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Posts posted by metalhead_villain

  1. I bet this is how ridgewell felt after he scored....


    on the inside maybe :P

    i can imagine it in the changing room.

    Bruce - its not ur fault ridgey ur still my best player, seeing as i brought u from the fantastic villa and all.

    ridgewell - no i ment to do it, it was all a plan.

    Bruce - ohhh well its ok this once, just dont do it again, or i might have to spank u.

  2. To the tune of the Fireball XL 5 song (http://www2.wi.net/~rkurer/toontracker/frballcl.html)

    I’m proud to be a Villa fan

    the best team in the land.

    No-one else comes even close

    together we will stand (shouted…..or sit)

    Up in the Holte forever

    laughing at the Sty

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha (shouted)

    Its great to be a Villa fan, a Villa man and Villa are

    the greatest football team.

    A song for the all generations to sing

    dont think so dude, all the songs when we mention the sty are gay, especially when we arnt even playing them. we have more class than those burberry wearing knuckle draggers.

  3. hay general,

    just wanted to message and ask if you and randy will be attending the browns vs pittspuke game on sunday????? and what you predict the score to be???? i have been a browns fan for the past 2-3 years, so when i heard randy was taking over aston villa the team i have supported since i was well....born, i was delighted, so let him know from me that everything he does for the browns and for the villa, i have the utmost repsect for.

    lets hope both teams have amazing seasons.

    Up The Villa, Go Browns!!!!!!!


  4. crazy, hay but thats how it goes,

    marlon harewood,

    scoring them goalsssssssss,

    marlon its not to late,

    to becomeeeee,

    a villa greattttttt,

    oh the hares still scoring,

    player of the campaign,

    were flying up the table on the harewood train!!!!!!!!!!!

    sing to the theme of crazy train by ozzy osbourne XD

  5. not to mention that if real, adam and eve were family, and they did the **** :P and the bible says that being gay is wrong :P basic instincts ayyy :P

    i hate christianity :P

    "Christianity: A belief in a cosmic Jewish zombie, who was his own father will let you live forever, if you pretend to eat his flesh, drink his blood and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that he put there a long time ago, as punishment for all humanity because a rib-woman made from a dust-man was convinced by a talking snake, to eat fruit from a magical tree"

    How can you possibly have a problem with THAT? :D

    ahhhhh true how can all the druggys in birmingham be wrong :P

  6. I have no problem with gay people but the fact remains that we as human beings aren't designed to be homosexuals

    But we are designed to be mudererers, rapists, paedophiles etc?

    Can't see the logic there, what 'designs' are you talking about?

    I was talking about the our basic instincts essentially. That is what I meant by designed.

    not to mention that if real, adam and eve were family, and they did the **** :P and the bible says that being gay is wrong :P basic instincts ayyy :P

    i hate christianity :P

  7. ok a question put to the people who thinks its wrong for 2 gay men to kiss in public................when your out with your girlfriend or whatever u hold hands, kiss, hug etc etc etc, if someone took that right of showing love and effection to your partner, would you think it was right???? i dont think so.

    if the shirt lifters want to show love to there partner its up to them, and people nowerdays should be able to except that, god its not like they were **** on the vatican steps :P

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