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Everything posted by Irritated13

  1. I've had this post pointed out to me as I was involved in this “fight” on Saturday. I'd like to point out that I have been a season ticket holder in the Holte End for an unbroken 22 years and have occupied my current seat in row QQ since I bought it off-plan before the new stand was built. Never before have I been involved in something of this nature and I am extremely angry about the whole incident. I will be sending a private message to the General as I believe I have nothing to hide regarding my actions in relation to the continual provocation I had received all game. I share your concern that no stewards got involved and I can imagine the situation was intimidating for everyone around. It is not something I am proud to have been involved in and this type of action does not belong in modern-day football which should be family entertainment. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people around me for their involvement in calming the situation and also for the comments of support I received after the other group had left the ground. I hope the incident didn't take the gloss off another fantastic result in what is already proving an enjoyable season.
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