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Posts posted by eholm

  1. 9 minutes ago, blandy said:

    This is a complete misunderstanding. It’s not true at all. The 39 million figure is the maximum total FFP losses permitted over the period covering next season and the previous two. There’s no figure for how much any owner can put in to a club.

    Many expenses are not included in the FFP calculations. From memory, Things like community work, youth development, stadium work, training facilities etc. etc.  So those things can be funded by an owner, or from operating income, or from debt, or from any number of sources, essentially without limit.

    The 39 million FFP limit is nominally about not permitting the club to go silly on players, endangering the long term future in a gamble to get promoted. The FFP figure to the end of this season, btw, was much larger because it included one seasons worth of allowable losses under prem. calculations. We know that next season the TV money drops by about 18 million and the FFP allowance by another 20 or so (approx). So we know that next season alone we need to somehow find around 40 million quid in savings on costs (wages), or in income from somewhere (player sales).

    Returning to the owner, we know that that the club has laid people off, sacked the CEO, ended catering contracts, failed to pay bills on time, publicly announced struggles with meeting FFP, declared sizeable losses in the accounts. We know that the owner has taken steps to either facilitate a buy out or to let others take a stake in the club. We know that no one has done either of those things, to date. We know that the owner gambled on getting promoted, and lost. We know that costs are too high, income too low and the club is skint and the owner has vanished, and is probably not in a position to continue as the owner for much longer without wrecking the club completely. It’s all very Leeds.

    Sums up our precarious situation very succinctly. Great post mate.

  2. 1 hour ago, TheEgo said:

    totally missed the point. We are that broke that WE have accepted less money than OWED to get it a few months early. You don't do that as standard practice. It is NOT how the system works. And as for Gil just because you haven't heard about it, doesn't mean it's not so. We settled 3 months early at a reduced rate for example. They owe us 3m to be paid in June and we say in April can we have the cash now and we'll accept 2m (these figures are just an illustration) This isn't the actions of a club in a good state. Add this to already borrowing against next months parachute payment (so already spent, gone) AND the money coming in from the Gov for the HS2 stuff, it paints a really bad picture. Those are reasonable facts so whilst all us guys don't know everything. there is more than enough information on Companies house, Company Check and other mediums to at least warrant a worried frame of mind, that's all it is WORRY. Will we pay next months bills? Who f**king knows? I don't like this feeling for my club. You don't feel that way. that's OK too, neither is right or wrong. The whole point of a forum is to debate and discuss, if we're all just to have the same view, we may as well just close as we'll all be saying the same thing. I hate this sniping and creating a 'side' to choose mentality. It's BS (that's not aimed at anyone specifically and certainly not you. 


    Excellent post Sir. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, srsmithusa said:

    well good, because I don't believe anyone has said that.  I'll say again.  We are in very bad shape financially and (I fear) soon enough, on the pitch.  But nobody really knows exactly how bad, and those that have been reacting with certainty of the most extremely negative ASSUMPTIONS are probably not any more right than any hypothetical person saying that everything is rosy.

    We are in very bad shape.  But only time will tell how bad.  But I doubt the sky is falling.  Villa is not likely to be shuttered and playing on the dirt foundation for an unlaid turf, with TRO as manager and TheEgo in goal.   

    Fair enough; maybe I misconstrued the tone of your post. I see your point re the spectrum of assumptions and fully admit to being heavily in the negative camp. This is purely because I cannot see any other possible outcome than I have stated due this month to month ‘funding’ process. Respect your opinion as well though mate. 

  4. On 22/06/2018 at 03:33, srsmithusa said:

    The press are lying.  They are claiming that tony has paid 5 million pounds to the club.  Liars.  Several ITK’s on here have assured me that he’s broke, a criminal, and only trying to strip assets from Villa!!!

    I can’t believe that anyone is seriously thinking that the club’s finances are fine and we are ticking along nicely with Xia at all he helm!! We are royally screwed unless we get either huge multi million investment or are sold completely. At present we are existing month to month by borrowing money from anyone who will help. Now where’s that cup if Kenco I can smell!!!

  5. Definitely the sort of takeover they would be interested in with huge potential for future profit. IF they are in the running as Thatcherlover believes then it could be an interesting one. 

  6. I guess we will never truly know the ins and outs of the Wyness sacking and probably the level of financial mismanagement that has taken place. It is vital now that any new owner runs us as a sustainable business (including FFP) to ensure our long term future, however painful any such strategy will be.

  7. 3 minutes ago, TheEgo said:

    Yep DD if all goes ok can take a good few months, min of 3 I'd say. 

    Thanks for the info Ego. In your opinion, would the utilisation of player sales as a sort of stop-gap until any sale is finalised be more or less likely to include Grealish. His value makes him a very significant asset to the Company and would impact on any takeover would it not? Thoughts? 

  8. I think that the Tony realises that selling is the best option but personal pride ( and national perception of his business image/acumen) are preventing him from cutting his losses. Deisler123 has provided some great info but I still feel the ONLY viable option is for a change of ownership.

    • Like 1
  9. On 31/05/2018 at 08:11, Eastie said:

    Doomed -no , but I think some need to perhaps lower expectation levels next season , we are going to be a weaker side and perhaps without so much pressure of having to get promotion the players may play with a bit more freedom -  I for one am not expecting automatic promotion next season as I was this year - if it takes 2 or 3 years to rebuild and bring through the youth players then so be it - quick fixes  are no longer on the table .

