he'd be at the club till his days are over. Jack could of walked out the door with everyone's vest wished if he'd just been honest with himself and others, but he flat out turned on the fanbase that loved him most for not being just a player but a person also.

    If preece has irritated Jack so easy, then get another one wrote Ashley, maybe Jack will start to understand eventually of how a Villa fan feels about what he's said and the way he turned his back on the club.

  8. Southgate's a part, should of been sacked but people ate it up as if he did the business at the euros.

    Then the whole Jack thing, if he'd of given him fair opportunity and not been a dik about playing him who knows if hed of gone off to City or not. I would put a bet at next Tournament he doesn't behave like that and plays him like he's the no1 golden boy.

    Also dont know the talks Grealish and Southgate had behind closed doors. I know it's easy to say so but I just feel Southgate knew if he didn't play Jack he'd be off from villa. I reckon there are all sorts of games being played to turn players away from there clubs if they are sought after by someone up the top. Wouldn't surprise me if corruption is rife and payments are made to entice these kind of situations, just because we don't hear about it doesn't mean it does or doesn't happen.

    Grealish and Southgate will just become best buddy's like none of what southgate did ever existed.

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    • Haha 1
  9. 19 hours ago, dappadan said:

    Out of interest how many professional footballers have died from covid in the 18 months it has been around?

    You'd think the whole of Arsenal squad the way they are playing, it's like no one has turned up against teams 🤣

  10. Why do I feel that if Arteta gets sack then Bruce gets sacked from Newcastle that Bruce will end up at Arsenal 🤣

    I do not think one high rated Coach or manager will come into Arsenal and go through the headache and mess that is Arsenal, so were looking at Big Sam or Bruce types coming in at Farcenal now.

  11. You have to feel for fans when they have Bruce as a manager.

    Bruce still not changed in how he ignores questions and blaming everything other than himself.


  12. 5 minutes ago, Beastmix said:

    1. It's a shame he wasn't mentally strong enough not to be jealous of his peers playing in the Champions League.

    2. He didn't 'outgrow the club' because nobody is bigger than the club.

    3. They invested in the dream of being a fan and captaining the club you support. Ask most Villa fans if, in the same situation, they would trade this for anything else in football (such as playing in the Champions League for a different club in the same league) and they'd likely tell you where to go.

    4. It's an opinion piece... the key word there being opinion.


    Personally, I understand the emotions of Preece's opinion piece, but I'm equally I'm happy with the £100m and what we've done with it. We're no longer a team that needs to rely on Grealish and we are more balanced as a result. It's just a shame he doesn't show us any respect now he's left, especially considering he's a supposed fan.

    I'm happy with the 100 mill also, I mean who wants a sellout at the club,100 million trade sound like a god damn bargain for us when you trade a traitor.

    Good business really, I mean for all we know with his injury he had it could resurface anytime and make his career shorter, best to sell while we could of.

    We have plenty to look forward to at villa,it was only in our survival season, first season back in the prem we were all moaning our youth went good enough. Now look at the Youth doing there hardest to break in to the first team and we have so many who are kicking ass. Wasn't all to long ago we were even trash talking our fringe stars and while some may need moving on still for a while I feel even they are putting in decent performances some of them. Then theres our first team and subs bench, it's looking so much more healthier than what it did do a season or two ago..

    This season may see us not do as good as last with crowds back and home advantage back, but at least we will learn to play as a unit and not be in a situation where the Villa team is relying on just one player. I just think we have to be prepared for abit of a setback season and a season where anything can happen. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:


    Thing is Jack you kind of proved him right the moment you traded in all you said to Villa fans for a Blue shirt and a fortune. Money and medals you traded in your Villa shirt for, I'd say that classless. Arrogance was you trying to look for the exit and talking about it all while reassuring fans by signing new contracts. Jealous I can believe that, if other top names were getting international action, trophies and so on and you wernt getting it as fast as you thought you should be getting it.

