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Posts posted by heystally!

  1. The reason we've conceded more in the last few weeks is not because of Petrov. It's because we don't have Martin Laursen. In desperate times, we had him to keep a cool head and show people how to put your body on the line. Since then, we've sacrificed a player in midfield which doesn't help, and Barry is hardly a defensive rock to look to for leadership when we're trying to see out a game. We have zero organisation at the time when we need it most.

  2. Maybe I'm alone but the only penalty for me was the Pique handball. Eto'o had his back turned so how could that be a penalty. The 2 'fouls' were 50-50 and would have been very harsh penalties.

    The sending off was a mystery and the referee clearly saw it wrong.

    Don't worry, you're not alone. A few people, including myself, thought only Pique's handball was a penalty.

    For me, Malouda's was in the box but was 50/50 and not even a foul, Drogba dived, and the ball hit Eto'o's armpit, not his arm, which is more body than arm anyway. Pique's was stonewall though.

  3. That guy Colin having a go at Lovejoy saying he's a disgrace.

    Brilliant. What a genius.

    what channel Lovejoy on?

    606 on Radio 5live.

    Some guy called him a disgrace for his biased opinions, and Lovejoy apologised! Probably insincere, but still megalolzz!!!1

  4. Makes it acceptable for role models to millions of children show a complete lack of respect to another human being.

    You say Drogba is human so it's acceptable. But the ref is human, and 'mistakes' are acceptable. Doesn't mean he or anyone deserves that kind of disrespect.

    Oh man, don't come the role model, children were watching bullshit.

    It's an emotional game, it was after 9 on the night, people always swear during football.

    I can understand Drogba's passionate response, the ref robbed them, simple as that.

    People always talk about footballers just caring about money, a guy loses the plot because he lost and he gets stick for it.

    It's not his passion that's under question. I don't even care about his language.

    It was the way the ref had to be led off the pitch by security because he was practically being threatened, by Drogba in particular, but also Terry and Ballack visibly, and probably a few of the others. Unacceptable.

  5. I remember once in a leisure league game, it was 2 - 2, we got clean through on goal, 2 of us on the goalkeeper....and the ref blew the full time whistle.

    We went **** crazy, we wanted to deck the ref.

    I can only imagine how being robbed in a champions league semi final can make you feel!!

    Makes it acceptable for role models to millions of children show a complete lack of respect to another human being.

    You say Drogba is human so it's acceptable. But the ref is human, and 'mistakes' are acceptable. Doesn't mean he or anyone deserves that kind of disrespect.

  6. Chelsea fans, every single one of them thats phoning in to talksport, backing Drogba up. Unreal.

    So they should.

    Drogba's human, he's just been robbed of playing in the biggest club match in europe, you don't think he's gonna be angry?

    Put yourself in his situation.

    Ok, he gets paid a lot of money to kick a bloody football. He should be able to control himself. What is he, two?! Fair enough if he is angry but there was no need for him to do what he did. It can't be justified as it wasn't required. He just looks like a pathetic child. Besides who is he to complain?! All the diving he does.....

    Oh and even the women don't like Chelsea supporters:



  7. heystally, in recent weeks, we've had tonights match, which was very exciting, the 3 - 1 against Liverpool which was a good game, the 4 - 4 with Liverpool which was the game of the season and the 4 - 3 against Bolton which was incredible....

    ...boring? Nah.

    4-4 with Liverpool wasnt dull, because it was Liverpool playing, not becuase it was Chelsea. You got what you deserved after that performance last week.

    Pretty much what I said page before. Totally agree.

    Chelsea play exciting football when they have to, not as a style of playing.

  8. Can anyone notice the common denominator?

    Last years final - dull.

    Barcelona v Chelsea - dull.

    Chelsea v Barcelona - dull.

    The word dull? I assume you didn't watch the two Quater-Final legs between Chelsea and liverpool cause they were two of the most exciting games I've even seen, not too mention this game wasn't half bad.

    I'll be honest, I was watching Bayern v Barca. But I still feel Chelsea only play well and exciting when they have to score goals. Two set pieces in the first leg against Liverpool, and only started scoring when Liverpool looked like getting back into the game.

    I really do believe if Chelsea had it their way, they'd be happy with a sneaky 1-0 win and defend the rest of the time. Just not a team I'd want to watch. Unless they're getting beat by Villa :D

  9. Can anyone notice the common denominator?

    Last years final - dull.

    Barcelona v Chelsea - dull.

    Chelsea v Barcelona - dull.

    Erm, tonights game was the opposite of dull.

    I really disagree. Barcelona were not as good as at the Nou Camp or at the weekend against Real, Chelsea played for a tight defensive performance and goals on the long-ball counter.

    Only thing that made it fun was the hilarity of decisions going against Chelsea, a wonderful goal from Essien, and a late late good goal from Iniesta.

  10. Dont get people calling Barcelona one of the best teams in europe..

    Very rarely perform against English teams and poor again tonight despite the away goal.

    Come off it, they're a a very very good team - Chelsea did very well, but they played to nick a goal at home - that tells you all you need to know about what a good footballing team Barca are.

    Wanted an Arsenal Barca final, but Man U will do. It won't even have to be a good game to be better than last year's borefest

    Exactly. I have a feeling it will be one of the most glamourous and unforgettable games of all time, and I hope I'm not dissapointed - but it will be better than last years whatever happens.

    I was so wrapped up in the emotion last year that I didnt realise how dull the game was until I went back and watched it again.

    Can anyone notice the common denominator?

    Last years final - dull.

