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Posts posted by carlitobrigante

  1. absolutely crazy. you believe that soon your friend will rise from the dead??? you also seem to side step the facts / allegations of your new messiah sleeping with everyone he can get his hands on. I believe Christ was a virgin (or at least no where in the bible does it ever mention him having sexual relations with another person), yet this new incarnation of christ seems to want to get his leg over at every oppotunity? hmmmmm

    it is a free world and you are entitled to believe what you want to believe. but there is simply no point in coming onto various websites (a football website aswell) and expect us to take you seriously. however it is fascinating to see how deeply someone can believe in this and it is good to hear your views.

    id like to come back to the sex part again. what is michael acheivingby this except his own personal pleasure? he has created a community where he can be king, and filled it with vunerable people who are easily led and desperate to believe in something that gives there lives meaning. I dont see him spreading gods word, hell i live across in the united kingdom and hadnt heard of him till now. he doesnt seem to be getting his message across very well. he has to invite a tv crew to him to publicise himself. I see no charity work that he is doing, no pilgramages to other places to spread his 'good news'.

    i dont mean to ridicule you. but it is very hard for people living in the normal world to swallow this. even jesus himself did not expect people to follow him on blind faith, he produced miracle after mircale to prove who he was. creating a compound where people live in peace is not a miracle im afraid, it has been done before and will be done again. when this man can turn water into wine in front of your eyes, or walk on water then you will know he is the messiah.

    I just feel if you want to follow gods word and do his work there are better ways to do than blindly follow someone who after knowing him for 13 years suddenly turns around and tells you he is the messiah. why dont you do some missionary work? help the starving in africa?

  2. we will always get the odd away fan in the home section, theres no way to stamp it out completely...

    the cosmetic changes around the ground though small all add up and the place looks so much better than it did. Really happy with it and the railings seem the right colours to me so not sure which ones the bloke who was complaining about it being the wrong colour paint was looking at. Just wondering if there is anything youve got planned to beighten up the ground and its immediate surroundings?

    we are moving forward at a fantastic pace both on and off the field. Are yourself and Randy slightly taken aback by how well we seem to be doing both on and off the field? were you always supremely confident we would be where we are now, or are we ahead of schedule in the 5 years plan? which area do you think we need to improve most, on the pitch or our commercial side off the pitch?

    our reputation off the field has not been higher for some time. our manager and our players are being coveted by other teams and there fans. the press are starting to wake up to us and we are being talked about as one of the clubs best placed to challenge the top four. we have players in the england squad and having a full stadium most weeks. I dont think anyone expected such rapid and easily indentifiable progress in such a short space of time. Just wondered how yourself and randy view our progress. Whcih part of our recent revival has please you and randy the most?

  3. john bloody cullen, read this story in the papers the other day but only today found out it was john..poor sod

    went to school with him and knew him very very well. was a funny bloke, full of jokes and an utter tragedy for him to die so young, would love to see him honoured some way at the game....villa fan thru and thru

  4. general please pass on our thanks To MON, Randy and the players for todays great result, it was one of my all time favourite Villa moments. This is my first year as a season ticket holder and im loving every minute of it...

    Were you at the game? If so I think you'll agree than not only thew players but the fans were immense today aswell, we need to keep this up and turn it into fortress Villa Park..

  5. it used to be simpsons all the way for me, then my brothers kept raving about south park, now I am hooked and once you get into it it just beats everything else hands down...

    however ren & stimpy (1st 2 seasons b4 it got too wierd) was the big daddy of cartoons. i downloaded a torrent the other day with every episode ever, plus loads of unaired episodes..fantastic..

    the epiosde 'space madness' is my fave and i could watch it again and again....

  6. nicely put General, however I dont think anyone was accusing the new board of lying or decieving us, they meant its important we dont 'feel like we have been'...

    I dont see what the big fuss about myself and I fully back every decision MON and Randy have taken thus far..

    I think it is the situation with having no first choice right back that has got people panicking. But MON is a clever man, who takes his time to get it right and though this might be frustrating for some, I am sure we will reap the rewards soon enough...

    OK, can we move on now, please folks. The General has answered the deceit point thoroughly. thanks. Blandy

  7. General, I've seen on another thread that Villa only make a £1 or so on a villa shirt sold in one of the sports stores? whereas we make £21 for every shirt sold in the club shop?

    is this true? if it is and can be confirmed then Im sure a hell of alot of us would much prefer to buy from the club direct. However to ensure this then the shirt prices need to be competitive and not at the £40 plus mark when sports soccer sell them for £25- 35.

    Can you give us any details on this and what prices the club shop plan to retail them at?

    P.S - The white away kit, and the black and blue '3rd kit / training tops' are the niccest villa kits Ive ever seen! Thank you very much (plus Marlon harewood is a very shrewd buy, low cost, low risk, and a good chance the MON factor will get him firing on all cylynders...very happy with the summer so far) and finally bought my first ever season ticket with a mate I roped in aswell!, Also whats the latest season ticket sales numbers??

