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Posts posted by rjshare

  1. mind you, if you do that you can make excuses for them being sh1t by claiming that they never had a full preseason...

    Which players has he said this about?

    And you honestly believe MON signs players late so he can have an excuse ready? And people seriously tell me that no one has an axe to grind with the manager on here :lol::lol:

    no - but i dont believe he helps himself by leaving everything he does so late

    anyway, thats unlike you to selectively quote someone and then criticise other posters... i was talking about mon, why are you talking about me?

  2. it doesnt really matter - mon said back in may that they would sit down with milner AFTER the world cup and talk about his future. that meant that he had a couple of months to chat to gareth barry about how good it is being really rich whilst doing a bit of running in south africa.

    the fact is the club did not put a contract in front of milner at the end of the season, in my opinion it was a huge error for several reasons regardless of whether or not he had initmated that he wouldnt sign one of it was offered.

    1 - the club was in a stronger position if he had gone and done a 1990 david platt in south africa

    2 - they could PUBLICLY prove that they want him to stay but the player was refusing to tie himself to the club long term.

    3 - they could get on with selling him sooner rather than later, giving mon chance to go shopping with the proceeds BEFORE the season starts.

    lets face it - for 30million, most fans dont care which way he jumps - he's a good player, but its a lot of money. the only bad thing that can happen from this deal is that it goes through on august 31st and we are sat on 30m quid until january with a huge hole in the team.

  3. if milner DID say to mon that he was interested in going BEFORE the world cup - as mon has claimed, then the club should have put a new contract on the table and made it public knowledge. if milner signed it then we were covered in the event of him having a blinding world cup and it would have put his price up if city still wanted him. if he refused to sign it then the club comes out smelling of roses and milner is a greedy judas turncoat...

    but instead, we do nothing. mon publicly says he hasnt spoken to the player in over a month and aston villa appear to be a pawn in someone elses game again.

    take the bull by the fookin horns martin and try being a bit proactive!!!

    How can you be proactive with a player who wants to leave for god sake???

    which bit of my post didnt you understand?

    you do what i said in my post - offer him a new contract and force the issue one way or the other. its better than waiting until the season starts and having three days to make any new signings - mind you, if you do that you can make excuses for them being sh1t by claiming that they never had a full preseason...

  4. if milner DID say to mon that he was interested in going BEFORE the world cup - as mon has claimed, then the club should have put a new contract on the table and made it public knowledge. if milner signed it then we were covered in the event of him having a blinding world cup and it would have put his price up if city still wanted him. if he refused to sign it then the club comes out smelling of roses and milner is a greedy judas turncoat...

    but instead, we do nothing. mon publicly says he hasnt spoken to the player in over a month and aston villa appear to be a pawn in someone elses game again.

    take the bull by the fookin horns martin and try being a bit proactive!!!

  5. I actually think Ireland will shine here, and I think it could be another absolute steal by MON if he does get him. What other manager in the prem would you back to get Ireland's head right than MON?

    any of them.

    what has mon ever done to get an off-the-rails player back on to the straight and narrow? if he had turned joey barton into a jehovahs witness i could understand where you are coming from but i am struggling to see why mon would be particularly THE man to sort irelands head out.

    fergy - yes, wenger - definately, hell john gregory managed to get merson to play arguably the best football of his career but mon? he just signs model pros and gets them playing 6.5/10, "effort" football.

    He got Collymore playing pretty well at Leicester!

    indeed - he got eleven games out of him, which allowed him to turn his career around in such an unbelievable manner that when he was given a free transfer he was able to go on and play seven games for bradford!!!

  6. I actually think Ireland will shine here, and I think it could be another absolute steal by MON if he does get him. What other manager in the prem would you back to get Ireland's head right than MON?

    any of them.

    what has mon ever done to get an off-the-rails player back on to the straight and narrow? if he had turned joey barton into a jehovahs witness i could understand where you are coming from but i am struggling to see why mon would be particularly THE man to sort irelands head out.

    fergy - yes, wenger - definately, hell john gregory managed to get merson to play arguably the best football of his career but mon? he just signs model pros and gets them playing 6.5/10, "effort" football.

  7. MON has also said that we won't sell unless man city meet our valuation, thats hardly the comments of a desperate man.

    Do you think city will get milner on the cheap because of these comments?

    They will get him cheaper than was originally indicated if they still want him, because of Mons comments two days ago. That was a give me the money plea if ever I've heard one (even if it's far less than we thought we might get).

    He said the same about barry and liverpool didn't get him for cheaper than our valuation.

    that is true, however we sold barry for a lot less 12 months later - because his contract was close to expiring... which is identical to what will happen next summer if we dont sell milner now.

