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Posts posted by pamparius

  1. i went for 7/10

    still remain unconvinced by Shorey (although its very early days of course) and Friedel's already had a few unchracteristic flaps too

    only time will tell if Cuellar, Sidwell and Milner will push us forwards

    what i do know however is we've still got no out and out goalscorer and we still have no cover (of sufficient quality) on either flank or at right back

    i guess some creative flair would've been nice too

  2. at the end of the day, Barry is a great bloke and a great Villa servant

    if this deal goes tits up it wont be his fault, and it wont be Villa's

    when he first announced he wanted out i was angry - but then logic kicked in and i could see he wanted to test himself at the highest level after giving us ten years service and not getting a sniff at it

    the NOTW episode was frankly stupid - but i'm still of the opinion his agent masterminded that. and this whole dealine fiasco was also somewhat crazy. then again i'm not sure we know ALL of the facts regarding that either

    what i do know is this. he's our best player. and if it comes down to him publically saying 'i'm staying', and doing a bit of PR, then i'll be delighted with him pulling on the shirt once again

    ten years of excellent service far outweigh a few silly moments

    god who out of us hasn't been an idiot on occassion ? where would we be without forgiveness

  3. what about Angus Young, he's way better than soft rock/pop guitarist May

    That has to be a joke, right? I can't take a guitarplayer who admits that he only knows 4 chords seriously. And definitely not a person who thinks that he's a good one at that. Angus Young is a decent one, nothing more.

    BEHAVE! Brian May is a dull as dishwater guitarist. where's the groove ? where's the emotion ? he actually has a sound that could make me vomit! its certainly unique i'll give him that. but then again so was Hitler

    apart from Sir Keef, Iommi and Page. there are NO better riff-makers than Ang & Mal

    unless the criteria for being a great player now isn't making great riffs and great songs ???

  4. Maiden, I believe they still have the highest ever live gate, when they played Long Beach.

    Eh ? Long Beach Arena isn't very big. 20k tops

    When it comes to AC/DC I like thier classics but can't stand the rest. I have their double Live-album and it's quite good, but even that one contents some horrible stuff.

    that Live album stinks. mainly because it sounds too nice and has a dickhead on drums ruining the groove. the only AC/DC live documents you need are If You Want Blood and Live At The Atlantic Studios. both of which are raw and to the point

    i dunno what are really considered the 'classics' Pelle. but for me the most perfect rock n roll in history (alongside Exile On Main Street of course) is


    all killer, no filler and not a single dragon in sight :twisted:

  5. Anyway, how can you comment on Maiden looking stupid when DC have Angus Young, rolling around on the floor, in a school uniform?!

    if he were rolling around in a spandex uniform i'd give you that

  6. Maiden were just a joke.

    how so?

    I choose Maiden. Infact, I'm going to see them in July at Twickenham. Should be amazing.

    he probably feels like me, that its panto metal. stupid stage sets, 'its behind you' style cat calls as Eddie lumbers around. grown men gurning and singing about mythical bollocks


    pompous epics

    spotty fans

    etc etc

    but i may be wrong :lol:

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