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Posts posted by thabucks

  1. Responded before the goal went in to be fair. And it's the Managers jobs to sign players to do that so what's your point? Whoopee do we are narrowly beating Bournemouth.

    He can't be defended anymore, can't hide behind finances. Worst manager statically. Drab uninspiring personality. Ok given the position HE and Lerner have put us in, it could be considered a coup . But what I want is a manager who actually tries to engage the fans and media. He could of easily of said something along the lines of Fabian sees where we want to go and I've persuaded him with the my vision for him and the club . More positive than than "oh aren't little old us lucky "

  2. Give it a rest mate. By all means give Lambert stick for the way the team is performing but he's never talked the club down, far from it. I've just watched the clip and I have no idea what you're on about.

    ""To have him commit is a massive, massive coup for us."

    Lambert on the bbc website .

    We are awful but he just adds to the sense of desperateness he doesn't inspire the fans or players with his drabness. Coupled with the performance so far today has to go by the summer

  3. I wish this prick would just leave. He has got to be one of if not the biggest stain on our history. He completely lost me today with his comments regarding Delph signing. ( which is fantastic news and he does deserve some credit where & its due) on how it's a real coup we got him to sign. How about being positive for once you **** Scottish Wino ! Is it really any coincidence the team seems to portray his media persona . Boring , uninspiring lacking belief or conviction. Yeah it is probabally a coup but actually talk us up for once.

  4. Interesting comments from steve Froggatt on wm tonight that Tom fox feels they have let Lambert down with the level of funding , he's going nowhere folks

    Great to see Fox saying it how it is. It's obvious Lambert has been denied signing his first choice targets and probably has had to resort to signing his 3rd or 4th choice targets. If he was properly backed then I believe we would have a beast team. His hands have been tied throughout his time here and most of his big signings have been crippled with injuries. He is slowly getting a decent team together now, we just need to get Gabby out of the starting 11 and hopefully replace cleverly ASAP.

    Commercially we have been run very badly according to what was said we have the lowest shirt sponsorship deal in the premier league , simply not acceptable


    Not sure where he got that from. 8th biggest deal last season. Not too shabby and fair play to Faulkener.

  5. I know that Nick Powell has apparantly had an attitude problem at Leicester, but being a Villa fan (and someone that has lost his way slightly, and probably wont feature under Van Gaal), maybe we should take a punt on him?

    He was meant to be quality at Crewe.

    Would have loved him here, up until reading the recent comments on his attitude. If he can't/won't change it being at Man Utd then what's it going to be like at his boyhood club?

  6. Give him a new extended and improved contract before the seasons out. If Tom Fox ain't full of shit or another Lerner lacky and there is a long term plan in place he needs to get it sorted ASAP. We have to protect and grow the assets we have, by not letting the same situation arising that we have with Delph.

  7. It seems that we should be just happy with our lot and not want more.

    We all want more but bitching and moaning about it isn't going to make Lerner sell up any quicker is it.
    Especially considering the Club is no longer up for sale.

    Club isn't up for sale ? If true shit just got a whole lot worse

  8. Gotta love the fickle nature of villa fans. A few great games and you are up with GOD a few bad games and you written off completely.

    Vlaar has been ok when fit, not amazing nowhere near as good as Laursen mellberg shouldn't be mentioned ever in the same breadth as GOD.

    Can see him going to manure or leArse and doing **** all then getting released and going back to holland. Cheers Ron for the effort. Bye bye

  9. So this Roy Keane effect people were lauding in the opening weeks. Surely he's now to blame?

    I'd say no as an assistant manager is limited in influence as Lambert will have the final word in the dressing room. Just an easy thing for people to latch on to in the opening weeks saying the players would be so scared they'd go on long winning runs. Roy Keane can't influence wins on his own otherwise his Sunderland and Ipswich teams wouldn't have gone on long winless runs

    I was referring to his influence on the training being missing every international week and being left with just lambert. I always had reservations about this dual role.

  10. I like keane a lot and I think overal he is a positive influence on our club. But I'm worried about his Ireland commitments conflicting with his villa commitments. Who has been training and prepping the team during the international break- lambert. We have had 14 days to supposedly get prepared for this game, time to really work on things tactically etc problem is keane hasn't been here and someone who has continoulsy proved he doesn't have a clue has been in charge. I'm of the opinion that he needs to either leave Ireland or villa cause the prospect of this for the rest of the season really worries me

  11. How can a team consisting of nzogbia, cleverley Westwood & now Benteke be so shit with possession every single game.

    35% 1st half possession vs Everton who I know like to keep the ball but come on something is seriously wrong with the way lambert sets us up and to think we have 4 more years on this inept bumbling fool.

    I do wonder what tom fox really thinks of lambert and how the hell he is going to try and sell us as a brand with such pitiful performances and tatics.

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  12. Problem is we have technically sound players being coached by a relic of a manager. We need a young progressive manager who picks players on current form not reputation. Woy doesn't have a clue, playing Henderson, wilshere & Milner against the worst team in the world smacks of desperation. UTV **** England

    Problem is we have technically sound players being coached by a relic of a manager. We need a young progressive manager who picks players on current form not reputation. Woy doesn't have a clue, playing Henderson, wilshere & Milner against the worst team in the world smacks of desperation. UTV **** England

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  13. Always thought the space inbetween the Holte Hotel & Holte End should be used as a fans square as opposed to a car park. Sames goes for behind the North Stand. I'm guessing it's low on Tom Fox's list of Things To Do though.


    I've been described the moth balled plans for Villa Park drawn up a few years ago by someone who has seem them. The plan was incorporate a museum, ticket office, club shop etc similar to Chelsea's hotel development into the back of the stand freeing up the space behind the stand for a fan zone. The new North Stand would only partially link up with the Trinity Road Stand via the lower tier. The plans as described were for a stand alone stand with gaps between the upper tiers to keep Villa Parks identitiy as opposed to wrap around.


    Wasted opportunites should be our motto

  14. I saw a very young Dwight Yorke play one of his first ever games for villa for a Villa XI back in pre season 89 against my home club Cirencester Town.

    I saw a very young Dwight Yorke play one of his first ever games for villa for a Villa XI back in pre season 89 against my home club Cirencester Town.

  15. Anyone know the exact rules on the 25 squad lists as I've Just seem on teamtalk their picks of the free transfers available, one name sprang out Sotiris Ninis. 24 Y/O attacking midfielder once highly thought off a couple of years ago but released by Parma. If we loaned out say Herd or Lowton could we hypothetically replace them with him ?

  16. Just a theory but was thinking that maybe Randy has done us a favour by keeping expenditure down this window as our balance sheet is supposedly going to show a £10-£15 mill profit for the last financial year before the extra tv money is accounted for. My theory is it gives the new ( if there is one ) owner the potential to splurge a huge chunk of cash on players without having to worry about FFP. I'm sure I read somewhere that we could spend near £60 million next summer and not worry. Plus with tom fox hopefully having an impact on our sponsorship deals and related business we could hopefully be in a very strong position financially to compete and get the calibre of players in we crave and deserve.

    Gets tin hat on

  17. Only flicked back a couple of pages but I'm surprised at the lack of "we should spending the money on Milner instead " comments. It seems the footballing god that is Lewis holtby ? Is the new vogue player to lust after though god knows why. IMO Cleverley could be a fantastic player for us and a serious upgrade on what we have currently. Let's hope working under keane helps swings this in our favour

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