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Posts posted by DANNY_DYER

  1. I'm trying to decide whether to get a long or short sleeved shirt, any opinions?

    By the looks of it the short sleeve shirts, the sleeve comes to about the elbow I think and is quite baggy - so it depends whether you like that or not.

    I'm still unsure what size shirt I should get because i was a small in Nike, but i'm not sure what size I should get in Macron...

    Sleeves really dont providing you get the right size

    here's a few 'facebook slag in mirror' shots for you all to enjoy

    Sleeves normal, collar tucked in;


    collar tucked in and sleeves rolled up, smug look on face;


    apologies for darkness, only got a few lamps on tonight.

    You're quite ugly to be fair

  2. Hi General

    May I put on record appreciation of your time to come on and face the flak, even though I don't really think that should be your job to do.

    You certainly don't pull punches and its been vice versa, yes there have been stupid comments on this thread by some but in the main Aston Villa is a passionate support as our history demonstrates and there are certain frustrations being vented out of that passion.

    The reason behind the frustration is that we don't seem to be communicated to at all. I'm not having ago at Paul Faulkner General but he is the CEO of our club and I don't even know what he sounds like ?

    Surely this is not right ? A position like that surely demands communication to its customers ? I understand Randy doesn't like talking to the press but I think we all would say the same thing someone, ie the CEO needs to step upto the plate and communicate with the support.

    With all due respect General I don't think it should be left to your goodself to take all the flak although as said before, myself and 99% of the board sure appreciate you coming on here and giving us your time.

    Up the Villa General

  3. General

    Yet again may I say what a fantastic job you and Randy are doing :D

    Have we any plans to develop our scouting network or to foster any 'partnerships' with clubs in Argentina, Brazil or South America in general ?

    I think with the way clubs in Spain, Holland and Portugal pick up players from there this could be a bit of a goldmine for English clubs to cherry pick the talent ?

  4. 5. 1982corps: I do not and will not answer questions filled with 4-letter words and dripping with disrespect. When you are prepared to ask a question in a civil manner, you will find me more than willing to answer. :bang:

    That's just a cop out it just tells me you don't want to answer the difficult questions. Are you only prepared to deal with fans who hang onto your every word?

    Nobody on this board speaks for the majority of Villa fans and when I'm at Villa Park I get behind the team and MON in spite of his outdated transfer policy. All I can say is no Villa fan I know is at all happy with whatever it is MON is (or isn't) doing with transfers but that doesn't mean we won't sing his name at games and get behind the team, therefore markavfc40's vain attempt at point scoring is rendered void as I think it's the case for most fans. Few could argue MON isn't a great motivator and coach but we're not taking issue with that this is about transfer dealings which is also a vital part of management. Surely you can gage from threads on this forum just how unhappy people are about yet another very disappointing transfers window.

    There are a lot of good things going on at this club since your takeover for that we are all grateful but some things are not right and when some feel they aren't we won't let that get in the way of making the points that need to be made. You know my thoughts on subsidised ticketing and I won't apologise because that is what I honestly believe you are doing to fans like me. I understand the club is doing all they can to attract new fans to the place but we can do that first and foremost by signing the world class players your regime previously promised and in turn by being successful on the pitch. If you are going to do these subsidised offers fill the stands with school kids not thousands of council or emergency services workers. I know we do loads in the community but it's another slap in the face to the loyal fan when you subsides these types who would rather strike because they aren't being paid enough when they are already on more money than most. A lot of people in general resent them even if it isn’t represented on these boards due to some only being interested in constantly kissing your backside. 1982, This board, and this thread is made available to you by both the moderators of VillaTalk and General Krulak. The site guidlelines ask that people post in a civil manner, do not insult other posters and state that swearing is not permitted. We allow some leeway and we do not censor people's questions or comments to the General, in order that he can see all views, irrespective of what the mods might think of them. However, you are at risk of having your posts deleted due to not adhering to the site posting guidelines. Please reconsider the way in which you post on Villatalk. Thank you. Blandy


    In light of what 1982corp is saying, would it not be better to give season ticket holders additional percentage savings on official merchandise and giving them access to AVTV for free as reward for putting their money in at the start of the season ??

    Everyone is a tad frustrated over the transfer window but keep up the good work General.

  5. General,

    Totally understand the club's reasons for changing the Blackburn game and 100% agree. If it benefits our push for Europe all the better.

    Personally I am glad the fixture has been changed as I wouldn't have been able to go on the Wednesday ! As a season ticket holder I have had to miss a couple of home games due to TV and the Man Utd game last Saturday so I have sympathy for the fans that now can't attend.

    Unfortunately in these situations someone is going to be upset and all the reasons put by fellow supporters especially the ones from abroad are relevant but I would imagine the vast majority of Villa fans are now glad it is being played on the Saturday.

    I think we have to take the club's decision at face value and that it has been made for the benefit of Aston Villa Football Club.

