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Posts posted by stevenjos

  1. On the books that piece of land valued on the books at 100k, when sold may realise a cash value of 7M +. The sale converts the real estate to a cash asset which until it is disposed of increases the net worth of the business.

    Yeah but Doug had already valued that land at ten million and several times said her was supposedly "underselling the club". my original post still stands. we are in a slightly worse financial situation to last year. and that land is now gone!

    wish i had time to reply!


  2. The funds realised by the potential sale of the Serpentine Property will increase the net worth of AVFC

    Errrrrrm no. The sale of that land is to cover poor management of money. We are now in the same situation as a year ago but without that bit of land. so how are we worth more?

    Doug, in the past has indicated that AVFC, unlike most Prem clubs is relatively debt free.

    He has and hes been right until the mid season accounts which showed us using our overdraft.

    Even though many of us perhaps do not care for Doug's tenure at the club, and frequently we hear claims that the business is run like a corner shop, one thing that can be said is that Doug is able to read and interpret the profit and loss statements and understands his balance sheet.

    i disagree. If he understood the balance sheets he woudl of saw that he has lost tens of millions of the past 4 or 5 years and realised what a bad job hes doing

    It seems to me that he runs the corporation like a Chancellor of the Exchequer and knows where every penny is spent.

    true. and just like the chancellor hes using everyones pension to fund the shortfall i wanted to highlight that cuz i like it

    In 2005 Aston Villa was ranked by Deloitte at Number 20 in their rankings of the world's money clubs.

    thats top 20 clubs EARNINGS. Now shoudl a club pulling in that much cash be making losses? not with a competant board i tell thee

    If anyone is aware of any significant short term or long term debts owned by the club I would be interested to hear them.

    We've got no long term debts. true. But imagine if we took on a long term loan and had invested and backed managers at the right points in the past ten years (2nd in league, cup finals, John Gregory at top of leage). I think we'd be a tiny bit more successful personally.

    The club's performance  last season was woeful in terms of playing ability and more seriously in terms of revenue. Reduced revenues mean that prudent businessmen have to consider their cash position and budget accordingly. If the budget reveals that there will be a shortfall of funds at any point, attention has to be given as to how to adjust for that situation.

    Well having a thin bare squad would lead to the risk of injuries and us failing to pull in a decent position. Of course this was because of dougs 3 season plan to make us rely on kids and have no strength. We have had to adjust because of getting salaries cut and the fact that Mr O'leary is tactically as sharp as a wet fish. So to be honest this situation was always possibly with the under investment since the turn of the millenium.

    There are ways to rectify a position. Increase sales revenues, and for Aston Villa that means selling more tickets, selling more merchandise, making improved deals with kit suppliers/sponsors etc etc.

    Well we seem incompetent at that as our sponsorphip and kit deals have fell since our old deasl.

    Secondly they can increase prices of tickets and merchandise etc

    they cant sell the stuff as it is!!!

    Another way is to cut overheads by trimming unneccesary staff, or cutting hours or reducing expenditures etc. An improved position in the Prem will bring in more crowds and a better share of the Prem Broadcasting revenues.

    FIngers crossed huh?

    Selling property that is not maximising it's value is also an option.

    But we dont want asset stripping at the club!!!! [/sarcasm]

    As previously mentioned, we fans probably don't know how those funds will be spent. It could be used for a host of things that have not been mentioned. Perhaps part of the money will be spent on the new pitch which we have heard is costing 700k. It could also be used on improving the training ground facilities.

    as far as we were lead to believe these were ring fenced (i think thats the correct term) at the last AGM

    There are a host of positive uses that can be made of the money. My simple question was for those who are making allegations of "near bankrupt" to support their claims with facts. I would be surprised to hear that such claims were true.

    We ARE haemorranging money every season and have no real liquid funds available. our value is in the ground and the land

    We may not always like the way the club is run but once in a while it is possible that the board does some basic things that sensible businessmen do. I prefer to take a balanced view of what the club and it's owner do. I think that sometimes we Villa fans are so severely critical of everything that the club does and are quick to blame Doug or DOL for everything at Villa Park, so much so that even when they do the good things they are criticised.

    i cant remember the last good thing they did!!!

  3. Ransons was a proper bid, but ellis never gave him the time of day. Mind you that may have been for the best with richardson on board

    but if Ranson was serious he would have took it a stage further instead of meekly backing away.

    ranson was serious wasnt he.

    He asked for the books and doug wouldnt hand them over.

    its getting to a point where im beginning to give up on villa.

    cant we start AFC Aston Villa???

  4. Can this be closed? it depresses me.

    But you don't wanna do thaaaaaaat.......

    you KNOW we will have "the last laugh" :?

    Yeah. Can't wait till 2019 when Doug finally leaves! :roll:

    we wont have the last laugh. He will when he dies and leaves us to sharks to be ripped apart.... whilst we are in the championship.

  5. Oh so we have to wait till the summer

    then in the summer we can wait til the end of the summer.

    then at the end of the summer, we can wait till november

    then at the AGM doug wont have to say anything!!!!

    its all BOLL*X

  6. spill the beans then...

    the whole can....

    Have you been watching the chairman eating his lunch again Pablo? :winkold:

    Mrs Ellis only gives him the small half sized cans cuz he cribbles them too much.

    all down his new suit.

  7. EDIT: i found the actual transcript!!!!


    Kennedy, I love talking about the Kennedy assassination because to me it's a great example of, er, a totalitarian government's ability to, you know, manage information and thus keep us in the dark any way they... Oh sorry wrong meeting... Ah shit. That's the meeting we're having tomorrow at the docks. [winks] I love talking about Kennedy. I was just down in Dallas, Texas. You know you can go down there and, er, to Dealey Plaza where Kennedy was assassinated. And you can actually go to the sixth floor of the Schoolbook Depository. It's a museum called... 'The Assassination Museum'. I think they named that after the assassination. I can't be too sure of the chronology here but... Anyway they have the window set up to look exactly like it did on that day. And it's really accurate, you know, cos Oswald's not in it. "Yeah, yeh so wow that's cool." Painstaking accuracy, you know. It's true, it's called the 'Sniper's Nest'. It's glassed in, it's got he boxes sitting there. You can't actually get to the window as such but the reason they did that of course, they didn't want thousands of American tourists getting there each year going [Mimes looking out of window] "No **** way! I can't even see the road. Shit they're lying to us. ****! Where are they? There's no **** way. Not unless Oswald was hanging by his toes, upside down from the ledge. Either that or some pigeons grabbed onto him, flew him over the motorcade... Surely someone would have seen that. You know there was rumours of anti-Castro pigeons seen drinking in bars... Someone overhead them saying 'coup, coup' Coo.

    Unbelievable. And you know what's wild, people's, er, attitudes in the States about it. Talking about Kennedy, people come up to me: "Bill, quit talking about Kennedy, man. Let it go. It's a long time ago - just forget about it." And I'm like alright, then don't bring up Jesus to me. As long as we're talking shelf life here. "Bill, you know Jesus died for you." Yeah, well it was a long time ago. Forget about it! How about this. Get Pilate to release the **** files. Quit washing your hands Pilate - release the goddam files. Who else was on that grassy Golgotha that day? "Bill, it was just, you know, hur, taking over of democracy by a totalitarian government, let it go."

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