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Posts posted by wiggyrichard

  1. I'd make her a counter-offer; you won't suppeth directly upon her lactating pleasure-orbs, but you will dab up any post-feed milky remnants with a packet of rich tea digestives.

    I originally read the first part as "I'd make her a coffee counter".

    Could work.

    Dont know why but that really tickled me! :lol:

  2. My worst date was when I was 17. I was driving my girlfriend at the time to the cinema on a warm summer's evening. My mum had been shopping a couple of days before and the cod loin had been left/dropped in the boot.

    The car stunk and we had to drive 20 miles there and 20 miles back with all the windows open.

    Didn't get a 2nd date. Thanks mum!!!

    Check your PM out Two Push Carlie!!!

  3. When people leave an answerphone message just saying "Hi wiggy...it's so & so, can you give me a call...cheers"

    Do you really need to leave that message? I can see you've called from the missed call alert, i will call you when im ready.

    aying that, the whole agro of listening to a voicemail really really pisses me off!!1!!11!

  4. Are there any fathers out there that get enjoyment from their other halves breast milk after she has finished feeding? I only ask because the thought of it makes me feel sick and she is adamant that I have to do it for her in order to get anything in return.. :lol:

    BTW, I would DHUTWU but she won't even let me do that until I do her this favour

    Ive read some **** up shit on here but that wins all the way!!

    Damn dude...some things are best kept to yourself!!!

  5. I made myself into a player...apparently "there is nothing between" Messi and myself.

    I know its cheating but i like seeing my name in lights!

    I did the same, i'm outrageously good!

    I am also a good 7 years younger than i am in real life!

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