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Posts posted by pablo82


    Well if Hutton goes like they say he is and Bent goes early this week thats nearly 100k off the wage bill and some fee for Bent (5m probably)


    All thats left is to ship Bannan, Ireland, Given and Zog.


    I can see Bannan going to a championship club as well as Given. I don't think we'll shift Ireland & Zog this window. 


    However if all goes to plan Bannan,Given,Bent & Hutton gone would free up 170k wages? Meaning we could probably bring in an AM and another defender.

    Is Zog actually in the bomb squad or simply part of the first team squad, albeit not usually in the starting 11?


    I don't think he is in the bomb squad

  2. Well if Hutton goes like they say he is and Bent goes early this week thats nearly 100k off the wage bill and some fee for Bent (5m probably)


    All thats left is to ship Bannan, Ireland, Given and Zog.


    I can see Bannan going to a championship club as well as Given. I don't think we'll shift Ireland & Zog this window. 


    However if all goes to plan Bannan,Given,Bent & Hutton gone would free up 170k wages? Meaning we could probably bring in an AM and another defender. 

    I still think Zog has some part to play though and hope he does for us

  3. IF we shift at least half of the Bomb Squad then we'll see 2 more additions until then we'll see no more signings...the frustrating thing now for us Villa fans is shifting the dead wood so at the mo i'm not looking at who sign with anticipation every day its who we sell.


    The only thing stopping Benteke having another blinding season again is himself because he really has got everything in his locker. I just hope he doesnt suddenly think he's "made it" ( ala Stephen Ireland after his 1 good season ) now he's got a nice contract and takes his foot off the gas but I don't think that will be the case


    I think Lambert just needs to say "Four words: Warnock, Hutton, Bent and Ireland". :D


    AKA The Bomb Squad

  5. Will keep the likes of Arsenal/Spuds away at least,  i said if we keep Lowton Weimann and Bentakey for next season that will be like 3 new signings...2 out of 3 aint bad as meat loaf once said




    The part that interested me most though was hearing lambert already knows the man he wants to get with any CB money. sounds promising!

    thats hardly news



    but it is promising as some managers dont ever look that far ahead. before when Yorke left or Barry we didnt have a replacement lined up straight away


    Insert 'not every manager is Paul Lambert' and why Richard (and I) thinks so highly of him. It's 'hardly news' because Lambert is the manager :)


    For once i have complete faith in a manager...i've had faith in MON but that turned out to be blind faith :(

  7. Well if that is the case then maybe why Spuds have turned their attentions to this Spanish striker as they can potentially call the shots with Valencia knowing they are in a poor financal position



    If Manure buy Bale then Spuds will be swimming in cash and we can milk them for loads!!!!

    I think if Bale goes Bentakey would consider not going to Spuds, the whole appeal of them is playing alongside Bale which in all fairness is attractive to most players 


    That's funny, I thought the whole appeal for Benteke wanting to go to Spuds was all the extra cash he could earn and all the sights he could see in London. I hadn't realised he actually had a footballing reason!


    haha errrm yeah thats what i meant sorry ;)

  9. If Manure buy Bale then Spuds will be swimming in cash and we can milk them for loads!!!!

    I think if Bale goes Bentakey would consider not going to Spuds, the whole appeal of them is playing alongside Bale which in all fairness is attractive to most players 


    never really caused a fuss after being frozen out and will leave with no fuss. Good pro. Unlike some.

    Good pro?

    Beats up his own farther if that counts as a good pro?

    Get rid!


    Well if it smelt then can you blame him??

  11. I think we were kidding ourselves that he ever really cared about the club.  His goal celebrations seemed rather unenthusiastic and self congratulatory.  He never came out and said nice things about us as a club either.

    I got the exact same feeling

  12. If he stays and he scores 3 goals in the 1st game against Arsenal...I still won't forgive him or like him he'll get no cheer from me or applaud from me again.  I'll actually be gutted if he's still here by the time the season starts

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