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Posts posted by AstonMartin82

  1. Fair enough, but to pull out a sample size of 8 games where Palace's have been on a hot streak and Villa on a very cold streak it is naturally going add a lot of volatility into the figures. If you go back over a more suitable length of time he would still be the lowest scoring midfielder in Villa's squad.


    Sometimes a player just doesn't fit at a club... Bannan was given plenty of chances here and never took them despite all of the promise that he showed in the Villa youth team. Perhaps things will turn out better for him under Pulis but personally I'm just relieved that he is no longer at Villa because he was very clearly Villa's weakest link in midfield and even if he fulfilled his maximum potential it wouldn't be good enough for Villa but would be for Palace.


    Right now I can't wait for Lambert to sign a Jedinak type player and replace El Ahmadi who is also out of his depth in this league in my opinion.

  2. I don't think we were that much better today. Sunderland just went for it and we had a lot of space to run into. Most teams won't gift us a goal, so wont have the need to attack us the way Sunderland did. 


    It's not these games which annoy me, it's when teams sit back and we have no way of breaking them down. 


    I'm quite surprised that some seem to be changing their mind on Lambert based on beating bottom of the league away. 


    Bruce OUT, Lambert IN!!!



    • Like 4

    Dropped for the match against Norwich today.


    I doubt he was dropped today after playing so well against Man City. He really did have a good game that day.


    He is being saved for the FA Cup game against West Brom.


    In the end, looked like Palace needed him. Just got a draw, and only from a penalty.



    Palace are not prioritising the FA Cup over Premier League survival. He was dropped... he has been poor very often this season. Like last.


    They didn't "just" get a draw... a few people I know who were at the game have stated Palace were all over Norwich and should have won the game.

  4. Heard today that he will leave and go to either Arsenal or Chelsea for 25 million. Also heard that he could of gone for 7 million in the summer but Villa convinced him to sign a new contract and paid him a decent amount of cash to sign it.

    Not been injured and has been training most days.

    I don't know whether to believe the above or not but thought I would post it. The lad I work with uses a players season ticket and drives him to games.

    Also said Baker is a clearing in the woods and Albrighton never wanted to come back from his loan.


    Would have never of left for £7m in a hundred blue moons.


    Don't have an opinion on his training, though it is possible he has been lightly training throughout the injury.


    The comment on Baker is neither here or there. There are plenty of people that I think are awesome but others would think are clearings in the woods. Doesn't affect their ability to perform.


    Not sure about Albrighton thing either... it would seem he has been given a last chance of PL and is making the most of it. It would seem odd to turn that opportunity down from your boyhood club?


    Anyways, in other news, Tekkers is 7.5 for first goalscorer. Easy money there today!! Come on Tekkers!!!!


    HH would be committing ITK suicide by predicting the exact timing or identity of signings.There are just too many variables with getting signings finalized that it would just lead to way too much angst and derision.

    ...plus I doubt anyone knows who lambert is after!



    I am hoping Lerner might...!

  6. I think your poll needs a £60-80m option.

    Now added.

    Fire away everyone. I think you are undervaluing the team though. Remember we got £2-3 million when we sold Bannan where as some people were valuing him at about zero.

    We got 500k for Bannan with add ons making it a max of £3m depending on their PL status and amoungst others i'd imagine like goals and assists.

    I think your valuations of Agbonlahor is massively over rated. As is Guzman and a few others.

  7. His performances can be criticised in many ways but the trend line is upwards, to even better performances.

    Have to remember during a game it's often what an attacking player like Bannan gets right that matters most, not what he gets wrong.

    If you look at the end of game stats for Bale and Ronaldo, they have about 3 turnovers and 3 dispossessed. The reason for that is they were involved in the game and trying things. They are considered great players for what they got right during a game, not what went wrong.

    Happy New Year Con.

    May you continue to entertain the masses and bring laughter into my life in 2014 in the same way you have in 2013.

    • Like 1


    If Lambert's hands have been tied by Lerner's funding to date and he is now saying he wants to add some experience to the side in order to steady the recent wobble in the youngsters' confidence, shouldn't we at least give him January to see what he can do with the squad? By all accounts we're going to sign a #10, a 'name' and if possible a defensive player. Sounds good to me and let's face it, it's not like a new manager would be given oodles of cash in January to start from scratch. Arguably 3 of our best players (Vlaar, Benteke, Okore (he's the arguable one)) are injured at present and we were more than fine until Vlaar's injury. If we make some canny signings in January we'll be fine again. Odds are with Vlaar and Benteke back we'll be fine anyway. IMHO it'd be madness and stupidly but typically short-sighted to start over again.


