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Posts posted by Ooh-Ah

  1. He had to spend money on a RB as young left.

    Actually no he didn't.

    As was said at the time by a number of people including myself RB was the one area of the squad we didn't need to buy someone for even with the departure of Young.

    McLeish decided to buy one though and use his limited resources to do so.

    Whether or not he needed to buy a RB is debatable, but the fact that Alan Hutton is a shockingly bad footballer is not.

    If he doesn't deserve to be criticised for signing a RB, he certainly deserves to be criticised for signing such an awful one.

  2. This 19th minute thing is a bit odd. Who's watching the clock? What about the action on the pitch at that moment - say a goalmouth chance at either end, or a controversial foul? Before kickoff would have been better IMO.

    Sevilla do it every home game for the late Antonio Puerta, I think in the 28th minute (the minute he collapsed). It works very well and it's quite moving. I'm sure it'll work fine today.

  3. Not that it wouldn't be upsetting anyway but the fact that he seems like such a nice guy makes this even more heartbreaking. Here's hoping he makes a full recovery.

  4. That Newcastle game aside I really don't see how K-Mac could have been described as a 'disaster'. And things would probably have been a lot different if Carew scored that pen in the opening minutes.

    As for Curbishley, the guy has been blatantly whoring himself out to the media since he left West Ham (almost 4 years ago) in the hope of getting a job and he still hasn't got one. If it were a straight choice between K-Mac and Curbishley, I don't think anyone in their right mind could plump for Curbishley.

  5. Ooh-Ah, you say it's not about a superficial affiliation with a popular brand but it's about quality and style. Again, whats to stop Macron making a quality, stylish top? Also, no-one said that 'having a sense of style is shallow'. The point being made was, why boycott the purchase of a Villa shirt (before it's even been designed or released!!) just because it's made by Macron. That's shallow, or superficial, or something..

    I just think that hycus-flange's point was misread by a few. Unless you both actually think that a kit made by Macron will definatly be horrible, and even if it isn't, you both won't buy it because it's made by Macron, and not Nike/ Puma/ Umbro/ Reebol/ Adidas?

    I don't think anyone was flat out refusing to by our new kit simply because it's going to be made by Macron. I never said Macron are incapable of making a nice kit, nor did I say that I definitely won't buy next season's shirt because it's made by Macron. If it's nice, I'll buy it. I just think that Macron are less likely to come up with a nice shirt than Nike or Puma or Umbro or Adidas are. Not because these companies are bigger or more popular, but because these companies almost invariably make nicer football kits.

    Maybe I'm misinterpreting the general mood in this thread but the impression I got, if I may be so bold as to recklessly categorise everyone into two opposing groups, was that some people (like me) are disappointed that we got Macron, and some people are not.

    Of those who are not disappointed, some DO care about what the shirt looks like and are hopeful that Macron deliver on this front, and some don't care about what the shirt looks like. My gripe is with those who don't care, but specifically I was taking issue with posts like hycus-flange's that suggest that people who are complaining about the Macron deal are only doing so because Nike are "cooler":

    I'm not moaning, just voicing an opinion, I have plenty of other things to moan about than having one crappy brand name sweat shop made piece of crap over another lesser named sweat shop made piece of crap.

    Its quite sad that people are so shallow.


    you read what you want to see.

    I was trying to point out how petty some people can be over branded mass prouced poor quality tat.

    peer pressures a bitch.

    I can't believe I've just spent the last twenty minutes composing a retort for an argument on a message board involving someone called 'hycus-flange'. This is a low.

    nothing low about it, you must really love me, or Nike, personally i couldn't give a **** about you wasting 20 mins collating all these quotes to try and win an argument when you missed the first post I wrote which is the important one, but then again if you did quote that one then you wouldn't have been able to make yourself out to be the victim, are you sure you are not a Liverpool fan, then again if you were, we would be having the same argument as they are ditching the wonderful three stripes for another shitty shirt provider.

    Sorry, here's your last post before the ones I quoted:

    people ticking over something as trivial as not having a ticky thing on their replica shirt next year, are your lives that empty of proper things to worry or whinge about?

