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Posts posted by stevenjos

  1. So basically. Doug want to charge too much for the club then wants the new owners to put x amount of money in (which he has never done in his life).

    Why dont that old man put half of his money he's taking out of the club in if hes that bothered. If he is "mr Aston Villa"

    f*ck doug. I want him out. he's killing us. aresh*le. w*nker.

    I would like to say sorry about saying all that but im thinking worse things believe me.

  2. how long do people reckon it will take for it all to fail after the transfer window shuts then?!?

    1 week?

    2 weeks?

    im going for 2 weeks...

    and a statement similar to the one below...

    "aston villa plc continue to look for a buyer who can take the club forward the way the board think is best for the long term stability of the club...

    avil, did not show that they had the full financial backing to complete the transaction and werent considered the right people to progress the club....



    it'll be thursday or friday.

  3. When I win the Euro millions jackpot this week of 120 mill, I'll snap the club up and you'll see me on TV physically booting The Exhausted Ruler out onto Trinity Rd with his baggage!!

    That's a mental image that cheers me up no end! The old git there stood trying to get the letters from the stand opposite the Trinity into the boot of his car!

    Id shove those letters where the son dont shine and tell him to NEVER come back.

  4. If you don't like the thread, don't go in it. Simple. This is probably the most valid thread on here, seeing as the furture depends on it.

    Please now keep this thread on topic. Any further off topic posts will be deleted.

    Here here.

    (is this on topic??)

  5. So...... if the 64mill looks a bit OTT. Why dont the comers release a cleverly worded statement to put pressure on doug to be realistic.

    i would dosomething simple like:

    The old senile word removed is killing the club and we cant be bothered to pay him until he realises his mickey mouse figure is wrong

  6. instead of allthese little qoutes, why dont the commers or doug ellis release a proper **** statement instead of drip feading us information.

    I dont know why the comers arent speaking BUT

    the reason Doug isnt is annoying me. He has duty to the shareholders to let them know.

    I, for now, am gonna put ti down to doug been a cnut

  7. I'm not criticising those who are sincere in saying the one reason they stay away from VP is Doug Ellis. Its their choice afterall.

    What I am criticising is the fact they believe that staying away will have any impact whatsoever on the boardroom.

    Attendances are down this season no question. However, Doug's response will be to simply blame our league position and fire the manager at the end of the season.

    As someone far more eloquent than I once said, when Doug goes, the missing thousands will merely think of another convenient excuse to stay away.

    If there are people like that then fair enough. But that aint me.

  8. I (as people on here know.)dont go to villa park anymore because of one reason. Doug Ellis.

    The mans name can make my blood boil. i have last seasons kit with Ellis 666 on the back and i wear it with pride.

    Everything about him makes me angry.

    The myth he keeps up financially sound winds me up because i cant remember the last time we recorded a profit.

    I think that ticket sales will go up when he leaves and the ""hidden" thousands will re-emerge. BUT we are over lookign the most worrying thing our douglARSE has done to our club.

    Killing the number of children who are villa fans.

    I honestly cant believe the lack of children i see in villa tops these days. I remember been at school and there been competition as soon as the kit was out. who was first to have it. who got there favourite Number/name on the back.

    Now there is worrying amounts of kids in blues tops. Children dotn know any better than to beleive the bull sh*t spewed by the board over at small heath. especially when the Birmingham (City FC) Evening Mail will run any story of them declaring themsleves the worlds greatest and attempting to sign Owen etc. etc.

    The kids in blues tops thing is just a small number compared to the amount of kids who are Man U, Arsenal and Chelski fans now.

    The straw that broke my back was going to villa park to watch us play small heath last season. i realised that we had become a shadow of ourselves both as a club and a football team. and both come from Doug Ellis.

    His managerial appointments have all suffered with him as a ball and chain around their ankles. and his cost sutting over the past three to four years has seen us slip to where we are.

    Icant wait to stand in the holte again. But i wont put money in the managements pockets whilst we slowly die.

    Up the villa.

  9. The old idiot just wont realise hes past the job. And getting the most money for the club is nt a good deal for anyone but him and petchey. it leaves us with less and him with more. I really hope he goes and the new owners rename the witton.

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