    This is far too sensible. Sacking the manager would be much more exciting for the next couple of weeks! Especially when we might be able to attract the likes of Steve Bruce.


    Steve Bruce you say? I wonder where you heard that from? Is this more ITK or is it .......................... shall we say, bollox?


    Seriously though and ignoring your little witty post, now is exactly the time that changing managers would be a good idea. Why? because there is a window to change things in terms of players. And enough time to change fortunes around on the playing side of things.


    Will we rid ourselves of the mumbling one? I suspect not. That aint the same as we should though



    I agree entirely that if you are going to sack a manager then now is the time to do it.


    Why I think we should stick with Lambert though is because I don't think it is Lambert that is the problem. We are lacking leaders and experience. A change of manager will deliver neither of these things. It may get the players rallied for a couple of months but then come the summer the clear out will begin again and we'd be back to where we were at the beginning of this season. I made an analogy a few pages back that if I injected myself with heroin things which be great in the short term. But longer term things would suck and the foundation for my future would not be promising.


    Lambert sets his side up to attack and play entertaining football. The players are simply not delivering because they are either too inexperienced, suffering from second season syndrome or simply don't care. Personally I believe that this team coupled with 2 new Premier League experienced players led by Paul Lambert will mean happier days in 3 years time than sacking PL now, waiting till the summer to start again and possibly fail.


    To me it is an easy call to make and I will believe in this until the end of the season at which time things should be reconsidered.

    • Like 2
  9. If Lambert's hands have been tied by Lerner's funding to date and he is now saying he wants to add some experience to the side in order to steady the recent wobble in the youngsters' confidence, shouldn't we at least give him January to see what he can do with the squad? By all accounts we're going to sign a #10, a 'name' and if possible a defensive player. Sounds good to me and let's face it, it's not like a new manager would be given oodles of cash in January to start from scratch. Arguably 3 of our best players (Vlaar, Benteke, Okore (he's the arguable one)) are injured at present and we were more than fine until Vlaar's injury. If we make some canny signings in January we'll be fine again. Odds are with Vlaar and Benteke back we'll be fine anyway. IMHO it'd be madness and stupidly but typically short-sighted to start over again.


    This is far too sensible. Sacking the manager would be much more exciting for the next couple of weeks! Especially when we might be able to attract the likes of Steve Bruce.




    Steve Bruce!!!!  :lol:


    His name being mentioned simply epitomises the mentality of getting the manager in who has been good over the last couple of weeks. The guy has never done anything worthy of note, certainly less than Lambert did at Colchester and Norwich, and is a former Birmingham City manager. BUT because last weekend they convincingly beat Fulham he is top of someones list to replace Lambert.


    Come on, you gotta find that funny!

    What did Lambert do that was so great at Colchester out of interest?


    He left half way through the season to join Norwich when he was at Colchester. Colchester were heavily tipped to get relegated though he left them in an incredibly strong position. In fact, Colchester beat Norwich 7-1 whilst he was manager. A couple of weeks later he left to join Norwich and a few weeks after than Norwich beat Colchester 5-0. Interesting if nothing else.


    I understand this thread being continued as Lambert isn't delivering at the moment but if people think Steve Bruce is the answer then I have no idea what the question is.

    Colchester had just been relegated from the Championship when he took over there. His brief was to actually challenge for the play-off spots which he failed to do. On the opening day the next season he beat Norwich 7-1 and then joined them a week or so later. So all in all, an average job at Colchester. Nothing to write home about.

    Also, where exactly did I mention Steve Bruce? He isn't bad but I like to think we could replace Lambert with a more refreshing candidate. Though your statement that Bruce failed at Wigan is completely ludicrous.



    I agree that he didn't fail at Wigan though I never stated that he did. So the only ludicrous statement is the one you are making claiming I am saying things which I am not.


    Bruce was also successful at Crystal Palace, and I don't believe he ever finished in the bottom half of the Premier League with Wigan whereas I don't think Martinez ever finished in the top half and we would all take Martinez over Bruce right? (Even though there was uproar on this very same site when he was offered the job whilst he was at Wigan). I don't think Bruce is the worst manager out there, but I do think that we are not going to get entertaining, match winning football from Bruce compared to Lambert and so I really struggle to understand why such a lengthy debate is going on when the best managers out there and who would come to Villa simply wouldn't improve us.

  11. I am really struggling to see where you are going with this and in all honesty I don't think people are really interested in reading this on a public forum. I've been to 6 of their games this season and read, see and discuss a lot about them with colleagues, family and friends. Now, if you don't have anything worthy to write may I suggest we stop this incredibly tedious conversation here?


    Oh, this is actually a serious conversation? I thought people were just mucking about.


