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Posts posted by Rovers13

  1. Messi has been marked out of the game so far, has not looked anywhere near the same player since his hamstring injuries before Christmas.

    To be honest he wasn't doing that great before the injuries. He looks like a different player, you see a glimmer of the dribbling but instead of going with his usual killer instinct, he just tries to pass it or loses the ball. He should be coming into his prime, god knows what has happened to him.
    He had several muscular injuries at the end of last season before the hamstring. Been just world class and not one of the best players ever since then.
    41 goals in 46 games last season.


  2. Messi has been marked out of the game so far, has not looked anywhere near the same player since his hamstring injuries before Christmas.

    To be honest he wasn't doing that great before the injuries. He looks like a different player, you see a glimmer of the dribbling but instead of going with his usual killer instinct, he just tries to pass it or loses the ball. He should be coming into his prime, god knows what has happened to him.
    He had several muscular injuries at the end of last season before the hamstring. Been just world class and not one of the best players ever since then.

    Been good but I dunno about world class, I'd still love to see how he'd get on with playing in the Premier League or the Bundesliga.

    The bundesliga is the highest scoring league in the world, so I'm guessing he's have scored more than the 40 goals that he scored in all competitions this year. 40 goals is world class. Only viewed as bad because it's messi.

    Also, la liga had three clubs in the UCL quarters, two in the Europa league semis, and I think sociedad were the only Spanish side elminated by non Spanish opposition.

  3. Messi has been marked out of the game so far, has not looked anywhere near the same player since his hamstring injuries before Christmas.

    To be honest he wasn't doing that great before the injuries. He looks like a different player, you see a glimmer of the dribbling but instead of going with his usual killer instinct, he just tries to pass it or loses the ball. He should be coming into his prime, god knows what has happened to him.

    He had several muscular injuries at the end of last season before the hamstring. Been just world class and not one of the best players ever since then.

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  4. They're doing well against Messi, crowded out as soon as he gets the ball.

    You would expect a player like Messi to be able to handle that. Italy did the same with Sterling last night and he found a way..

    I'm not quite sure it was the same.

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