    Your sentiments here seem to be similar to those expressed in the quotes I provided so I'm not entirely sure what makes this "the important one." (I'm assuming this is the one you're referring to, seeing as how your previous couple of comments in this thread are from a number of weeks ago and are unrelated.)

    I'm also not entirely sure how me disagreeing with your argument makes me "really love" you. Presumably, following on with this logic, if I agreed with everything you said I'd secretly despise you. I never thought of myself as being so complex but I'm sure you know best. (Now I'm agreeing with you... So I secretly despise you...? Sorry, your ideas are new and confusing.)

    As for loving Nike, nothing I've said has implied this. I have said that Nike are more likely to produce a nice-looking kit than Macron, but I've said the same for Puma, Adidas and Umbro. So maybe I love them all.

    I haven't made myself out to be a victim either. I've just tried to elucidate my points as I feel they were misinterpreted. And I'll do so again here for the last time:

    You seem to be suggesting that I don't want Macron to be our kit supplier because, compared to the "cool" Nike, they're a small, unpopular brand. My response is that it has nothing to do with our shirt having a swoosh (or three stripes seeing as how I'm a closet Liverpool fan). I do think that Villa signing a deal with a company like Macron is indicative of the fact that our star has faded somewhat over the past couple of seasons. And I do have a slight concern that it will have an adverse affect on the image of the club and on shirt sales, which are obviously an important source of income.

    But at a personal level it simply comes down to taste. I don't like any of the Macron kits I've seen so far, therefore I am sceptical of them producing one for us next season. If they do, great. I'll buy it.

    Thanks for partaking in my first ever message board argument. I wish you nothing but good fortune in future endeavours.

    Anyway, sorry everyone for clogging up this thread with a petty squabble. Back on topic: Macron are shit. I love Nike.

  6. I wish people would stop comparing the beginning of MON's tenure to that of McLeish's. MON inherited a FAR worse team and although they might have amassed a similar number of points over a similar amount of time, his team rarely, if ever, produced the kind of gutless, insipid performances that have been the staple of McLeish's reign thus far.

    There was hope under MON, there is none under McLeish.

  7. Ooh-Ah, you say it's not about a superficial affiliation with a popular brand but it's about quality and style. Again, whats to stop Macron making a quality, stylish top? Also, no-one said that 'having a sense of style is shallow'. The point being made was, why boycott the purchase of a Villa shirt (before it's even been designed or released!!) just because it's made by Macron. That's shallow, or superficial, or something..

    I just think that hycus-flange's point was misread by a few. Unless you both actually think that a kit made by Macron will definatly be horrible, and even if it isn't, you both won't buy it because it's made by Macron, and not Nike/ Puma/ Umbro/ Reebol/ Adidas?

    I don't think anyone was flat out refusing to by our new kit simply because it's going to be made by Macron. I never said Macron are incapable of making a nice kit, nor did I say that I definitely won't buy next season's shirt because it's made by Macron. If it's nice, I'll buy it. I just think that Macron are less likely to come up with a nice shirt than Nike or Puma or Umbro or Adidas are. Not because these companies are bigger or more popular, but because these companies almost invariably make nicer football kits.

    Maybe I'm misinterpreting the general mood in this thread but the impression I got, if I may be so bold as to recklessly categorise everyone into two opposing groups, was that some people (like me) are disappointed that we got Macron, and some people are not.

    Of those who are not disappointed, some DO care about what the shirt looks like and are hopeful that Macron deliver on this front, and some don't care about what the shirt looks like. My gripe is with those who don't care, but specifically I was taking issue with posts like hycus-flange's that suggest that people who are complaining about the Macron deal are only doing so because Nike are "cooler":

    I'm not moaning, just voicing an opinion, I have plenty of other things to moan about than having one crappy brand name sweat shop made piece of crap over another lesser named sweat shop made piece of crap.

    Its quite sad that people are so shallow.


    you read what you want to see.

    I was trying to point out how petty some people can be over branded mass prouced poor quality tat.

    peer pressures a bitch.

    I can't believe I've just spent the last twenty minutes composing a retort for an argument on a message board involving someone called 'hycus-flange'. This is a low.

