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Posts posted by chips'ngravy

  1. Playing 2 up top was worth a go but the formation made no sense and I'm still trying to fathom how Dean thought he was going to make it work. If you play Samatta and Davis up there then you obviously need someone who is going to cross the ball to them. Who was that supposed to be? You need either wing-backs, attacking full-backs or at least one winger. We had one attacking full-back who went off after 10 minutes. Elmo and El Ghazi needed to start for that option to have any chance of being a success. 

    Just watched The Villa View and a lad that was invited on there made a good point. Knowing Wolves like to sit back we should've done the same and tried to draw them out and hit them on the break. We played into their hands and without any plan of how to score against them, it seems. Very frustrating to watch and with little hope that we'll see an improvement.

    • Like 2
  2. 11 minutes ago, WakefieldVillan said:

    Never looked like scoring but could have quite easily got a point. 

    Thought we were ok first half (without creating) but ultimately they were simply too good for us.

    To be honest not annoyed with Smith for today, we play with that line up against Sheff U and Newcastle and I think we would be 4 points better off.

    We are where we are, Wolves are where they are, miles ahead of us. Liverpool and Man U next, not looking good. 

    Luiz MOTM. 

    I guess we all see the game differently but I'm struggling to see how you think we could have easily got a point. Didn't trouble their keeper the whole match and our strikers were a world away from looking like a goal threat. Wolves played well within themselves. 

    Likewise, given the above...how does that convince you we would've beaten Sheff Utd and Newcastle? We created nothing.

    • Like 1
  3. I follow 190 accounts on Twitter covering a variety of interests including politics, history and sport. But you'd think I was a die hard Liverpool fan looking at my feed. Twitter is bad enough at the best of times but it's literally a no-go area at the moment. All that 80s based resentment I thought I'd overcome has quickly bubbled back up to the surface.

    • Like 3
  4. My feelings towards the remainder of this season are similar to those at the back-end of 2016. It's not the toxic mess we had then but the football isn't far off those levels. We're clearly going down. I just want it to be over.

  5. Dean tried to be Big Sam for an hour, and it worked, up to a point. Having got to half time one up against the run of play you can understand his thinking that we just carry on in the same vein. But that's where you need to be brave. Hoofing it back to them every time it was in our box only gave them more practice and the inevitable happened. He's had a go at pretty much everything to be fair but at the end of the day we just don't have good enough players.

    Ref was shocking. Grealish was tag-teamed by Chelsea so any glimmer of hope we might've had when he got the ball was quickly snuffed out. Kanté should have been booked earlier and so probably wouldn't have made that late foul. This is where you really lose your home advantage without a crowd. Refs favour the big teams even more.

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  6. This match represents another opportunity to get 3 points which under normal circumstances you wouldn't fancy us at all. I say that based on what we've seen so far in terms of performances from teams since the restart. Games have started slowly and goals in the first halves have been sparse with only 4 coming in 8 matches. We've got that first match out of the way and so should be up to speed more than Chelsea. I think the first 20 minutes will be crucial in determining a positive result for us and coming out of the traps all guns blazing before they have a chance to settle will be key. We need to transfer that extra sharpness into goals early on before Chelsea have time to adapt and use their stronger squad later on in the game. If we're to avoid going down then we have to beat one of the bigger teams at some point. We probably won't have a better chance than today. Oh... and for once... no silly errors please!

  7. Seems like a lot of people on here think that the players having 3 months off to reflect on how poor most of them have been will result in a new found ability to defend properly and win games. If only it were thus. I'm not so optimistic myself. Hopefully they prove me wrong tomorrow.

  8. So what will they be doing to 'decorate' the stands? I saw on Twitter that if you liked a certain post from the official club account your avatar picture would be added to some kind of mosaic to be displayed in the ground. Not sure how this will work. I guess they could have flags and scarves draped over the seats too.

    My own idea was that fans could have been invited to make an effigy of themselves that could be sat on the seats. 😀 Then not long after that Gladbach came up with the cardboard cut-out idea which I guess would've been more practical but less fun.


  9. 58 minutes ago, rbcuk said:

    Like no one is going to go up to either of them 2 for a picture at this protest, after seeing it in London social distancing is out the window with it 

    Totally understand his desire to support the movement but this seems like an unnecessarily risky way of doing it. He'll be mobbed for sure. Apart from running the risk of getting it himself he could bring it back to the training ground. Could be a disaster for us.

  10. 4 hours ago, Zatman said:

    The cynic in me thinks Jack is on a PR offensive this week in trying to clean up his image for a transfer. 

    He will still giving 100 percent to try help us stay up 

    I think you might be right. This interview, the Talksport one and The Guardian article are almost all word for word the same. Definitely been scripted and it looks like he's referring to notes every time he answers a question. Nothing wrong with that in the context of saying the wrong thing by mistake, but it does feel a bit staged. 

    Whether it's motivated by a desire to keep a big move on track, we shall see.

  11. 59 minutes ago, PaulC said:

    No doubt they will announce a championship restart as well. They have announced a restart for the FA cup.

    in fact I just read the championship is likely to restart the 20th June

    When you're desperately trying to finish the league without further interruptions, to prise a competition nobody really cares about into an already hectic schedule is just plain daft. 

    I presume that will mean some teams playing in the league on quarter finals weekend and others not? So we're back to square one with teams potentially in danger of going down having played less games, opening up a ppg scenario again.

    All seems very unnecessary in the current context.

  12. 2 minutes ago, PaulC said:

    I don’t agree that the intention is not to finish it. As long there is no great spike in footballers tested positive then it will continue. As yet that hasn’t happened in Germany. 

    Maybe not the intention but they are mitigating against a further spike and suspension of the league. Can't really compare UK with Germany as we all know how different each country's approach has been to the virus and continues to be so.

    Ideal scenario would be us scrambling clear before it's suspended and Liverpool having not wrapped up the title. 

    • Like 1
  13. Darren Jones was impressive. At least tried to tie him down on the untrue stories about Cummings in the media. Obviously didn't get an answer but managed to further highlight how disingenuous the PM is.

  14. 3 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Not going to help the claims that he was overweight last week (and if that's fat then a lot more of us have problems...) 

    Plus, presumably no one was match fit after 2 months off

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