    Barcelona v Chelsea - dull.

    Chelsea v Barcelona - dull.

    Chelsea play anti-football. They don't have their own way of playing, they just look at who they're playing and play to stop them as priority one. If Chelsea had won tonight, they'd play the exact same ten-men-behind-the-ball as they did against Barca.

    I'll be cheering on Barcelona in the final, but ultimately I don't care who wins as long as it is a good match. And those chances are increased by Chelsea not being there.

  11. Dont get people calling Barcelona one of the best teams in europe..

    Very rarely perform against English teams and poor again tonight despite the away goal.

    They didn't play well tonight no. And they haven't played well against English teams the past few years. But that is all most people see of them. I'm not suggesting you haven't seen more of them, just people in general.

    Watching them destroy Bayern in the first quarter final, and Real at the weekend shows why they are one of the best teams in Europe.

  12. Get IN! For Chelsea to have it taken away at the death as well makes it so much sweeter.

    Only one of them was a penalty for me. The Dani Alves / Malouda tussle was 50/50 and Malouda was looking for it. Shouldn't have even been a free kick.

    Drogba stayed on his feet until he lost the ball and then went down.

    Pique's handball was a penalty. No questions.

    Eto'o got hit in his armpit. Not his arm.

    Chelsea are such girls for surrounding the ref at the end, absolutely pathetic. I hope they all get castrated for acting like that, they are the worst team for respecting the ref. Regardless of wrong decisions, you don't treat a ref like that.

    And Barcelona's goal was legitimate, with ten men, and what a strike. Just poor defending and some class from one of my favourite players in the world right now. Iniesta is up there with Messi IMO.

    All in all a great result against an anti-football team.

  13. Unless Chelsea play for penalties on Tuesday, I could see Barcelona absolutely smashing them. They kept them quiet at Camp Nou by putting ten men behind the ball, and playing counter attack and long ball. If they try and attack, they may just leave themselves open like Madrid did. And it's hardly like Madrid are a shite team.

  14. I really hope Barcelona do Chelsea over. Xavi said today that only one team wanted to win that match and he was right. So dull to watch Chelsea on Tuesday, I hope they try and attack on Wednesday, and get hit time and time again on the counter. Which is probably Barca's biggest weapon at Stamford Bridge. But they won't be putting ten men behind the ball and hoofing.

  15. Hi General,

    With regards to the NFL Draft, I initially wanted to ask you whether you believe a similar system could ever be implemented in European or even English "soccer". The perspective I get from it in the US is that it certainly helps to even things out more (but not entirely obviously). One BBC journalist believes it is not impossible to think of such a system, but I'm more sceptical:

    Could a draft system work like this in British football?

    It would be difficult but not impossible. The NFL draft relies entirely upon the college programme in the United States and without a similar setup in Britain it would be tough to replicate.

    However, in the US, baseball and ice hockey teams are able to draft from minor league semi-professional teams, which could feasibly happen in the UK.

    I'm also just reading up on Matthew Stafford's transfer to the Detroit Lions, and the amount he will receive with them over his six-year contract. This article also lists the previous first picks in recent years, and how much they received:

    2009 - M. Stafford, 6 yrs/$72M, guaranteed $47.7M

    2008 - Jake Long, 5 yrs/$57.75M, guaranteed $30M

    2007 - J. Russell, 6 yrs/$61M, guaranteed $29.2M

    2006 - Mario Williams, 6 yrs/$54M, guaranteed $26.5M

    2005 - Alex Smith, 6 yrs/$57M, guaranteed $24M

    2004 - Eli Manning, 6 yrs/$54M, guaranteed $20M*

    2003 - Carson Palmer, 7 yrs/$49M, guaranteed $14M*

    2002 - David Carr, 7 yrs/$46.2M, guaranteed $14M*

    2001 - Michael Vick, 6 yrs/$62M, guaranteed $15.3M

    2000 - C. Brown, 6 yrs/$45M, guaranteed $10.9M

    * Signing bonus

    Obviously Stafford's contract will be significantly more because of how much Detroit wish to erase last season's memories, but do you see this trend in the NFL continuing? It appears to be mirroring sport here - you need to be pumping more money in to be able to compete. But I'm not the most knowledgable of most, so I'd enjoy reading your opinion.

    Thanks for reading. And now that we're unbeaten in three, lets start winning some! UTV!

  16. Hi General,

    If Martin Laursen is going to announce his retirement from football next week, please wish him well from all Villa fans. He has been an absolute Lion when he has played in the past four years, and I think it is quite obvious that him being out of the team and our recent poor form is no coincidence.

    I would absolutely love to see him stay on at Villa in some form of coaching capacity. I don't believe it is his defensive teaching which could be useful so much, although he is by far and away our best defender since McGrath, but more his ability to inspire and instill some leadership within our defence ranks would be extremely useful. Since not playing, we have lacked someone who can make decisive decisions and really lead from the back, and I really believe having Martin around the training ground would help our defensive line become mentally stronger, which is key to getting to and staying at the top of the game.

    But whatever happens, please pass on my best wishes, and I hope he'll be there at VP on the last day of the season to parade around the ground with the rest of the team.

  17. Both, but i'd have to lean more towards Randy, now that money is a bigger issue than ever in the Premier League.

    Yes under Deadly we mixed it up near the top, but his lack of investment in the squad would no longer get us moving.

    And I think under Randy another manager could be equally as effective if given time to build a squad. Don't ask me who, and I'm happy with MON, but I think under Doug MON would not have done as well, simply because of the cash.

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