  8. i cant help thinking that we may be pricing ourselves out of a good deal. if barcelona are tring to get fabregas for 30m then city would be nuts to pay the same for milner. milner is a good solid player and i really like him - but he isnt, and for my money never will be, in your fabregas bracket of player.

    i also wonder with city if they really need him. they would like him obviously - hes a good player, but they arent desparate either and they might just think that 30m feels too much like having their pants pulled down and pull out. in which case there goes our funding of two or three much needed quality reinforcements...

  9. getting top known players to come down to vp is not gonna be easy

    were not a fashionable club and we dont pay ridiculous wages and we dont have a manager that foreign players would love to play for i.e wenger. we've gone as far as we can with type of players we can attract so we need to pull out all the stops to bring in the so called top 4 quality players or players leaving big clubs who arent obsessed with champions league football

    Hear hear! :D


    so you think the best way of us qualifying for the champions league is to sign players who arent really @rsed about playing in it?

  10. things that are happening at other clubs can also affect what your opinion of mon is. for example, if you think that we really really should have signed martin petrov on a free and mon has missed a trick by not beating bolton to his signature, then it might tip the balance of your opinion.

    its only an example and i'm not suggesting that you would suddenly want the manager fired for not signing one player, but these things can certainly contribute to your overriding feelings.

  11. how can it be claimed that mon has put so much complex reasoning into carlos' selection with regard to the tactical balance of the team when he was also doing things like selecting carew and heskey in the same side at times or not chaging formation to shut a game out??? there is no deep tactical reflection, its just the same "chosen" xi players every week until something beyond his control ie suspension or injury forces a change, nothing more.

    MON is a tactical genius don't you know? :lol:

    Conversely, MON is tactically inept. Anything good that happens at Villa is an accident.

    This interview has determined nothing.

    There would be a lot less pissing of pants if people just chilled out a bit and waited to see what happens in the transfer window before passing such strong and stubborn judgements.

    'Oh but I have a different opinion to you, you need to accept this' etc etc- This is just an excuse for a polarised and pre conceived agendas. Whatever. People are welcome to them, but they make these transfer threads a waste of time.

    whats pre-conceived about watching young for a season and then cuellar for a season and deciding young is better than cuellar at right back? f*ck all to do with agendas.

  12. how can it be claimed that mon has put so much complex reasoning into carlos' selection with regard to the tactical balance of the team when he was also doing things like selecting carew and heskey in the same side at times or not chaging formation to shut a game out??? there is no deep tactical reflection, its just the same "chosen" xi players every week until something beyond his control ie suspension or injury forces a change, nothing more.

  13. Ridgewell, Wes Brown, John O'Shea, Ivanovic, Carragher, Silvestre, Chivu, Corluka, Puyol,.

    Centre backs who can and do play as full backs. It's not exactly bizarre in the world of football.

    I do believe Cuellar is picked ahead of Young for his abilities to defend set pieces and his added height. A defenders function is to defend in the world of MON. It's not as baffling as people like to make out, you might just disagree that a RB needs more to their game then that but MON probably thinks the balance of the team is alright as we have an attacking LB as well 2 out and out wingers in the team.

    edit: Just to add I would like Young to stay, I would like to see more rotation depending on the opposition and as has been said, he covers 2 positions very well so will be hard to replace.

    in my opinion that is all total rubbish. young can head a ball as well as a full back needs to but carlos cant turn and tackle a winger like a full back should be able to. most wingers are quick with good feet but rarely seven foot giants so why do we need to prioritise countering their ariel threat? there is a lot more defending needs to be done from open play than there is from set pieces, and most other teams manage to defend their penalty areas with two centre halves so why should we need any extra?

    if mon just wanted his full backs to really be centre halves who are good at heading and hoofing and nothing more then warnock wouldnt be getting picked at all would he? i'd love to see someone try and justify him picking davies, dunne, collins and cuellar at the same time and keeping four full backs on the bench. "but its for defending corners..."

    how can anyone argue that playing a totally lopsided back four is a good way of balancing the team? we have the same two wingers alternating on the wings so the style of player that is behind them should be the same on both wings too, not a small overlapping full back on one side with a 6 foot 4 centre half with a number three wood for a right foot on the other!!

    the opposition only have to look at the team sheet and say, ok, we'll concentrate on feeding the ball out to our nippy left winger today because he'll run rings round their right back - as was the case of jarvis for wolves a couple of months ago.

    the funniest thing for me about the whole argument is that if i was forced to put one of our centre halves out wide right then i wouldnt use carlos anyway. collins would be my ideal choice as he is as good defensively but has much better ball control and can pass it a bit.

