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Everything posted by Annoyman

  1. Man, so Chelsea are as good as Liverpool were last season funny old game I don't think it's anywhere near guaranteed that both Spurs and City will lose at the weekend so 4th will probably be gone before it becomes crazily tight, but improving your points total every year is alright by me
  2. I think the commentator on the stream I had said Delph's injury was "bad"
  3. We're basically a terrible team who can't play good enough football to create clear cut chances, and we also have terrible strikers who clearly can't finish as evidenced by the glut of clear cut chances they missed today
  4. The penalty shout on Agbonlahor was stonewall, he gave the second one, the Young one was a bit enhh because he basically lost control of the ball to another player while standing still hoping that somebody would foul him, and Petrov was playing for that penalty so hard he basically stuck his leg out and bounced it off James while falling over.
  5. there's nothing in the laws of the game about getting the ball, it doesn't matter shit, what matters if the tackle is "careless, reckless or with excessive force"
  6. Least we lost to top of the league though... Yeah I guess both sides gettiing raped by facepalm-worthy refereeing kind of evens out, but the Spurs schadenfreude thing is kind of tempered for me by the fact that they got screwed, and that the result hands John Terry a bullshit cricket-score lap of honour circle jerk in May despite the fact that he tried to kill somebody yesterday
  7. in lieu of a third place play off, beaten semi finalists mercilessly taunt beaten semifinalists
  8. If you can't beat Wolves you're not going to get 4th, just look at 4th place Spurs who oh shit
  9. He did distract Kirkland, he was in the way of the shot and stepped aside at the last minute
  10. I guess all the guys who were secretly annoyed that the second half at Reading denied them their Internet shitfit have got their new doom n'gloom flashpoint Terrible game; good to see Delap's throws dealt with so routinely, at least Heskey wasn't very good but we weren't playing the kind of football that would suit him anyway
  11. ITV Guy: Three goals in ten minutes, have you ever known anything like it? MON: Yes, we did it two weeks ago against Burnley ^^can't get anything past this guy
  12. That was one of our worst first half performances of the season, but there's a difference between calling a spade a spade and getting into some pant-pissing frenzy where you call the whole team bottlers and demand a new manager and the sale of Downing, Carew and Heskey (three goals, 1.5 assists and uh a shot on target between them in the second half) I mean basically it seems that some of us vent our frustration at bad performances by going a bit Mental Health Act 1983, and the rest of us vent our frustration by taking the piss out of the people in the former group
  13. Wouldn't give Portsmouth a prayer with O'Hara ineligible though tbh
  14. We've only beaten them twice, one of those was a 0-0. They also beat us 4--0 in the league cup. Re: draw, we're always shit against Redknapp teams, delaying playing Spurs always allows the possibility that he'll get sent down for something
  15. Yeah, no point forking out for yr third Wembley visit of the season if you just get there to find out you weren't good enough to beat them
  16. Just saw a team in blue attacking the left hand goal again and nearly shat myself; turns out it's Chelsea or some shit Young's second half performance was **** great, don't see that he's "below his old standards" by that much tbh
  17. Funniest match thread in years My favourite bit was when people were saying that Carew's disallowed goal was definitely offside so they could carry on insisting we'd been irredeemably terrible
  18. "he's gonna score one or two" - disappointing mathematical ineptitude from our boys
  19. Carew is a man who loves to be fouled in the box
  20. the cynical bit of me wishes he hadn't ridden the bad tackle by the last man
  21. gotta send some love to Ivanhoe for the awareness he showed to make no effort to touch that cross seriously
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