  8. Some people care about what they wear, others don't. Having a sense of style doesn't make you shallow.


    When did wearing a football shirt ever become a fashion statement ?

    It's not about making a fashion statement. I'm not making a fashion statement by wearing the clothes I'm wearing today. I like these clothes, so I bought them, and now I'm wearing them.

    I'm more likely to buy, and wear, the new shirt if I think it looks good. There's a middle ground between wearing a loincloth and being Gok Wan.

  9. According to your rules we should only worry about proper things so I suggest all football forums are shut down. Football is just a pastime afterall.


    you read what you want to see.

    I was trying to point out how petty some people can be over branded mass prouced poor quality tat.

    peer pressures a bitch.

    So some people care about the clothes they wear, so what?

    Referring specifically to Villa however, people care about the quality of the shirts and the style because not only do some people like to wear nice things but also it represents our club week in week out on the pitch.

    There's no need to get so holier than thou about it, if you don't care about the clothes you wear then that's your prerogative, but there's no need to come here and look down your noses at people. Like someone said earlier, if you don't even care about this stuff then why even post your opinion if it's just going to be a judgement on others?

    Hear, hear. Some people are completely missing the point; it's not about some superficial affiliation with more popular brands.

    At a personal level it's about quality and style. I want to buy next season's home shirt but if it's tacky, I won't. Some people care about what they wear, others don't. Having a sense of style doesn't make you shallow.

    In terms of Aston Villa as a whole, the kit is an important part of the club's image. Which matters. Also I'm fairly sure that shirt sales are a significant source of income for the club. If the shirts are shoddy and look awful, I think it's safe to assume that less people will buy them.

    The major flaw in these last two posts is that you're both assuming that the Macron kit will be horrible.

    Unless.. you are actually basing your points on us replacing the nike 'swoosh' with the word 'macron' ? In which case it is shallow and superficial, surely?

    I'm not assuming anything. All I will say is that I haven't liked any of the Macron shirts I've seen so far, so I'm not holding out much hope. But for all I know next season's kit could be brilliant.

    I was just taking issue with people saying that the kit supplier doesn't matter, or that it makes no difference what the shirt looks like. It was more of a general observation than a scything attack on Macron.

  10. According to your rules we should only worry about proper things so I suggest all football forums are shut down. Football is just a pastime afterall.


    you read what you want to see.

    I was trying to point out how petty some people can be over branded mass prouced poor quality tat.

    peer pressures a bitch.

    So some people care about the clothes they wear, so what?

    Referring specifically to Villa however, people care about the quality of the shirts and the style because not only do some people like to wear nice things but also it represents our club week in week out on the pitch.

    There's no need to get so holier than thou about it, if you don't care about the clothes you wear then that's your prerogative, but there's no need to come here and look down your noses at people. Like someone said earlier, if you don't even care about this stuff then why even post your opinion if it's just going to be a judgement on others?

    Hear, hear. Some people are completely missing the point; it's not about some superficial affiliation with more popular brands.

    At a personal level it's about quality and style. I want to buy next season's home shirt but if it's tacky, I won't. Some people care about what they wear, others don't. Having a sense of style doesn't make you shallow.

    In terms of Aston Villa as a whole, the kit is an important part of the club's image. Which matters. Also I'm fairly sure that shirt sales are a significant source of income for the club. If the shirts are shoddy and look awful, I think it's safe to assume that less people will buy them.

  11. Far be it for me to support Houllier BUT, last season we had a huge injury list, the club had gone through a major upheavel in the summer, lost out manager and best player, the team had not had a pre season to talk of, we had two manager's before the season started, a search for another manager, a protracted appoitnment process and a delay in Houllier starting.

    And he had us playing better football. Houllier was a disaster in many ways but McLeish has been even worse.

  12. Added Shorts and Scocks to my kits



    Nike are one of the biggest brands in the world and are we leaving them because of quality issues

    Hey buddy, can you do us all a favour and stop showing us these sexy kits?

    For us it's the equivalent of staring at photos of Rihanna for hours on end before going on a blind date with a girl you're certain is going to be hideous.

  13. It is but then again look back to MON's first season here and pretty sure he only had 6-7 league wins in the bank by the end of January.

