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Posts posted by itdoesntmatterwhatthissay

  1. Always liked Gabby as he is Villa at heart and i hope to god he's not sold but after this season and the last you couldn't really blame him if he did. Every player reaches a crossroads its where Van Persie is right now at Arsenal. I however DO NOT think he is worth more than Darren Bent i reckon around 8 - 12m Max.

    I think the fact he is villa at heart papers over alot of his flaws. I dont think he is actually a terribly gifted footballer and I dont think he would be missed all that much if he was moved on. He is certainly not worth the 58k he earns each week IMO

    Still shows promise but lets be honest he is not gifted with footballing intelligence and so can only go so far before moving on/being dropped.

    58K is awful money to be paying him, he just isn't worth it; let him go I say, I like him and he is useful but he is no world beater and needs to take 6 months to look at his ability to become a better player.

    A move might give him that because at Villa he is on easy street with no management pressure to really improve.

  2. I think he could be a good squad player when someone better comes in.

    He has definitely improved but he couldn't have been much worse; some pressure in his position could help.

    I agree he needs time but there really is no excuse for some of his mistakes....Heskey is right footed...

  3. Well if there was any animosity about Petrov's inability to pass forward it is well justified, then again you could just play someone alongside him that plays those balls and have Petrov triangle with another player to get the ball out...

    Petrov slows and stifles our play but it is up to management to get the best from him and the tactic clearly revolves around Petrov 'starting' moves.

  4. I believe we should stay with him.

    While not ideal he has shown development this year and improved as a manager, in recent weeks his discussions with KMac have increased and his touchline interaction has improved.

    He has also improved on his rotation technique with a team that isn't his.

    Tactically at times he makes me raise an eyebrow but he is at a club that expects so much and has a lot to still do; he needs a real transfer window and his authority should be respected until he proves otherwise.

    Unless of course Jose is begging for the job?!

  5. Parker, it has to be.

    A guy who gets on with his job and epitomises performing to a consistent standard.

    It's about time the stars played as stars and we had a more humble approach to our play.

    Hopefully 'Arry gets it and makes Parker the number one name on the team sheet...England with a natural defensive midfielder...that'll be the day!

  6. May as well throw him in, its a game we are not expected to win and he can relax and play his game...Id love to see Daniel Johnson get a few minutes at some point.

    Should be interesting and it's great to see someone arriving late to the box or supporting at the edge.

  7. Okay I'll take the challenge at supporting McLeish..

    This weekend will not be a fun one but in the last few months we have seen some better performances and improved team efforts.

    Did he deserve the job? Well there were some good candidates but he does have pedigree and we were in a problematic period that management felt needed a strong direction; he fits that bill even if he had some support through Fergies words.

    A Scot with defensive pedigree to complement an attacking Houllier philosophy and polarised players....

    Why he will do a good job? Well he has done a decent job away from home and got the best out of our two worst players in Ireland and Warnock. Made a mistake with Hutton, who is on low wages considering he came from a better team but adds to future squad depth.

    Has a few older players that are not good enough (especially in defence) and has no money or proper transfer windows to make a difference, apart from Keane who has revolutionised the way we play.

    He is in a new job, one that MON made a success of but didn't really entertain us and spent a shed load of money on dross as well as good players. He finished 11th in his first season and finished with +4 goals.

    We're not that far away from that now and have deserved some more points; what's the point in sacking Big Eck when he hasn't had a chance to really stamp his authority on the team.

    He has a decent scouting network, isn't afraid to take a risk abroad and is now at a club who is enticing and not fraught with potential situations.

    Give him a chance; if he buys badly and we start poorly next year with no development of the kids in the later part of this year I'll start to rethink my opinion but he has a big job with the team and with his own management technique; he is learning and so is the team so I am keeping the faith in him.

    Tactically he seems naive but by looking at his substitutions and players positioning he is clearly tinkering with a system and his players abilities.

