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Posts posted by dAVe80

  1. Good going that really, finishing with a slight lead. Lets see how we get on tonight and in the morning. Strauss will play safe I would think, but I'd like us to try and win this. Mind we'd need to set them something around 6 an over to chase, as Sri Lanka may just go out and treat it like a ODI in the final innings.

  2. VT in full apocalypse meltdown mode! Should we not actually wait and see who gets the job, before we start with the threats of packing in season tickets and never setting foot in VP again? As far as I can see it's all speculation, and the media has just as much of an idea of who is gonna be the next manager as the average member of VT has. I'll wait until I see the new manager having his photo taken at VP, before I make any decision on what state the club is in and the direction we'll be going.

  3. Watched the documentary about Creation Records last night, so have decided to have an old school British Indie weekend. Last 5 songs played:

    Jesus & Mary Chain - Just Like Honey

    My Blood Valentine - Only Shallow

    Ride - Like A Dream

    Teenage Fan Club - Everything Flows

    Super Fury Animals - Guacamole

    Mad For It... etc

  4. Don't blame Downing at all for what he's said, who here is naive enough to think he has a real affinity for Aston Villa? Unless we come out and show that ambition that he's been promised he'll be off and rightly so. It's over to the board.

    Whats the fookin point then eh?? Trying to build a team here and as soon as they show a bit of form they want to leave?

    Ill ask again...just what is the point? We may aswell just all pack up and go home!!

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Premiership football...

  5. All the criptic 'what does he mean when he says this that and the other' shit does my head in. Just say, I'm off if a bid comes in that's accepted and be done with it. I learned to accept that football players have no loyalty a long time ago, so just have some feckin balls, and be honest! I'd respect them a lot more if they did!

  6. Alan Shearer said on 5 Live earlier, that the best compliment he could pay Scholes is that he would walk into the Barca side that played on Saturday. It does make me laugh that at a time when people are asking why England don't have players like Iniesta and Xavi, we had one in Paul Scholes, and we played him on the left wing to accommodate Lamplard and Stevie Me!

  7. I always ask noses, when this subject comes up the following questions. If SHA are the true Birmingham club, how come Villa constantly get higher gates than SHA? Lets say what they say is true, does that mean that Brummies don't like football, or do they just not bother going? How come only 23kish of the 1 million Brummies only turn up to watch the club that carries the City's name?

    I'm a Brummie. Although I now live in the North East, my roots are in Erdington, Stockland Green, Nechells and Saltley. My family are almost exclusively Villa, and that goes back years. The utter shite SHA spout about Villa fans being 'carrot munchers' or made up of fans from satellite towns makes me laugh. Go back and look at the history of the two clubs. Look who has had the highest gates over the years. Even when they've been in a higher division than us, we always have bigger gates. Even back when it wasn't as easy to travel to watch football. Are you telling me those gates were made up of supporters from towns around the West Midlands, and that Brummies wouldn't follow Villa, because they don't carry the name of the City?

    It's just a fallacy that SHA love to trot out, to give them something to deflect from them being a tin pot outfit, with nothing to really feel proud about.

  8. just to show everyone that we ain't just talking ourselves up below is a quote from an Arsenal supporter from one of their forums

    steve68 (Arsenal): massyz,you make some very good points there. i was a little envious of villa's support yesterday,that's the best i've seen from an away support certainly at the emirates.they were noisy all game and supported their team with great humour.

    Which site is that from mate?

  9. Bell and Trott seem to be in poor form

    Yeah I think most of the Central Contracted players are not gonna be much cop this early in the season. I'd think they're all probably knackered, after a tour of Australia and the World Cup. I think them coming back to play a few county games is more about giving them time in the middle, ready for Sri Lanka and India in the Summer, rather than expecting them to start ripping up trees. I notice KayPee was out cheaply by one of the University teams the other day.

  10. Wasn't sure where to put this, but here seemed as good a place as any (although I may put it in the 'Recommend Me A Film' thread). I watched the film documentary, Fire In Babylon tonight, and I heartily recommend it anyone who likes cricket. It plots the rise of the West Indies cricket team of the mid 70s, and follows their domination of the game for the 15 to 20 years that followed. Some great footage, and interviews with all the key players, Richards, Lloyd, Holding, Croft, Greenidge etc. Plus a fantastic sound track, and some of the political and social history thrown in. I urge people to go seek it out.

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