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Posts posted by canarykiller

  1. Thanks Blandy!

    A couple of early issues raised by your mods....

    It appears the is sometimes still a problem loading page 2. This is a problem - because thats the bit where you vote on the issue of standing! It has improved from the start where we lost 4 of the first 8 surveys - the data leakage is now running at about 6%.

    I have been told that if you keep clicking 'next' it will load eventually! If it doesn't it is best to try and go again - it'll probably work the second time, and we won't be double counting, as the surveys that don't reach page 2 don't tell us anything so we will discard any attempts which don't make the second page! I'm sorry it's not perfect, but I am just an enthusiastic amateur with a survey monkey - so roll with me if you can.

    Secondly - the question around client references is clearly optional as I didn't want people not filling the survey in because they couldn't be bothered to dig out their reference. However, both here and VV have raised some doubts about this that I honestly hadn't considered. We put it in place as an alternative to asking for an address or an email, to help us verify the data and show we hadn't just sat there making a load of responses up. Several of you will be in Villa supporting families, posting from the same IP address, others could post from home and work to up the vote - so the data is open to question/corruption. The client ref provides some degree of evidence that we have actually surveyed real people - especially on the paper one, where I could have just sat down and tried out 300 different styles of handwriting!

    It has been pointed out to me that when we are all trying to book our tickets for the FA Cup Final next year, there could be someone being told their client reference has already been used - and they will be looking at me! Someone else has pointed out that it could give me access to your Villa cash - which I really wish I had thought of before I booked my Spurs tickets!

    All I can say is that the data is password protected and I am the only person outside the club who has access to it. I honestly haven't even thought about your references till it was brought up with me, and if you could see all of your comments - you'd know why! Some of them are absolute poetry, nearly all of them are well thought out and argued - I would love to publish a book of the best of them!

    It is up to you whether you want to trust me with it or leave it. I'd genuinely not thought of all this stuff - as I say, just an enthusiastic amateur - Definitely fallible. The main thing is, I have the beginnings of something we could genuinely do something with here - so please just fill in the bits you want to - and add your voice.

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