    Bruce has spent zillions of £££ where ever he has been, including Hull. He is a cheque book manager, like MON, but unlike MON managed to get a squad of overpaid players relegated.


    Lambert has no where near as much experience in the Premier League as Bruce, though he did an amazing job at both Colchester and Norwich without spending any money. He took on one of the hardest jobs in Premier League history at Villa where he has to drastically cut the wage bill and keep us in the league. He did that and deserves a little bit more patience... especially when the competition for his job is Steve **** Bruce!

    Sorry but there a quite a few holes in your argument, slightly reminiscent of a tramps underpants but here we go



    I've not seen any tramps underpants though by your own admission you must have examined some previously and they are obviously in far better condition than one would have thought.



    Steve Bruce!!!!  :lol:


    His name being mentioned simply epitomises the mentality of getting the manager in who has been good over the last couple of weeks. The guy has never done anything worthy of note, certainly less than Lambert did at Colchester and Norwich, and is a former Birmingham City manager. BUT because last weekend they convincingly beat Fulham he is top of someones list to replace Lambert.


    Come on, you gotta find that funny!

    What did Lambert do that was so great at Colchester out of interest?



    He left half way through the season to join Norwich when he was at Colchester. Colchester were heavily tipped to get relegated though he left them in an incredibly strong position. In fact, Colchester beat Norwich 7-1 whilst he was manager. A couple of weeks later he left to join Norwich and a few weeks after than Norwich beat Colchester 5-0. Interesting if nothing else.


    I understand this thread being continued as Lambert isn't delivering at the moment but if people think Steve Bruce is the answer then I have no idea what the question is.


    Oh, this is actually a serious conversation? I thought people were just mucking about.


    Bruce has spent zillions of £££ where ever he has been, including Hull. He is a cheque book manager, like MON, but unlike MON managed to get a squad of overpaid players relegated.


    Lambert has no where near as much experience in the Premier League as Bruce, though he did an amazing job at both Colchester and Norwich without spending any money. He took on one of the hardest jobs in Premier League history at Villa where he has to drastically cut the wage bill and keep us in the league. He did that and deserves a little bit more patience... especially when the competition for his job is Steve **** Bruce!


     You are calling him a cheque book manager but then you are asking for Lambert to get big funds.


    Prove I said this? I apologise in advance if I didn't and therefore it doesn't suit your argument.

  15. Oh, this is actually a serious conversation? I thought people were just mucking about.


    Bruce has spent zillions of £££ where ever he has been, including Hull. He is a cheque book manager, like MON, but unlike MON managed to get a squad of overpaid players relegated.


    Lambert has no where near as much experience in the Premier League as Bruce, though he did an amazing job at both Colchester and Norwich without spending any money. He took on one of the hardest jobs in Premier League history at Villa where he has to drastically cut the wage bill and keep us in the league. He did that and deserves a little bit more patience... especially when the competition for his job is Steve **** Bruce!

    • Like 2

    This thread gets funnier by the day!!!


    I hope no one on here wins the Euro Millions and buys Aston Villa otherwise we would be PROPER ****!!!

    Out of interest was that meant as some sort of insult? Was that actually contributing to what in general remains a fairly civilised conversation? or was it just a post to cause a problem?


    Maybe post a reply to what people have said?



    Steve Bruce!!!!  :lol:


    His name being mentioned simply epitomises the mentality of getting the manager in who has been good over the last couple of weeks. The guy has never done anything worthy of note, certainly less than Lambert did at Colchester and Norwich, and is a former Birmingham City manager. BUT because last weekend they convincingly beat Fulham he is top of someones list to replace Lambert.


    Come on, you gotta find that funny!

    • Like 4
  17. Oh, you've watched the full 90 minutes of all of Crystal Palace's games this season have you?

    What a load of pretentious nonsense.


    I can guarantee I've watched a hell of a lot more than 99.9% on this board. Crystal Palace are my local team, I live within 3 miles of their stadium, I work within 2 miles of their stadium, I get free tickets through work occasionally, they are in the local news, they are supported by a lot of my friends, I discuss them a lot. I am in a much better position to pass judgement than most others who watch the 30 second clips on MotD.

    • Like 1
  18. Shit under O'Neill.

    Shit under Houllier.

    Shit under McAllister.

    Shit under McLeish.

    Shit under Lambert.

    Shit under Levein.

    Shit under Strachan.

    Shit under Holloway.

    Shit under Pulis. **


    Sometimes the problem isn't the blade of grass a player is asked to stomp on, it is shitness.


    ** Hit the ball into an empty net from 5 yards out and also once hit a post from a shot. For some people this constitutes world class acts, man of the match accolades and evidence of an amazing player. For people who are interested in 90 minutes of football and not 5 second clips it is slightly more significant than insignificant.

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