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Posts posted by zippy178

  1. Koumas, Cook and Naismith are the type of players we want aswell as the big time charlies, good decent British talent that can be really good squad players.

    Just because they aint renowned doesnt mean their shite does it, Henry who would have thought he woud of turned out like he has, you hve to give British players a chance even for our National teams sake aswell as our own!

    I'm pretty sure I've heard the sentiment on here before that we should follow a policy similar to Spurs of trying to sign young british talent. Is that not what these players could be described as?

    We have a lot more money now, and I'm not saying we should waste it. However, surely sometimes we have to take a risk with such people e.g. naismith and see if they develop? Or am I totally deluded?

  2. Just reading the players out thread and one thing is for sure if even half of those we suspect will be leaving do actually go we will need to spend BIG! Wonder if money is no object or if we have a transfer limit? Sorry if this has already been talked of but i cant read 336 pages to find out. This surely is going to be Aston Villas biggest ever transfer spend window.

    Depends whether we're talking about net spend or not....

  3. Top story mate, it signifies how different things are under Randy. It's annoyed me recently how in the stories about foreign owners buying football clubs, Randy has been placed in the same sentence as Glazer. Yeah they're both american, but Randy has done so much for this club. The fact he's foreign means jack shit.

    Oh and hope you get better soon mate.

  4. The amazing opinions of zippy have returned after nearlty 2 months of internet disconnection.

    I reckon we should get Lucas Neill, a class player. I reckon we will get players of a similar quality to Petrov, good players but not world beaters.

    We need to start somewhere, but if players like SWP or Defoe come along and we want to come I'm all up for it. But let's be realistic.

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