    Excellent post and one that echoes my sentiments exactly. Let’s all accept that promotion is not top of the agenda for the next few seasons. The development of a structured, tactical system of play with a more attack minded philosophy is key wth this to be initiated by the promotion of our younger players and the appointment of a younger more modern manager/head coach to implement this strategy. Long term this will be far more beneficial than a quick fix promotion should it happen. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

    I think the opposite. I think he woukd ahve said bye to bruce in this statement. 

    I think Bruce is staying 

    Could be either, couldnt it? What we really need is a statement from our owner to clarify the situatio.....oh, right!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  11. 6 minutes ago, terrytini said:

    Well I’m glad he agreed with those who thought it was a good time to speak. I don’t think that now he’s done it it would be fair for people to complain that it’s not what they want to hear !!

    Its couched vaguely as one would expect but I think the key is he - correctly in my view - says the whole decade needs looking at.

    Personally I take that to mean only one thing. A new Manager, a new set up, a new approach to systems, scouting, and player development. He has looked at Bournemouth, Southampton as was, Brentford, and other Clubs that have largely eschewed big money approaches, and decided Villa need to shake up. 

    I agree. A full revamp is a sensible idea, we’ve been neither one thing or another for too long, and many hitherto ‘ smaller’ clubs have gone past us.

    Should be fun, I’m looking forward to it.

    Completely agree....As long as if that is indeed the case, we, as fans, accept that promotion will probably take multiple seasons as opposed one more!

  12. 4 minutes ago, Eastie said:

    I don’t see Bruce staying now - he left hull for financial reasons - and this is much worse - the talk of major changes and nothing to say Bruce will lead us through this suggests to me a Bruce departure is imminent . 

    ‘Maybe steve will release his own statement ?

    Agree. Definitely sounded like a 'Thanks for trying but time to move in different direction' type comment re SB. This was DR T's best opportunity to fully support SB and back him into this new challenging era - he hasn't and I believe that speaks volumes. I will be surprised if SB is still manager by the end of the week. 

  13. Dr Tony returned to China last night. Fully expect an announcement today as surely a decision has been made yesterday. With the resignation rumours surfacing it’s beginning to look very possible that Bruce has gone. I’m sure we will know by the end of the day, tomorrow at the very latest. 

  14. Yep, the season long conundrum of the DCM/CMs is still there. Part of me would like to see Barney in there as he has the energy and legs to match Fulham’s movement and pace. However, Mile was superb in both legs vs Boro, just concerned that Fulham will play around him. For me, this is Bruce’s biggest selection issue, the DM. I think he will go with Mile for the experience factor and also due to Fulham’s lack of height in defence, re set pieces. Big call for SB this one.....

  15. 1 hour ago, Eastie said:

    If we win or lose in the play offs I have no doubt Bruce will leave the club -I think he is probably aware of that from his and wyness recent comments . 

    ‘However make no mistake if we get through the play offs I  am sure he will leave with a healthy bonus for achieving the aim

    What were Wyness’ comments re Bruce future, Eastie?

  16. 6 hours ago, TheAuthority said:

    Exactly. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Either way if we lose he will be lambasted.

    I think whoever he intends to play in CDM against Cardiff doesn't start tomorrow. 

    After watching Cardiff demonstrate their aerial, physical approach last night, I do think it has to be Jedi on Tuesday. Although we play better football at a higher tempo with Barney in there, him and CH are just too lacking in physicality and height to play vs Cardiff. Jedi did the trick vs Blues and pretty sure Bruce will do the same for Cardiff. Defo Barney today though - horses for courses. 

    • Like 1
  17. 10 hours ago, dounavilla said:

    Any chance of this being called of due to snow ? 

    Indeed there is mate. Heavy snow predicted from 4pm after light snow all afternoon. Not looking good tbh. 

  18. 5 hours ago, TRO said:

    Eastie I am not sure.

    I think the Academy kids will be another year older and another step on the road to maturity.....However, in this league I do not see talent alone getting us out of it.

    Talent, is a wonderful thing and its essential, not playing it down one iota, but in this league you can get players who muscle it off you.....as fine a team as we are at times, we get too easily stopped from playing and out muscled.

    We did a great job on Wolves, but in general they cope with that over 46 games better than we do, so do Cardiff and Fulham, those teams are much more difficult to negate their talent and wrestle them out of the game.

    I have been over the moon watching some of our games this year....but we have many players around the 30 mark, for sure experience is great, but a good young player will test your legs over 46 games.

    3 games in a week is too much for some of ours and it showed last night, its ok if you can get an early goal and let the ball do the work, but when some team turns up for a physical battle and goes ahead, the legs get weary and the brain turns sloppy.

    I see a squad, but I don't see that many players to bring in to combat that scenario.....just my view of course.

    TRO you’re on a roll!! A series of excellent posts offering a fair analysis of our currrent squad’s strengths and limitations and the consequences that brings. 

    Well said, sir. 

    • Thanks 1
  19. Much as I like Hogan’s attitude and movement, Grabban is a level above him and is a much more rounded player that suits our style more. Better ability, better first touch, better control and better strength/hold up play. Struggling to see Hogan making the first X1 anytime soon....

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