  8. i'd rather him in the team, he's one player who isn't afraid of the ball.

    he might lose the ball often but at least he has balls and courage to want it

    Agreed, he also needs games to try and settle his desire to perform.

  9. What planet are people on ? Really ? To say that Albrighton has only had one bad game, what games have you been watching ?

    I agree with the first post, he is a very average footballer. He started off his career here great, but has done what a lot of our youth players do and head in the opposite direction. He has been poor this year, and i can't think of a good game he has had, or are people thinking of Bristol as he scored ?

    Don't get me wrong, he has alot of potential, but rarely wants the ball, runs in the opposite direction of the ball and gets completley lost in every game he plays in.

    Think when we play him it's a waste of a player on the pitch. Couldn't care if he trys hard or loves villa, by all means he does. But he needs to get a lot more involved in games, make some better runs and look like he wants the ball. Rather than running away with his sleeves over his hands every game.

    Hope he does prove me wrong, but on this seasons performances i can't see him staying in the top flight much longer.

    I'm not sure you've been watching him properly, he always wants the ball and always wants it back for a flick on or a run.

    He gets lost because he has no support and whenever he gets forward the midfield watch him instead of giving him an option/drawing a defender away.

    Just watch a supporting Hutton stand on the ball and have a look up instead of already knowing Albrighton is ready to receive it.

    He isn't a player that beats people with immense trickery or strength but his crossing is brilliant and effective from many parts of the pitch but we never use it.

    Plus the boy can take a ball down and thinks ahead; its a rare quality in a Villa player.

    If anything he looks despondent not lost/a waste because the players around him play crap slow football.

  10. Who knows, I think it's probably a case of playing to his strengths but we seem incapable.

    Personally I think he can be the future of our goal scoring efforts.

    He was constantly moaning at the slow football and the lack of one touch returns and who can blame him.

    He wants to play football but certain players don't have the same thought process as he does....Ireland does.

    A different player from the quick wingers in the league but one with the ability get in there and provide real quality.

    He spent the first half with no real width to play with and in the second half was able to play some football and put some balls in.

    I feel sorry for him, he is a natural crosser with a poacher in front of him but we don't play the crossing game.

    No surprises that a cross caused the goal, and maybe it's time we bit the bullet, dropped Petrov and played a midfielder that can pass a ball forward and support in the final third.

  11. These months must feel like an age for him but maybe McLeish is teaching him a lesson about the game while his heads not right (I hope so); at some point the midfield and even system will have to change so Bannan will get his chance.

    Some poor touches and stray passes when he came on so maybe he is trying too hard, but you'd have really wanted him to come back with basic football as standard.

  12. he looks superb, would like to see him and jack grealish get a game for the first team by the end of the season

    How old is he? Isnt he only 15? Maybe sit him on the bench or invite him to come and train but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

    He looks very talented with a terrific ability to keep the ball but a game for the first team? He still looks a little lad and its probably not fair on him.

    Plus there are a lot more deserving and able players right at this moment.

  13. Carruthers is on twitter...


    What's the deal with him and Arsenal then? Why did he leave them?

    I believe he was told with so many players ahead of him he was unlikely to get many if any opportunities in the next few years.

    He made the decision to go...maybe with gentle persuasion; or a lack of any to stay.

  14. Yes; I have my life back!!!!!

    With the bugs making three of my quests impossible I am satisfied with the quests I have completed.

    What a game, what a crazy game; and I had very little bugs; the new update is making it crash so it seems like a perfect time to quit.

    Somehow felt smaller than Oblivion but then it did have a feeling of conclusion whereas Oblivion felt like an ending of chore.

    Loved it, great game play and really fun stories; I really liked the levelling up system too.

    Conjuring two creatures is awesome, decapitations are funny, shouts are brilliant and blasting bears off mountains is just as fun as before.

    And in the meantime other games have become dirt cheap!

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