    Mind you there were people on here wanting him sacked at the time aswell.

    MON inherited a shit squad and although I never particularly liked the manner in which he set up his teams, you couldn't accuse him of being negative. Especially not against the bigger sides.

    McLeish has a quality squad at his disposal but his team are producing horrible, uninspiring football.

    When O'Neill was struggling, there was still a general belief that we would improve. McLeish is so uninspiring it's difficult to see us going anywhere but backwards with him at the helm.

  14. Do you see what happens day in day out on the training pitch? No.

    Do you?

    Can't argue with the logic that Ireland should start before Bannan at the minute but that doesn't mean that Barry should be happy about it. He's a quality player and he wants to play. Plus he did very little wrong when he did play so he has every right to feel a little aggrieved.

    I was happy to see that Twitter comment yesterday. He was just being honest; it was a shit game and he had to suffer through it like the rest of us.

  15. Just back the player regardless of what happened......like L'Pool and Chelsea have........

    If the club took the Liverpool stance their press release might sound a little odd...

    "Aston Villa Football Club are hugely disappointed with the news that Barry Bannan has received an 18-month driving ban following an incident in which he allegedly crashed into a barrier on the M1 near Watnall, Nottinghamshire on the 23rd of October while under the influence of alcohol.

    "The club finds it astonishing that the courts have completely dismissed Barry's testimony as fiction while simultaneously accepting as fact the unsupported claims of the barrier in question, especially when one considers the fact that said barrier has proven himself to be an unreliable witness in previous cases of this nature. The notion that Barry has some kind of problem with barriers is ridiculous; he has worked with barrier charities in the past and his own grandfather was a barrier. Incidentally, Barry himself suffered injury at the hands of Mr Barrier but declined to mention it in his hearing - he's cool like that.

    "Furthermore, the club is dumbfounded that the courts failed to take into account Barry's cultural background when passing judgment on his actions. If this incident occurred in his home country, Barry's behaviour would not be considered offensive or damaging in any way, shape or form. Barry grew up in Scotland where driving under the influence of alcohol is common practice.

    "We urge all Aston Villa supporters to rally around Barry at this difficult time."

    *Limited edition 'Give Baz his wheels back' t-shirts will be available in the club shop prior to our next home game. Free bottle of whiskey with each purchase.

  16. Might seem like a minor detail to some but a club's kit supplier DOES have a major impact on people's perception. People naturally associate Nike/Adidas/Puma/Umbro with bigger, more successful clubs and second-rate brands like Macron with small time, second-rate clubs.

    Unfortunately it seems as though we, as a club, are regressing, so it might be only fitting for us to end up being associated with a lesser brand. Sad face.

    Also, Macron's kits are f***ing horrible and I can't see very many people buying their merchandise, even if it has a Villa crest on it.

  17. The Irish Stephen Warnock.

    Like it.

    Can't understand some people's assessment of Warnock's performances this season... I think he's playing really well in general. Last season he was hopeless, and I wasn't his biggest fan the season before, but I'd definitely single him out as being one of our more impressive players this term. (High praise indeed.)

  18. Having seen us give up before a ball is kicked I think we should all bring white flags to a game to wave in surrender to whoever the game is against. Should be pretty easy to do as you can wave anything from a hanky to a pillow case, it's generally pretty easy to find some white material to flail about.

    Great idea. This would be so much better than a few anti-McLeish banners because it suggests that our issues are with the tactics rather than the man.

  19. he is coming from the equivelant of Boldmere St Michael

    more like the equivalent of signing from Walsall

    :D don't be ridiculous, it's actually non-league level, it's honestly that bad

    rovers would hold their own in the championship

    Sorry, what?!

    I'm Irish and as patriotic as the next guy, but that's just nonsense. The standard in the League of Ireland is NOWHERE NEAR the standard in the Championship. Rovers' most highly rated player appears to be Billy Dennehy, whom I've played both with and against (at a much lower level than he's currently at). No offence to the lad, he works hard, but there's no way he'd be one of the most important players at a Championship club.

    As for Stevens, haven't seen too much of him but every time I have seen him he's looked extremely average. Certainly not good enough for Villa.

    Then again, neither is Alan Hutton.

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