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Posts posted by Davkaus

  1. 3 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

    There was a little tory policy slipped out yesterday under the drama caused by Sunak sacking off D Day early.

    They announced a revision to child benefit, to help people earning £120,000 p.a..


    I think this is ok tbh, it's an improvement to the current way of the world.

    Currently there is a charge for any individual earning 60,000+ and receiving child benefit, and it's assessed on the individual, not the household. So a household with one income of 60,000+ is taxed for it, but a household with two earners at 59k is fine, they don't pay the High Income Child Benefit Charge, even though their household net income far surpasses the single income household.

    This policy would change the tax threshold for child benefit to £120k, but also changes it to assess it based on household income, not each individual salary.

    There is of course a fair question of "does a household bringing in 120k really need taxpayer support?", but many already do, this just brings some parity between households with a single high income and a household with two incomes.

  2. Wait, he did **** what.

    To go on TV and lie about lying? Which won't air for another week, so it'll not only revive the lying story, but also remind everyone that he popped home early from d day? **** hell.

    I expected him to campaign dismally, he's completely out of his element interacting with normal people, but I'm absolutely astonished at how useless this man is.

    • Like 3
  3. 7 minutes ago, Xela said:

    Plus its not just about salary - I look at the overall package now, especially pension contributions and what other financial 'benefits' I get (private medical cover, etc), not just the salary figure. 

    This is my favourite question that immediately stumps 90% of recruiters. "The salary is in the right ballpark, what are the pension contributions like?"

    I see so many job ads that include the benefit "employer pension contributions" with an unspecified percentage. Which means the minimum, you ****. That's not a benefit, it's your statutory obligation. 

    • Like 3
  4. De Bruyne on human rights in Saudi Arabia "Every country has its good and bad things. Some people will give examples of why you shouldn't go there, but you can also give them about Belgium or England. Everyone has less good points. Who knows, maybe they will tell you the flaws of the Western world."

    This word removed needs a good punch in the face.

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  5. The premier leagues defence is that there would have been 100 more mistakes last season.. That includes offside calls.  And the highly suspect definition of what they consider a correct intervention.

    1 more incorrect decision, including offsides, every 4 games? Cool. Keep the semi automated offside and sack it off

    • Like 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, StewieGriffin said:

    Not sure if this is one for a different thread really, but I bottled applying for a job at a different company paying ~6k more than Im on now. Exactly the same job, the one I've been doing for 16 years (albeit at a couple of different companies).

    All because of a combination of a fear of change/the unknown and a pathological need to not feel like The Bad Guy by leaving my current employer in the shit.

    Have not told Mrs Stewie the job existed (think it's been filled now).



    I feel like this every time, but when your colleagues leave, you might feel disappointed for a day or two, but do you think about them 6 months later?

    Every time, I feel bad about letting people down, but I've never regretted the move. Usually for me, it's not about the money, if i've got to the point of looking at what's out there

    • Like 1
  7. I'm weighing up taking a 25% paycut to have a bit of a career change. Going to be a step back by a couple of levels in seniority to move to another role within the department, but there's the perk to that that it comes with less seniority and responsibility while I learn the ropes, and then I should be able to catch up to my salary comfortably in a couple of years (and if I make it to my equivalent paygrade in the other role it'll end up being a comfortable bump compared to what I earn now).

    It's for the same company, which has the benefit of not resetting my length of service, having plenty of contacts I can lean on, but also means I might still get hassled for the massive dumpster fire I'd quite like to wash my hands of.

    I can definitely afford the paycut temporarily, I guess it's just the risk that I don't progress as well as I think I do, though if my ego could take it, I'm pretty sure there will always be a way back for me into my current role

  8. 28 minutes ago, bickster said:

    The taxing pensions thing is hilarious. If there’s one person the UK trusts on financial matters it’s that Martin Lewis bloke. I think he’s getting a bit bored of saying the the following today.


    If nothing else, it's a disgraceful idea that if you take two people with 20k income, one a pensioner and one a worker, the pensioner should pay less tax.


    • Like 3
  9. I'd assumed that 2019 was a really low turnout and that voter apathy had set in after so many votes since 2015, but while it was down on 2017 and 2015, it was the next highest since 1997, so not too bad a turnout actually.

    I'm not sure what to read into the lower interest there. Is it that people are so filled with apathy they're turning out because Labour doesn't give them enough hope and enthusiasm, or is it that the electorate just doesn't want to waste their time on debates for a foregone conclusion?

  10. 9 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Fraser Nelson and The Spectator really haven't taken Sunak lying very well as they published the figure on trust

    They're clearly too **** stupid and gullible to be in this line of work then.

    A politician mislead them for political gain, this can not be unprecedented.

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