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Everything posted by hanifa

  1. Every human being is only a vessel, a container, yielded to one of two spirits. There is God (THE God) and there is His adversary. A person('s spirit) is known by the fruits they manifest.
  2. Appreciate your welcome, snowychap. We'll see how long it lasts under the scrutiny of such lively debaters as yourself. :-) Debate and banter are only avenues of communicating what spirit a soul is of. Useless debate is to continue to communicate long after those involved have made evident which spirit they hold to.
  3. I gave you my reason. I wanted to be God-possessed. That is reason enough. The human self-life is narcissist. The Life of God is selfless and always at peace. I had the one and now I have the other. There is no comparing the two, except to say that they are as far from each other as the east is from the west.
  4. Of course. When I hear the Voice of God, whatever vessel it comes out of, I listen. When I hear the voice of an adversary, whatever vessel it comes out of, I don't. I made up my own mind many years ago. I chose to give myself over to God for His purposes. In the eyes of the world, that has cost me dearly. From heaven looking back, I would not change my decision. Yes, all we can do is the bidding of Pure Love. What a sentence.
  5. In reading the debate on this issue here as well as on many other forums and blogs over the past few days, the conclusion that cannot help but blare out its message is that a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. If a soul has Father's Spirit, it becomes evident in the first few sentences they share no matter what they are asking/saying. If the soul has another spirit, that becomes evident immediately also. There is a reason why the Son of God, during His first appearing, said, ".....I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes." Matthew 11:25 Children, whether they be so in body or in spirit, believe all things, (as the scriptures say of Love), while the "wise" question and are never satisfied, even when sufficient evidence has been presented.
  6. Hello I am new to this forum also but not to the controversy that is raging over Michael Travesser and Strong City. For those of you who have questions, this blog holds answers: strongcity.info
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