  8. we need to get in for Koumas before blues or fulham snap him up (have both had bids rejected ref bbc news). He is quality, very cheap and can play in various positions...

    Just what we need. He is a major step up from the 'squad' players we are used to. Not all our signings can be stars. He'd be ours for £4-5 million and at that price in todays market that is a steal...

    I also wouldnt go above £8 mill for NRC. Any higher and we are being ripped off...

    Then go in for Geremi (can play rb and midfield) and Luke Young for back up for RB and then we only have the striker spot to fill which Im in 2 minds as to whether we actually need anyone?

    So thats :

    Koumas - 5 mill / Geremi 5-6mill / Luke Young - 2-3 mill / NRC - 8mill / De Jong - 3mill?

    So thats 25mill give or take and we have a very strong squad. We still have Carew, Moore, Gabby, Maloney, Young, Sutton who can all play up front. However if we still need a striker lets say Bellamy or Defoe (not my first picks but not sure who else for the same money MON will have on his radar) for 8-10million..(we can live with Tommy as our GK for another season me thinks)

    Thats 35million in all and would give us one hell of a squad....could enough to seriously challenge for 4th-5th place....

  9. cant see us filling the squad with champions league quality players this summer..

    im praying we get Sneijder, but more realistically we will be counting on the NRC, Koumas, Defoe type players this summer...

    then next summer, after breaking the top six, we can invest again, and will find it alot easier recruiting from that posiiton than from a mid table spot...

    then once we hit top four, we can really bring in top class.....

    thats why we were told it was a 4 year plan (or was it five). Cant see it all happening this summer tbh...

  10. koumas wont be £6 mill, its been quoted in mnay places that wba value koumas and kamara at a combined £9 million...

    £4-5 mill for koumas would be a great deal. he is a cracking player! he was voted best player in the championship this season, ahead of gareth bale, and nugent...

    he played extremely well for the baggies when they were in the prem and i remember everyone saying how he was much too good for the baggies...

    he is a very creative midfielder, and we desperately need one of those as Berger is the only player we have who fits this description...

    if we cant get sneijder then koumas would be a very welcome back up. would love to see him at the villa personally....this bloke has already looked awesome everytime ive been down to watch him (most my family are albion fans so when villa are away i tend to go down and watch the albion instead) and if he can look good playing for them then i cant wait to see what he is like playing with much better players at the villa...

    my dream signings would be gordon, Geremi, NRC, Sneijder and Bent. Thats about £40 million there..

    more realistically i think we'll get Gordon, Luke Young, NRC, Koumas and Defoe. Thats about £25-30 mill and would still give us a vastly improved squad. I would be evry happy with either....add in metzeder and weve got a real shot at the top 6 with that squad...

  11. cant believe some people wouldnt be happy is koumas signed, he is a cracking footballer, and roca he did shine when he played in the prem, i remember every single commentator saying how he was much too good for west brom...

    he would be a great rotation / cover player and is alot better than steven davis (even the season before lasts steven davis)...

    £6 mill is a tiny bit steep, £4-5 mill and weve got a bargain...a big step up from our usual squad type players....

    we still really need a right back though, and i think that position will be filled with our first signing as its our top priority..

  12. glaston, no offence and i actually find your posts honest and talk sense...however...

    you are now up to 107 posts on a villa fansite, are spurs fan sites really that crap or do you just have a soft spot for the villa...or just lots of time on your hands??

    id love nrc, gordon and sneider, with maybe bellamy on top we would be laughing....

  13. i think the boards comments about world class players has been taken out of context..

    i think he meant to get to where we want to be (i.e in champions league) will take getting world class players, however we are still building towards that so I dont think he meant we would be neccesarily seeing them this summer but more like over the next 2-3 years...

    hopefully im proved wrong. I cant wait to see what MON has up his sleeve this summer....

  14. Some truely ridiculous posts in this thread by either obvious wind up merchants or people with wierd jermain defobia (like what i did there...no..oh)...

    Yes I can understand him not being some fans first choice for a new striker signing but some of you actually go on like you'd be dissapointed...almost angry to see Defoe signing for the Villa?

    He hasnt played much this season but has continuously scored 15 goals plus season after season which is more than any striker weve had...

    I'd prefer Bent, Tevez, Keane, Saha to Defoe...doesnt mean he isnt a quality player and I'd take him in a heart beat for 10mill or under......

    As glaston said, some of us are living a pipe dream if they think Defoe isnt good enough for Villa.......

  15. ridiculous, gabby and moore better than defoe? a proven premiership scorer for a good few years?

    Gabby and Moore MIGHT become better players than Defoe but not yet...

    How anyone could be dissapointed at Defore arriving is crazy! He might not be your first choice but to say you'd be dissapointed and question MONs taste in players seems abit OTT?

    Spurs will never let Keane go, Bent & Defoe are the best 2 strikers in the prem that we have a good chance of getting...and id be very happy with either...

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