  14. but if he doesn't want to be here, theres little point in keeping him here, might as well get some cash and get a replacement. I did say I'd prefer him to stay, I think he's a decent player but he's being kept out of the side because of tactical reasons more than anything. MON plays Cuellar because its more a case of playing three central defenders and no right back, we don't need a right back because we have plenty of fluid midfielders who all naturally attack down the right and because of that fluidity we need to shore up the defence a bit more, we don't have as many midfielders who naturally play down the left so we need Warnock to overlap more. If Milner goes that whole dynamic could completely change depending on who the replacement is

    sorry, dont agree with you. why are we the only team in world football who play three centre backs and a left back if it is so obvious the a team can operate without a right back?

    its isnt tactis that are keeping him out at all. i dont know what you are basing the last bit on but we have both downing and ashley young who specialise on the left wing and no one at all who enjoys playing on the right!

  15. thats not actually true is it trent? as things stand, we have shorey and beye so if we assume carlos is now a right back, we have two players for each full back position. as far as i am concerned though luke young is a better player than all of the other four!

    in my opinion young and warnock are the second best full backs for their respective sides in england. mon sees things differently from me and he is the only one that really matters but from the available evidence i really really strongly feel that he has got this all wrong.

    I'm working on the assumption and I think its a fairly safe one that neither of those players are in O'Neill's plans or likely to be here next season.

    i assumed you were assuming that - i dont think many of us even think of shorey as even being a villa player any more, but never the less he may (as might beye) still be with us come august.

    if they do both go i cant for the life of me think of two players we could sign as back up though who are going to be good enough for a top half side and yet happy to watch three quarters of our games from the bench.

  16. A professional footballer who gets paid as much in a week as most of us earn in a year and also gets more time off to mourn the loss of his brother than anyone would ever get in most other jobs hasn't been treated fairly? No he simply isn't first choice, thats got nothing to do with being treated unfairly.

    If he goes, well he goes he won't be a huge loss, I'd prefer him to stay but its his choice really

    it is being treated unfairly if the reason he is not first choice is because of favouritism towards the other player keeping him out of the side. in his (and my) opinion the team doesnt appear to be being picked on merit alone.

    no player is a huge loss, even man utd didnt look much like they missed the most expensive player of all time really, but having waited for so bl00dy long for us to finally sort out the right back position i am surprised that you are quite so blasé about us possibly letting one go who is as good as anyone we have had since kenny swain.

  17. From a practical standpoint this isn't actually going to have a big effect on the team - Luke hasn't really played so to an extent we won't really miss him.

    From a squad point of view, we're selling a good player in a position where a good player would be welcome, we'll need a replacement who is good enough to be our number one right back, but flexible enough to sometimes back Cuellar up.

    In essence, it's a strange decision to sell Luke Young so that we can go out and look for a player like Luke Young.

    I'm guessing that at his age and with his experience he doesn't want to be a back up full back (even if he is back up on both sides) and I think that's fair enough.

    Personally I don't agree that Cuellar is a better right back than Young, but that's a decision the manager has to make and he's made it. He'll live and die by that decision, it's what he gets paid for, he'll back his own judgement and I guess it's good that he's in a position where he's trusted to do that - we can only hope he's right and hope he has a plan for the space that Young leaves in the squad.

    I would guess there are a number of mid-table Premiership sides who would take an interest, the likes of Fulham, West Ham etc. Hopefully there's enough interest out that to provide us with a good price.

    I agree with a vast majority of this the only point I'd pick you up on that I see differently is the opening line that it won't effect the team much, while he hasn't played much Luke Young is the only cover we have not just at RB but also at LB. If we sell Luke Young not only do we need to buy a RB but we need to buy a LB.

    Say we sell Luke for £4m, forgetting the amount we are losing on him we are going to have to spend far more than that I'd imagine to get cover for both positions to the level of Young.

    Given that O'Neill struggles when it comes to signing full backs and it would appear we might have a limited budget I think the sale of Young could have quite an impact this summer.

    thats not actually true is it trent? as things stand, we have shorey and beye so if we assume carlos is now a right back, we have two players for each full back position. as far as i am concerned though luke young is a better player than all of the other four!

    in my opinion young and warnock are the second best full backs for their respective sides in england. mon sees things differently from me and he is the only one that really matters but from the available evidence i really really strongly feel that he has got this all wrong.

  18. how about doing a bit of training ground practice on it until they get it right?

    Crikey. One would hope they were doing that anyway!

    you would think so wouldnt you, but it doesnt always look like it. when was the last time we took a corner or free kick that looked rehearsed? its lump it up for a free for all.

    we have carew who is a quality experienced international striker but we cant put a cross on his head and fulham have bobby zamora who cant stop scoring.

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