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Everything posted by Timothy

  1. snowychap, Social security is money that was paid by the people who receive it over the course of their working time. It is not welfare. And, it wasn't our idea to create social security, it was Franklin D. Roosevelt. And contrary to all appearances, I have no condemnation to the cult of the world, it simply is what it is, and I am not in agreement with it. Father says, love not the world, so I don't. It doesn't mean I hate everyone that is of the world. If I did, I wouldn't be typing this post.
  2. World_Domination, Our children have been educated to receive the image of God as their true self. This has been God’s objective since humanity lost the image of God in the garden of Eden. Those who have not wanted to do this have been free to leave. And, this “alpha” male you are describing is nothing more than the natural human ego. It is not who Jesus was, nor is it who Michael is. The ego is what man got when he lost God.
  3. Snowychap, I’m not concerned about fall out. It really doesn’t matter if the whole world thinks Michael is crazy, and that I’m a brainwashed loon for believing him. I just enjoy engaging in conversation with people who are willing to discuss the issues at hand. When it becomes clear that I am no longer welcome, I am driven to depart. Davkaus, God doesn’t know what choices we are going to make in advance, but he does have provision for each of them. This is why the issues of the great controversy between between truth and error have taken 6000 years to be worked out. When it is all said and done, the righteous will not rebel against the kingdom of God because God knows they won't, but because they are resolved not to. BOF Our income is based on social security payments that our older members receive. That money suffices to pay all of our bills. Our daily existence is based on whatever Father may put on a person’s heart that day. Some people do certain tasks on a regular basis. And you can download the doc from seveal bittorrent sites edited to remove specific sites
  4. BOF, Dinosaurs are nothing more than reptiles, and were created with the other reptiles on the 6th day (IIRC). One thing to consider, without going into too much detail here (perhaps in another thread or email), the atmospheric conditions of the earth at it formation are not the same as today. Serious changes on a planetary and intersolar level occurred at the flood, that coinside with the 40 days of rain. Because of the conditions before the flood, reptiles, which grow all their lives, had an environment where they could live for centuries, continuously growing. They became dinosaurs. Today, there is not enough atmospheric pressure and oxygen to allow reptile to grow such enormous sizes.
  5. Futumtch, That's really up to God because He is the one who anointed him for this present work in the first place. Personally, he will not be passing on into the grave. This event isn't over yet.
  6. Snowychap, So are you saying that you are now free to judge everyone as a liar who claims to be telling the truth? And what has your opinion done for you lately? Are you absolutely sure there are no absolutes? Have you not heard of lord Kelvin, and the temperature of “absolute” zero? Tonyh29 You assume that unanswered questions are done so because of fear. Maybe the questioned can read the heart and see that the questioner isn’t asking a thoughtful question, but only being ridiculous. We do have some experience in being confronted by this you know. Also, our answers may appear "stock" because the truth is consistent. Perhaps if you spoke it, you would know that. And besides, what question have I avoided? Who said we were ever in the market of selling salvation???? And what will information do for you?? How would someone else's judgment of Hitler give you a heart of righteousness?
  7. Yes. 'Tis me. Have we met? In relationship to what? And who says that truth can be discovered dialectically? Show me someone who has done this.
  8. I just saw this thread this evening, and was drawn to drop by too. I moved to Strongcity from the Philadelphia area in 2003. Interesting movie. Too bad they scrapped my interview. The soul is the seat of self-consciousness. It's functions are the will, intellect, and emtions.
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