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Posts posted by stevenjos

  1. Which is Jeremy Clarkson to be fair. As far as I'm aware he writes the Top Gear scripts.

    Not really. He does a chunk whilst the others bring bits in but its then battered into shape by the three hosts, Andy Wilman and Richard Porter the script editor. The whole office sit in (a tiny office) on the readthrough a few days before and can pipe up if need be.


    Fair enough, you sound more in the know than I do.

    He still has a fairly big input though by the sounds of it.

    Worked there for a month. :D

    He has more to dowith it thatn the others but he isnt alone

  2. Which is Jeremy Clarkson to be fair. As far as I'm aware he writes the Top Gear scripts.

    Not really. He does a chunk whilst the others bring bits in but its then battered into shape by the three hosts, Andy Wilman and Richard Porter the script editor. The whole office sit in (a tiny office) on the readthrough a few days before and can pipe up if need be.


  3. Iphone has so many simple things wrong with it that make it poor. It cant do half of the simple phone tasks.

    My phone poos all over it and looks sweet too. HTC touch HD. Never look back at the lousy iphone again :)

    that looks nice, what network?

    p.s. sorry for the OT ness.

    Iphone YAY!!!

  4. The plot thickens from the Proporta (who make the Ted baker Six Pack) Website:

    Ted’s Charging Kit powers and charges your phone, digital camera, iPod or any USB device (including iPhones and the Apple iPod Touch), wherever you are.

    So my new theory is when i go to home to see if the USB cable that came with the itouch is what is needed and not the lead provided.

  5. Soooooo slightly off as im on about the Ipod Touch BUT.

    Im going to florida and saw the ted baker portable charger by Proporta on ebay for £10. It says it charges Ipods. WICKED> that 9hr flight will fly by with me watching movies on my itouch.

    So it turns up today. Charge it, plug it into my phone. Works. Plug it into my 30GB old Pod. SORTED. New itouch. Nothing. Zip.


    So got to send it back and start looking again! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  6. Saw an old jeremy clarkson motorworld the other day, set in Vietnam.. Clarkson happily riding around effortlessly on a Honda moped!

    I saw one with a jet ski on water and taking a 4x4 over ice and snow.

    Twas the prototype for the past 3 series i think!

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