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Posts posted by nrogers

  1. But Thatcher is not even remotely like any of the others on the list.... totally **** useless poll, just saw this... \

    How was Thatcher any more evil than Blair, well she wasn't, **** idiotic to include her!!

  2. Negative.

    There are still labour supporters!

    Baros and Defoe vs Knight to look forward to!

    Baros will win three penalties and Defoe will score the first double hat-trick in the Premier league!

    As previously said............ anything else will be a bonus.

    But seriously, are there really any Labour supporters left?

    Better a labour supporter than the other lot. Obviously you like pop idol

    Well obviously you do, isn't Tony Blair, Simon Cowells love child!

  3. Nick from Bloomburg

    New Zealand's economy is expanding at an annual rate of 3.3 percent and the central bank has boosted interest rates four times to a record 8.25 percent in a bid to cool spending and limit inflation.

    Then Bloomburg is wrong, Interest rates are a 10.55% Ian

    I suggest you look at the variable rate, you know the rate the affects the populas


  4. Yep I will, there will be pressure from the press and peers as GB will keep screwing the pooch.. it's gonna happen, mark my words, if I am wrong 20 bucks to VT!

    20 bucks? Thats about 10 quid isn't it? Not that confident then? :D

    $20 is quite alot, when interest rates are at 10.55% over here, guess what under a Labour Government... Tories will be back in here in the next election pretty much 100%... Nice...

    As will happen in the UK.... GE in UK next 12 months definately!

  5. Under paid for my 60 hour weeks!

    Get off! You're always on here!

    OK..... if you say so.... You keeping a timesheet... like now, erm 10.10pm for me... perhaps it seems that way, have you ever heard of timezones?

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