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  1. hello general. first time posting in this thread how is the situation with the officail site message boards going. the mods on there are a joke. they have banned a long time user of the boards without warning (this person didnt even break the rules, the mod invented a new one on the spot for his reason). the same mods allowed a user to remain who insulted someone on giving us the good news that he had survived testicular cancer. there are also regular cases of spamming on the boards that insult many people and generally make the boards un-useable. the official boards are a joke and the mods are power crazy, unwilling to do their proper job and are becoming as much as a problem as the spammers they should be stopping. i know that AVFC do not employ the mods, they are from premiumtv who run the officail site. But they are a disgrace. i hope the new site breaks all ties with these mods when the it comes. they should be fired. please help general! thank you sir!
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