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Posts posted by Duck

  1. Every time I read this thread I think of THIS Eric. I just imagine Black being like this at work.

    Theyre so similar in their struggles, but THIS Eric actually manages to grasp what he's supposed to do. 

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Daweii said:

    While it is wise to wait and see the second that official site updates to "Club statement: Aston Villa sale complete" without reading any more I'll feel like a 5 year old on Christmas day.

    I know I'll be the same. For weeks now I've been dying for a big money buyer to step in and throw money at us and give us some excitement again.

    But then the realist villa fan in me steps in, reminds me that randy came in with the promise of a bright future. I get reminded of the same old "it's never us" story. I'm so wary of every negative rumour in this takeover - such and such haven't enough money to invest in us etc.

    I really hope this takeover is a good thing for the club. I can't stand the club rotting anymore and just want the exciting and successful Aston villa back. 

    I'll still refresh this thread repeatedly til news comes in, I just hope it's good news

  3. I take it there's a financial reason for him not playing.

    As in we pay Barca X amount once he starts/plays so many games or he has a clause in his contract that says he needs to be on the team sheet so many times and paid so much of a bonus for playing....

    can anyone confirm? Can't see any reason why he wouldn't even feature, waste of money if we aren't even giving him a chance 

  4. 3 hours ago, Junxs said:

    I think this spells the beginning of the end of AVTV with Jacks departure. They probably feel they cant run it anymore with the drop in finances.

    Ironically I think the average fan would be more inclined to get it now with the loss of widely available streaming of premier league matches.

    A lot of fans would be thinking "I'm not going to sit through 2 hours of a highlights show on channel 5 watching 200 goals over 3 leagues to catch a 30 second glimpse of Villas goals".  This would be a good time for AVTV to up their game and cash in on the fans who wont be watching streams anymore.

    Stop talking nonsense. That actually sounds like something that would MAKE us money! 

    Thats the last thing we would do under the current leadership 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, sne said:

    Will become valuable in the future as very few will be made, and only a handfull will ever be sold.

    If randy has anything to do with it you can guarantee that it'll still manage to drop in value 

  6. Was working today so missed the everything about the game....

    Did he forget we had a subs bench? Most of them would have got a great reception if they'd come on.... Traore, Gil, Lyden.... But he just makes one change in added time?

    Its like he's taunting us!

    As said earlier, thank god there's only one more match under this fool... Hopefully


    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, mykeyb said:

    Since Black is quite obviously not a manager I would suggest its for the best all round if he was not part of Aston Villa any longer


    Fixed a few points there

  8. Isn't this season over yet?

    Think best case scenario is Newcastle and Sunderland to come down. Both will have players on bigger wages than Norwich and will either have to go all out for promotion or have a mini clear out. Can't see either manager staying with them either.

    Either way.... We really need to get our asses in gear and start preparing. The advantage of being relegated early and having the heads start for next season is nearly run out

  9. 22 minutes ago, dudevillaisnice said:

    Has any championship club ever spent £40m? I guess with sales etc it's probably achievable but even that doesn't seem likely. 


    not convinced how accurate these numbers are but should give a rough idea of spending power.

    last summer very few teams spent over £9m. Most spent nothing or a few hundred thousand. 

    • Like 1
  10. Don't get the selections he makes. Don't get his decisions. Don't get anything he comes out with. 

    Don't get why we're even relying on him to look after this club.

    Please God let us get a decent manager and owner soon

    • Like 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

    What's the record number of matches for a manager to never register a point?

    I can see... 9 defeats on the trot for Mick McCarthy with Sunderland at the end of 2002/3. He replaced Howard Wilkinson who had just had 6 on the trot.

    That Sunderland team hold the record of 15 defeats in a row over one season.

    Cant seem to find anything on specific managers.... 9 is the highest I've found

  12. 1 hour ago, briny_ear said:

    Do you mean literally we won't turn up? Like, just forfeit the match? I can see the sense in that - would save on travel and hotel bills and would give us a place in footballing history for this season.

    Ironically we'd probably get a better result as well. 


    .... I've basically just repeated what Richards said. Great minds and all that...

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, rodders0223 said:

    Oh right.

    So that is why he is sorry.


    "Oh shit I better put out some bullshit apology, I just lost 200k."

    Was probably one of the terms of his punishment. He's been handed the fine and either told to write or given an apology to post online. 

    Dont get fooled into thinking he actually means any of it. He's more sorry that he's out of pocket than how he's behaved 

  14. 8 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    And my point was, just because those guys came from Arsenal and didn't do a great job doesn't mean Comolli will be the same. And if he does fail, it won't be because he once worked for Arsenal.

    Although if he does fail he will be another on the list of people who have joined us from arsenal and failed :P

    We need a complete refit anyway. I'm sure he'd do well if given half a chance

  15. 35 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    How is that relevant though? The fact that other people have come to Villa from Arsenal and (apparently) failed doesn't have any bearing on Comolli.

    I don't have much of an opinion on him either way, I just can't stand this kind of logic because it makes no sense.

    It's not really relevant at all to Comolli as as person or his ability.

     I'm just pointing out that the last guys we got from arsenal were highly spoken of but in the end didn't really achieve anything positive of note when they were here. In fact fox, almstadt and to a lesser extent garde were all lambasted on here for their failures this season.

    My point being something along the lines of, just because someone was good at arsenal doesn't mean they'll do wonders for us. 


  16. 2 hours ago, Zatman said:

    I see Troyes have 17 points and are also relegated, our mission should be to beat them on points stake for season ;) 

    I'd be very suprised if we even got 17 points. This squad is mentally shot and the majority really couldn't care less.

    Cant see us getting anything at Watford, Newcastle will be fighting for the win and we won't even turn up let alone put up a fight against Arsenal.

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