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Posts posted by avfcgoodie

  1. Hi gen:

    30k fans in the pissing rain watching a below average team score 3 against us.... .

    This, I made a 7 hour round trip including the game, lieterally arrived 5 minutes before kick off, spent £10 on tickets, £30 for Petrol, thats a weeks worth of my money i planned to live off at Uni this year, wasted on utter crap, sorry General, but i've lost the faith

  2. General,

    Are you hurting as much as i am right now?

    This great club, the club that formed the League, helped build modern day football, were Champions of Europe, Is the pride of the Midlands, apparently, just got thumped! We've seen it before with Doug, now i just feel were going to see it again, as fans we follow this club as a religion and are treated by being stamped on the head and repeated bad luck, im simply sick of it, Il follow the villa through the bad times but i honestly thought Randy would change it, nope, same old crap, 4 years later, disgusting!

  3. General, a message more for the website and IT guys, this weekly wallpaper idea is great how ever its seems very behind with the times, since Windows 7 is fast becoming the main operating system it shocks me there is no official theme yet so i can decorate my PC in the claret and blue, cheers :)

  4. Just been over on there forums to check the latest obsession quotes,

    There is a topic titled

    2 Heavy Wins Over Villa Or A Cup enjoy the quotes

    2 big wins over teh Villa or a League cup trophy, not FA cup the League cup.....I would have to go for 2 heavy wins over the Villa as that would keep the smile on my face for longer

    two 10-nil blues wins for me, sod the trophy!

    agree..local pride is more important for me. The bread and butter stuf

    Cup for me, either the fa or league get you into Europe and that's better in maney ways, income , better players being atracted to the club and more bums on seats.

    Two wins over the vile might only meen another season in the prem and there's no garentee of that.

    GARENTEE, serious lack of teachers :lol:
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