  6. General,

    David Gold has recently made a statement that ALL Premier League clubs should reduce ticket prices by 20%, he goes on to say that the rest of the League thinks he is 'mad' for suggesting it, as apparently us fans are being ripped off.

    I trust yourself or Richard will be showing the said artical to him and asking him how charging Aston Villa supporters £55 fit's in with his current 'vision'.

    Sort him out General :lol:

  7. General got more positive feedback from within the club about the balloons iniative and they going to put it on the website so people are aware of what the fans are doing .

    Another idea that I have been asked to put to you , is would there be any objections if we arranged for a light aircraft to carry a message over Villa Park during one of the games . Suggestions are ' Viva the Villa Fever ' or The Bells are ringing for the Claret and Blue .

    Would prefer it if you arranged for a light aircraft to drop napalm on a certain club in Small Heath :shock:

  8. General Krulak here:

    1. Randy and I will be leaving for UK soon so I will be off the site until Monday....I am not ducking you all.

    2. Unless you all are "expecting " Wembley, I do believe our eventual North End will absolutely blow you all away.

    3. Richard Fitzgerald has had several conversations with his counterpart at the "other" team re. ticket prices. Let's keep our poweder dry until we know all the facts.

    4. Davis is a talent...we are getting there. Again, I think we all need to remember where we have been, where we are now and where we are going. My belief is that we are making steady, positive progress.

    5. See you all at the game....do not be afraid to come up and stick out your hand and say hello...just don't give me too much stick.


    No one would give you any stick and I keep saying we are grateful you and Randy are here believe me, it's just that some people.....well :roll:

    Been interested in reading your take on things and the North Stand is something else to look forward to, I hope it does have that glass facade :lol:

  9. General Krulak here:

    1. First off, EVERYONE at Villa Park understands that to have an effective Brand, World Wide, requires a winning Squad on the Pitch. It is amazing to me that we have even one fan who thinks we don't understand this foundation fact. BELIEVE ME, we do!!! We need to win, consistently, to have a Brand that "takes" world wide. YES!! At the same time, it is NOT that easy. You have to have distribution outlets, you need marketing, you need demographic analysis, you need revenue sources to allow you to achieve what is needed on the Pitch, etc. etc. We are not Chelsea! We are not going to go out and spend $100's of millions of pounds in one year to buy a Squad that may or may not last...and that certainly drives the Club deeply into debt. We took over a Club that had a dying infrastructure and a long way to go on the Pitch. We have a new Manager who is superb, we have brought in some quality players, we have strengthen the infrastructure, and we are continuing to improve all aspects of our operation...yes, we will even get some players before the end of the window!! Some fans want it all YESTERDAY...well, that has NEVER been the committment. Randy has always talked about a 5 year plan...and SO HAVE I. We want to build a lasting dynasty...a Club that your children can watch win 20 years from now. We want consistency and to achieve that, you need to "build." Give MON a chance for goodness sakes!!! Give Randy a chance!!

    2. Multiple beer dispenser. I will check into that. Sounds good.

    3. The team Mum is deeply involved in all aspects of player relocation and settlement. The fact that Maloney does not have a house does NOT mean that he can't find a house...it just means that he has not found the one he wants to buy. NEITHER HAVE I!!! And Randy just did. None of this means that we don't have a handle on the issue. It just means that Mr. Maloney has not found the place he wants to spend his money on....not real unusual.

    4. Regarding the Holte Hotel. Please call Nicky Keye and explain the situation as it happened.

    General, we all appreciate the effort you and Randy and the board are putting in and we all know that we have the best people in charge, please don't let a few twerps distort that fact.

    We are looking good and the changes ie re branding are building us a solid base.

    I've just returned from the States General and they have gone Beckham mad I'm sure you'll agree, with yours and Randy's influence will America now more so than ever take on a greater significance for Aston Villa and if so what are we planning in the long term ?

  10. Hi General,

    I have phoned the ticket office this morning as advised to do so on the OS with regards to having a match ticket sent to me for the Fulham game as I cannot attend that match.

    This really is to sell my ticket on via seatexchange.com advertised on the OS.

    The ticket office has advised me this isn't anything to do with Villa, they won't send me out a match ticket and I would have to give someone my season ticket card which I obviously do not want to do.

    Could you please clarify or investigate this as the OS is advertising one thing and the ticket office saying another.

    Many Thanks..Keep up the excellent work, much appreciated.

  11. General,

    A couple of months ago it was mentioned on here if there was any possible 'link up' with tickets, offers etc with Birmingham Speedway.

    From memory I think you said you'd look into it. Has this gone any further ? Think it would be another great link up considering the Brummies are on our doorstep.

    Cheers General

  12. Good post that, good ideas as well. I'm sure we can utilise Tony Morley, Gary Shaw, Des Bremner and Dennis Mortimer in this way and have a 'Rotterdam' lounge or something, maybe not that name but you get the jist.

    I know Charlie Aitkein is well respected but his routine is tiresome and as you say mate as 'new' match day experience is required.

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