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Posts posted by villaajax

  1. I can't decide who to fill the hole in midfield left by Judas' fat gut, so I'm going to let you choose...

    Incase MON does decide to sell any more of our tiny squad and happens to sell the winner of this pole, second place will take their spot. Or if we actually sign anyone decent, they might to take the spot.


  2. With the news of SHA trying to increase their capacity, even though they will never fill it, if this does actually go ahead we should chant








    Getting quieter each time to give that echoey sound to large empty space :P

    Could be used next season regardless really...

  3. I don't know if anything like this has been done before or if something like this has been brought up before but my local team, Oxford United had a kind of prize draw where anyone who bought a season ticket before a certain date would go into the draw and the winner would have their season ticket paid for by the club, with the runner up getting to see one match from an executive box.

    Might be an idea, who knows...

  4. Hi General

    I'm coming to the end of my time at college and I'll have to find a job, can I play for Villa? I have no cardiovascular fitness to speak of but I do have a lot of determination and can play at in defence! If not then maybe I can assist MON with my managerial skills, I guided Villa to 12 consecutive European Cups on Championship Manager 2003/04.

    But seriously, how would I get a good job with Aston Villa?

    Also, I have asked before but you had more important questions to answer, but I have got the "Villa on a Plate" book and I wanted to know, what is your favourite meal or dessert?

    Thanks General!

  5. Hi General,

    I just wanted to ask you if you fought in any major battles during the Vietnam war?


    that is not summin you usually ask a vet, it brings back memories of those lost during that time, Ask 90% off ppl who have been to war and they don`t want to speak about it.

    you can find what you want Here

    General Krulak here:

    3. walesavfc has pretty much got it right. I try not to think about battles I fought in...as you know, no one hates war more than those who have to fight them.

    Yes I see what walesavfc means, sorry if I offended you General, I didn't mean to.

    I did first of all check your wikipedia entry but that didn't quite answer my question but I will leave it at that.

    Thanks again anyway!

  6. Angel will always be a hero of mine, he was our last hope at a pretty bleak time at the club. He scored some great goals, those league cup goals against Chelsea and Bolton, other pretty good goals, against the likes of Wolves. And not to mention, his first goal pretty much relegated Coventry.

    He clearly loved the club and didn't want to leave, but we were moving in a different direction.

    I miss listening to Villa World back in the 2003/04 season when Woodward would stop talking about god knows what and start describing how Angel had just scored or was about to.

    Oh and he humiliated LA Galaxy with a free kick which he drove under the wall and into the net.


  7. Legend, so sad when he left

    He never even got a send off of any sorts, how very sad.. :(

    We should invite him back and have him on the pitch at half time or pre match :thumb:

    He could take Harewood back with him :D

    Maybe we can swap them, personally I think Angel is still better.

  8. I don't know if anyone else has brought this idea up before, but when we beat Tottenham later in the season, I think it would be great if everyone, in perfect harmony called out to Redknapp "We laaarve beatin' you" in the style of his ghastly daughter-in-law in that awful Wii advert.

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