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Posts posted by Godders

  1. Moyes, Pearson, RDM. We're setting our sights too low lads. Now we've got Dr Tone on board with his hundreds of billions of £'s, we should be looking to poach Guardiola from under City's nose!!!!

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, abdomlahor said:

    Sorry, typo. The article says 100b (yuan? it doesnt specify i dont think). But I think 100b yuan = £10.4b. I could be wrong.

    Ahh yes, you are right then, if Yuan, it would be £10.4b

  3. 19 minutes ago, andyh said:

    Does FFP even apply in the Championship?

    I beleive it's the football league version, only enforcable by the football league. If you're not in the football league, there are no sanctions.

    Leicester and Bournemouth have had no ill effects as they're in the Premiership. If either were to be relegated, then they'd be penalised.

    Basically, FFP should be a non-issue if we go up quickly and stay up I think.

  4. 2 minutes ago, StanBalaban said:

    Actually, thinking out loud, it seems to say that we've floated a deal to a number of Chinese private equity firms, instructed by the advisors at whatever bank we're using to broker any deal, and if anyone options it then it would be a job well done by us. 

    However, as such he also seems to think that no one actually would take up this proposal.


    (If he's legit and I've read his Tweet correctly)

    So that would mean we're not close to a deal being done then if Lerner's still fishing for a buyer??

    • Like 1
  5. The article says negotiations stalled last time over Lerner's concerns to find the most suitable buyer. I can't help but feel that it won't be this guy taking us over - Lerner surely will still have the same concerns, and would be under no pressure to sell to him given the interest from other folks being reported.

  6. 15 minutes ago, sonic_bouma said:

    i reckon it's between Moyes and Pearson. We're just waiting for the takeover to happen and for them to see who they gel with.



    If that's the case then my guess would be takeover happens = Moyes, takeover doesn't happen = Pearson

  7. 42 minutes ago, ferguson1 said:

    Should Leicester have big money to spend now and want to attract some better players, we could look at one or two buys/loans from them? 

    That Albrighton fella they've got looks like he could definitely do a job for us!

  8. 36 minutes ago, andyh said:

    so, even if Chinese VC's bought the club for £100m, with reduced income, high running costs, the need for investment on the playing side, and the debt, they would still need to chuck in multi millions. 

    They would never make a profit on the club, even if we got promoted at the first attempt. And that's on the assumption there would be buyers out there.

    For me, this doesn't stack up.

    So by that logic, we're so f***ed that AVFC will never turn a profit again then. May as well wind the club up now then.

    If they want to try and turn a profit, then they have to make us successful. Even if they fail at turning a profit, then the inference is that in doing so, they would at least have tried to make us successful, which is a hell of a lot more than we've seen for the last 5 years.

    • Like 1
  9. 28 minutes ago, samjp26 said:


    Sorry, it's late and I've had a couple of drinks, so I may be missing something obvious, but how does this refute any point I've made in my post??

    I find it interesting that I read somewhere (don't remember where) that the odds on Leicester winning the league next season, and getting relegated are reasonably similar, more so than you would expect for a 'normal title winning team'. That suggests the bookies don't know if Leicester are a genuine future force in football, or if they'll have to sell Mahrez and Vardy and will end up being found out.

    If we were to be having this conversation in ten years time, I would at the moment be almost certain that one of the Man U, Chelsea or Man City will have won the league at least 6 or 7 seasons out of the 10. Like it or lump it, money buys the best players, the best players make the best teams, and the best teams win the titles more often than not.

  10. 4 hours ago, Gary Thomas said:

    earn £70m-£80m a year in TV money plus other revenue.

    You don't earn as a football club. Transfer prices are f'ing ludicrous. If our new owner wants to earn the TV money, we'll be left behind again while everyone around us spends theirs. Look at Newcastle's attempt to stay up this season.

    Villa can be a good investment, but only on a capital basis. Anyone looking to take over the club to generate some kind of regular incime will screw us over I reckon. You can't run a football club as a business. The business model for any new owner has to be grow the value of the club, which can only really be done through success, and the exposure success brings. 

    The economics are far from obvious since there is significant risk here. We may get relegated. We may get drawn into Championship limbo. We may become a yo-yo team, or we may become the team we've been for the last few seasons and scrape premiership survival by the skin of our teeth season after season.

    Assuming, very simplistically for a second that an Everton valuation of £200mil is what a new owner would be aiming for, and that they buy the club for £100mil, which is a number I've seen bandied around recently. To have a 5% return on investment, they can invest a further £90million into the club. Assuming that goes on playing staff, it's a couple of decent premiership standard players really. Certainly not enough in my opinion to garantee mid table premiership safety season after season. 

    This takeover could work wonders, but we either need someone who will pump money in hand over fist to get us into Champions League (where the money is), or someone who can build the Villa brand to the extent where we're a global name and attract huge sponsorship and endorsements. Anything less than that and we're destined for mediocrity at best. 


  11. 41 minutes ago, GENTLEMAN said:

    Some of the interested parties are put off by the mess of the club apparently. They want Villa/Lerner to employ a Chief Ex with football experience on a short term contract or to front a bid to buy the club and be part of the medium term future. Cortese is mentioned as being interested according to the article. The Chinese group are the current favourites.


    This makes no sense. If they're put off by the mess the club is in, surely they're not interested in buying the club?!!

    They're not in a position to dictate who Lerner employs or doesn't. If they don't like the price at £75million, they're not going to tell Randy to employ x CEO to make it worth their while. They'll use it to haggle the price down and bring their own guy in once done.

    However, no smoke without fire and all that, so with my Villa tinted glasses on I'm reading this as a party has conducted due diligence, identified what the club needs to move forward, and will be spending the next week or so on the verge of walking away until Randy drops his price a touch.

    Gentleman- apologies for quoting your post, I know you've taken this from the Sun article, but yours was easier to quote.

  12. Would due diligence cover the football side of things? I thought that was mainly for the business side of things. 

    If Comolli has access to the football operations, does that suggest that this deal is further along than exclusivity to conduct due diligence?

  13. 31 minutes ago, dudevillaisnice said:

    I think we need someone (or multiple people) with a plan/vision rather than the richest person possible. 

    Nah f that. Plan and vision can be employed. Money can't. Get the money men in please.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    I wish people (not referring to you) would stop pushing this made-up BS.

    I can 100% guarantee that Ellison WAS at Villa Park today.


    I'm not referring to Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle and worlds 5th richest person though.

  15. 34 minutes ago, HeyAnty said:

    Whats unbelievable about it?

    I would dearly love to own an e-type Jag, and I would own it and drive it for my own enjoyment.

    I have an idea of what I think a reasonable price is for a one in a reasonable condition. That doesn't mean I'm going to rush out and buy one straight away though if I could afford it. I'd have to enter into extensive negotiations first (with the missus).

    I certainly wouldn't buy one more expensive than i think it should be, just because i want one and i can afford it.

    If I find one cheaper than i would think it should be, it doesn't mean I'm less likely to buy it just because i didn't buy one at fair value. In fact, I would be more likely to buy it.

    Exactly the same principle here in my opinion. Doesn't matter if the club is bought for personal enjoyment as opposed to a business investment.

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