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Everything posted by Silent_Bob

  1. Much better with a good debate than a thread that stays entirely on topic. What's even the point with a thread about transfer suggestions? MON won't look here for suggestions anyway. At least I hope he won't.
  2. Agree. But it's too early to say for certain that he couldn't do the walk.
  3. If he want to make movies, we should sign Vinny Jones. He can act as backup for McCann as well.
  4. My thoughts exactly. I'm not even sure if this is good news or not.
  5. Surely, if that's what it's down to, we can make a gentlemen's agreement not to play Young in that game. It would give Watford 10 more days to get replacements in, and it would allow us to spend more time pursuing other targets.
  6. Bazdavies79, How could I be sure of that? It was a stupid answer to an unanswerarble question. It was of course my opinion. Your opinion is that we will sell twice the number we otherwise would sell worldwide without Beckham in Japan alone. I accept it as your opinion, but I think you don't know what you are talking about. I suspect you haven't done any research regarding this, and I suspect you don't even know the number of shirts that is to be multiplied by two which would then be our new Japanese sales target. And I don't think you know what our profit per shirt is either. So I don't ask if you are sure if we would really reach that target, as I know you don't know the answer. This is going OT. I don't think Beckham would be so profitable for this club as you suggest, because if he signed for us we wouldn't have the distribution channels open to us to make sure we took advantage of it. But then again, it's only my opinion, which you are free to ask questions about.
  7. The young girls in the far east doesn't have money to buy official merchandise. They will buy local copies instead. And I don't want the club to attract Beckham fans. Let's recruit Aston Villa fans instead.
  8. What kind of revenue would Beckham bring in? And your figures don't match up. Beckham £20m for three seasons. Bent £21m for three seasons. However, Bent would still have a value three years from now. Beckham wont. Are you having a laugh, Real Madrid made their money back on the Beckham transfer before he even kicked a ball for them, in merchandising, he would make us a global brand... we wouldn't need to sell him, he would make profit anyway!! But Real Madrid is a global brand and has ten times our fanbase. We are not a global brand. Real Madrid has a good worldwide distribution network of their merchandise. We don't have that. Beckham does not have the same status now as when he joined Real Madrid. Beckham does not fit into any organic growth strategy, that's for sure.
  9. What kind of revenue would Beckham bring in? And your figures don't match up. Beckham £20m for three seasons. Bent £21m for three seasons. However, Bent would still have a value three years from now. Beckham wont.
  10. I can see the sense in bringing in Beckham for footballing reasons. However, he also brings with him a complete circus. If he does need to play football somewhere as a part-time job (his main job obviously is to promote the Beckham brand), let him do it elsewhere. We don't want any Real Madrid rejects anyway
  11. Yes but that means relying on a player who has played 20 games in 2 and a half seasons and I don't think that's very clever. If Laursen is fit, fine, we can send one of the younger lads on loan. He's usually not fit so one extra defender would come in handy IMO. No. I am relying on Mellberg, Cahill and Ridgewell. Two of those has to bee injured or suspended before we need someone to play out of position. It's not ideal, but Hughes, Delaney, Barry and Bouma can all play there in an emergency. It would still be fine to have another central defender, but I would not make it my first priority.
  12. I never understand this attitude. If I was Cahill and Ridge I would be saying 'bring it on' - firstly because we need to increase our strength in depth and secondly because you have to back yourself - competition for places can only be a good thing. I think the question is relevant. It would mean we have five players for that position when everyone is fit. That would mean good players won't even make the bench. I'm all for strength in depth, but five quality central defenders seems a little bit too much, considering there are several other positions where we don't even have a first choice player that's good enough. But then you have to think that Laursen may not be fit, MON thinks that Davies is better than all of them etc etc. If he is better than what we have now, then that can only be good, no? Yes. But I would rather have a striker that scores than another defender on the bench. If I have to choose that is. If I can have both, then I have no problems with it.
  13. I never understand this attitude. If I was Cahill and Ridge I would be saying 'bring it on' - firstly because we need to increase our strength in depth and secondly because you have to back yourself - competition for places can only be a good thing. I think the question is relevant. It would mean we have five players for that position when everyone is fit. That would mean good players won't even make the bench. I'm all for strength in depth, but five quality central defenders seems a little bit too much, considering there are several other positions where we don't even have a first choice player that's good enough.
  14. And whatever happened to the QPR winger Lee Cook whith the £10m pricetag? I haven't seen much of him, so I have no idea if he is worth £10m or not (probably isn't), but at least we have a player (Hendrie) we can use as a part of the deal?
  15. He is in a Birmingham hotel at this very moment. do you have their number so i can call it I've jut got off the phone to him. I'm shaking. It did sound like a black man I spoke to, a small one at tbat, no bigger than 5 ft 4. :winkold: Really? When I spoke to him he sounded more like 5 ft 5... Maybe his heavy drinking yesterday made him sound taller than he was. I'm not sure..
  16. He probably will end up there But didn't skybet suspend all betting on bellamy coming to villa and then he went to blackburn the next day Don't they suspend betting when they find out that they stand to loose a great deal of money IF something happens? It might not be inside information.
  17. It seems there is no point in sitting here and just waiting for the signings, so I called Defoe at home. He didn't pick up the phone, so I guess he's not home. Now, what do you think of that?
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