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Posts posted by RichardCanning

  1. If Vince has any sense he'll have the Women's winner come from Raw and cash in during Rousey v Jax (e.g. at a point where both are down) meaning the MITB winner can eat the pinfall and keep Rousey and Jax looking strong. The alternatives of Rousey winning clean and putting the belt on her very early or a DQ/Count out win really won't appease the Chicago crowd



  2. Have to say I agree @Daweii the same champions over and over leads to great wrestlers being disliked (Cena being the prime example). The thing I wanted to see at WM was a heel turn by Kofi or Big E as for me the New Day is stale and having one of the members move out by turning on the others and then progress to be a world singles champion would add more depth to the superstar playing field. I would truly love come January to think that every one of the 30 participants entering the Royal Rumble could win it, but due to the booking it tops out at 5 possible winners, if WWE could change that they would have a very interesting product on their hands IMO

  3. Groves v Eubank Jnr date set as 17 February 2018. Hopefully both come to fight and we'll find out how good Eubank Jnr is/isn't against someone who isn't just there to be a human punchbag.

    For me a genuine 50/50 fight so will be great to watch, here's hoping Eubank Snr doesn't try and make it all about him

  4. I'm now a little puzzled by the Haye-Bellew fight....

    Haye had a guaranteed shot at the winner of Parker-Ruiz for the WBO title, now whilst not as prestigious as some of the other belts, it is a world title which Haye could leverage to fight Joshua on a unification basis, and make a buckload of money. Instead he is fighting Bellew for no belt and the world title ship may have sailed.

    Does Haye really stand to make that much from the Bellew fight?

    OR is he just proper skint and couldn't afford to wait?

    OR does he not think he would beat Parker?

    Whilst I know Haye loves a celebrity lifestyle I always thought he actually wanted to be world champion again so why fight Bellew?

  5. 12 minutes ago, LakotaDakota said:

    Bellews main defensive tactic of blocking punches with his face isn't going to work against Haye.

    Haye isn't anywhere as sharp as he was 5/6 years ago but this should be over within 3 rounds.

    Bellew is undeniably better than he was a couple of years back but even at light-heavyweight he struggled against Cleverly who takes 10 rounds to KO a fly and was also knocked out by an Adonis Stevenson jab.

    The biggest issue here is that Bellew doesn't know when to give up and unless he gets sparked out cold he will just keep getting up and getting battered so it will need a strong ref to make sure that he doesn't end up badly hurt in hospital.

    Can see this being his last fight so hope he is getting paid well.

    I'm not sure it'll be Bellew's last fight as he has a world title which isn't on the line

  6. Good to see Groves win last night, hopefully he can get his hands on a world title ad then if Degale beats Jack can have an all British dust up between the 2 with the winner having 3 of the belts.

    Only problem is that Carl 'I must try and retain the limelight even in retirement' Froch will no doubt be mouthing off that he could still beat either of them and that he is the best boxer since Ali (yawn!)

  7. 14 hours ago, Meath_Villan said:


    With all due respect it is all relative, there are people on this site who can go sub 17! (FTR I'm definitely not one of them!)

    Once you get past the idea of wanting to win, you realise that running is more you against yourself and the clock, it is the mental challenge of pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone and you can get far more satisfaction from say a 21 minute run than the guy finishing 3rd who has just run 18:02

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

    So clocked in my first parkrun at 20:03.  8th place in my run and 1st in my age group (30-34).

    Kudos to the people that organise this, it's great.

    Top stuff Wainy, now it's time to do a few more, go sub 20, volunteer, start getting your milestone T-shirts and then visit other Parkruns, it's a fun journey and you are just beginning

    • Like 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

    Got my first parkrun tomorrow.  Do I just cut out a single barcode and take it with me?  How exactly does it work?

    Doing my 95th tomorrow, PB still stands at 19:39. Rock up at before 9 with barcode, let them know it's your first run and they'll run (pun not intended!) you through it.

    Enjoy, chat to people at the start and then come back the next week and beat your time

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Xela said:

    Grown up post alert...

    What are peoples plans for a decent retirement? As my post earlier in the thread touched upon, I don't want to be working until I'm 60. So, I need to do something that is going to keep me ticking over until my work pension kicks in, which although will be reasonable, is not going to be enough to keep me living the way I want to. Pensions aren't what they used to be!

    My plan is investing property. Is that still the safest option? Or am I missing something? 

    I plan to be working up till 70 at least, if it has kept that old goat Ellis alive through his brain being active then their must be some logic in it.


    I think the advice will vary from person to person around what to do, if you are investing in a property portfolio then Cambridge and Oxford are probably your best bets as posh kids who have been sent to private school by rich mummy and daddy and achieved the grades to go to Oxbridge, will have mummy and daddy happily shell out big bucks whether in rental or purchase outright for their little darling to attend arguably the top reputable universities in the world which those 2 have and most probably always will be.

  11. The only redeeming thing RE pros being allowed to fight at the Olympics is what Buncey said on 5Live "It is doubtful many will make the effort to make weight 6 days in a row" . Hopefully that holds true because otherwise people will be getting killed in the boxing ring which isn't really what anybody wants to see

  12. Joshua opponent to be announced today at 6PM. Most probably Charles Martin, however not certain.

    Fury put out the following on Twitter: Some massive news coming soon, had to come to London for an urgent meeting about a massive fight,TBA very soon, u will not believe who!!!!!!

    I severely doubt it is Joshua and purely Tyson Fury being Tyson Fury but you never know...

  13. Pleased Khan is going to be active, feel his chasing of Pac and Mayweather has wasted a good 12 months of his career. Ups the ante for Brook as if he wants to fight Khan he is now going to have to fight someone of serious pedigree to make the fight happen to prove Porter wasn't a fluke and that he wants the Khan fight. Whether Canelo is the right choice I don't know but if Khan did manage to beat him it sets a real marker of where he is at pound for pound fighterwise

  14. Genuinely concerned for Frank Bruno's health. If any Boxing Board of Control gives a 54 year old man with bipolar disorder a licence then surely questions need to be asked! The film Rocky Balboa is one thing but this is real life and someone will get killed.

    By all means have him spar with some people with a headguard to make some money, but a full on fight is not something I'd wanna see

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