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Posts posted by Moorski

  1. I think that folk need to settle down after the brief OGS episode,he was one of a number of people who have been spoken to by the Board.

    Any new job has to go through the proceedures,applicants,interviews etc,this is a massive appointment after the last two failures & RL & PF will want to get it right this time. Mc Leish only left his post 9 days ago and the Board have been and still are working towards appointing the right Manager,give them the time to come to the correct choice it is not a case of simply handing out a position as some Managers are likely to be in employment who want the job.

  2. Norwich boss Paul Lambert opens the door to Aston Villa


    Sorry, but don't pin your hopes on that article.

    Its a joke and even I would say, damn right old lies.

    Wiz, There is no evidence that Villa have actually approached or even want Lambert,it is only the obvious press speculation,the Villa Board are going about their business saying nothing to the media.

  3. Whoever gets the job has so much work to do strengthening & sorting out the first team squad which as we all know is poor.

    Any appointment will be a risk as such as this time we appear to be going down the young Manager route which I fully support.

    It appears however that it is a straight choice between OGS & Lambert unless Di Matteo enters the running which seems less likely now.

    Whovever gets it lets all get behind them and support them all the way as the last 2 seasons have been forgetable to say the least.


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