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Posts posted by Die_Hard

  1. General, I just want to say I think the ticket prices are more than reasonable for a Premier League club. Unfortunately, some people think that Aston Villa FC owes them the world and that the club is some sort of charity. Randy has done more than enough for this club since he came but I think some people assume he carries billions around in loose change.

    We need big signings and to keep hold of players like Barry which will cost a hell of a lot. As a result, I personally would have been prepared to pay considerably more than the proposed increases and I am far from wealthy. People are wanting Champions League football at Championship prices. Get in the real world!

    Keep up the splendid work

  2. General, you are a full on legend :cheers:

    To spend so much time and effort on meeting with the fans is absolutely fantastic. The previous owner and board kept us in the shadows about everything that went on at VP. God, how quickly times have changed.

    The team are flying and we are on track for great success I am sure of that. But its the way in which we are doing it and the way that the fans are being made to feel such a part of it by yourself, Randy and everyone else that is truly special. Please pass on my congratulations to MON and the players for what was a truly memorable win over the other lot.

    And be sure to visit L4 again soon!!!

  3. Hi General

    Would just like to add my voice to the other congratulations to the Youth team and staff who had a great cup run unfairly ended last night. It was a great night and a fantastic turnout from the fans it has to be said. I hadn't been to a youth game since we won the final against Everton a few years back but I will definitely be watching them more often now as I was well impressed with the performance. The lads showed a great maturity for their age, far more so than the petulant brats of Chelsea who should be punished for their disgraceful behaviour at the final whistle. The same goes for their coaching staff who should know better and be setting an example. Will the club be taking any further action on this?

  4. You think about this fixture for months but it never hits you till the day of the match. Come on Villa, beat these braindead bastards and show em who really is the pride of the midlands. Not that there's any debate over that but these tossers will claim they are a bigger club if they beat us, such is their stupidity.

    I want porn dwarf, wolfy and the slapper to be fuming after this. I'm quietly confident MON will have the boys fired up to put in a qulaity performance. COME ON!!!!!!

  5. I agree on the issue of smaller clubs like Scarborough being forced out of the game. There is so much money in the Premier league nowadays its easy to forget that there are a lot of clubs in the lower leagues that are really struggling.

    As founder members of the football league and as a club that speaks very proudly of its history , I agree that it would be great if we could lead some sort of initiative to help save clubs such as Scarborough from going under.

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