    Really wished we could just be done with Jack but this shit keeps popping up like a bad piece of fish that went off in your home that can't be found. Jack himself can't seem to bloody move on and neither can Villa fans. Jack seems to feel the need to Express that he's this Villa fan who was devoted to the club. I don't know but it's like when someone like Ashley says these thing he can't stand for anyone to think bad about him or be pelted with bad news on him knowing really he brought it all on himself.

    • Like 2
  14. Brian still one of my managers of choice from the 90s, that guy kicked ass. I always liked listening to him talk and has been a positive influence with many at this club and throughout the game.

  15. 8 hours ago, paul514 said:

    When does the we were in the championship x years ago stop? No ones asking for the top we’re trying to sniff their arse in a Europa league spot as a realistic aim.

    Never does it. Part of history of our climb and hopefully rise to one of the big boys again. When your club is rocked to the point there was almost nothing left of it, I see the championship as our recovery ERA. Due to bad Owners, debts and needing to climb out of the championship league which can be a hell hole for many relegated clubs season after season, we did spectacular. NSWE certainly did every Villa fan right as well as Smith and everyone involved from staff to players.

    I certainly dont want to forget the championship and the fact that in our final season in that league, we became a properly run club once more.

    I just think there are lots of positives and reasons to remember it Paul.

    • Like 2
  16. No way is Bueno going to be dropped, no way.

    By the way I am pretty sure we should of celebrated Buendia's goal with some type of Kinder Buendio celebration lol. It's a whole damn money maker that is with Buendia and Bueno.


  17. I based my entire defensive game of Paul and Ugo, I watched them how they were tough to bypass, how smart they were not to give much away and how much Bully boys those pair could be in a very smart way at the right time.

    I were shocking at Football till in school till Villa called on me and I watched Paul and Ugo. I studied them and i admit i were always bullied in school, but our defenders made me really Express myself and brought football out in me where it started for my school team in Wolves. I played five a sides and full eleven's in charity league amongst all the hostels that i help set up when i came to Yorkshire. I came second place runners up with my team in the five aside power-league Tourny and winners of the 11v11 League and was even given the players manager trophy that everyone had done for me as a surprise. I would not have done any of that of it wernt for me being inspired by Paul, Ugo and many other Villa players. For me the best defenders in the game they were and I became a tough cookie to crack on the pitch. I was never skillful, I just would like to think I read the game well and made smart passes and plays.

    Paul I always liked listening to him and I always loved how he'd have a pint or more before games. I were amazed at how he'd got these dodgy knees but never let that stop him from bossing the game.

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, Okonokos said:

    What if the right target we wanted just wasn't available and they felt there was no point spending for the sake of it?

    Why let teams hold us to ransom because they know full well we have £100m in the bank?

    Sensible clubs don't make signings for the sake of it and don't spend unsustainably. I absolutely believe the reason they didn't sign one was because the right value for money didn't come up.

    I'd have liked a midfielder too but I don't think it's as big an issue as people are making out.

    The absolute main weakness from last season was creating chances without Grealish in the team. I think we've addressed that issue.

    This is what I was thinking other day. Maybe also is that were not just blowing the lot and seeing how we do till January. Maybe just maybe while everyone blows there load this window gone, we hang back some cash. If were in need of reinforcements, we can go spend again and bring quality into those positions where its absolutely without question needed. There are lots of ways to look at this, even if there are a few players in the prem or abroad, that in January show up like a bonfire that we didnt highlight. these players maybe wasn't on our radar,other teams cant go grab them as again they spent there lot but we have not and have reserved coinage.

    I do believe there are reasons why we just didnt blow our whole load in one window. I mean I can look at our squad now and at full strength it has the ability to devastate, all it needs is to sync together. Sure there be ups and downs but next window (if it is in January), if it's not abit later could see us buy a couple of decent players who are top quality stars.

    CDM would be lovely but for all we know between now and next window could click into place. This is why I think it's best we wait and just see how it goes now, we certainly can't say much until were at full strength. Hopefully were back fully fit in couple of weeks. 

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