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Posts posted by Grant(aka_eddy)

  1. Transfers in and out = 6

    Plus keeping Barry = 7 overall.

    We had alot of essentials to do, which we did to the standard i expected, solid progress.

    There was room to do something a bit more exciting but for whatever reason we didn't/couldn't.

    A new right side was an important thing to get done and Cuellar could potentially replace Mellberg.

    Losing Maloney was a blow to cover on the wings.

    Buying Sidwell (which was entirely justifiable at the time) has probably left us heavy in central midfield, good player though.

    But of course not signing another striker was probably the biggest disappointment.

    Overall it was a window of filling holes with good quality players. No spectacular signings, no big leap in quality, just a more solid & balanced looking squad. Future windows can now concentrate on strengthening a particular position and improving our quality.

  2. I'd be happy if he stayed.

    I would never really respect him again (or it would take a long time anyway) but he showed in the intertoto game that even with his head turned he can still be class and run a game.

    I also have serious doubts that we can attarct a player of equal calibre, even with £18 million. We could maybe gamble on 2 younger talents but if we're to hit the top 4 we need players of Barrys quality and experience now.

    I'm hoping Liverpool fail to raise the cash or that Benitez's comments about definitely playing him on the left hand side put him off. If he does go i wont shed a tear though, just hope we'd replace him with someone special.

  3. One names sums up this whole debate...


    Loyal to southampton to the very end. Despite lures of champions league, england shirts etc

    He stuck to the saints and is still unashamedly biased towards them. If Barry stays he will be a legend at VP for decades. Leave now, we will forget about you for turning your back on a fanbase that adores you.

    The only difference being that Le Tissier made that choice knowing that he would never go on to win anything. Barry at least is with a club that is making serious progress.

  4. Cheers for the kind words, thought it needed an edit really (and definitely a title change) but was too busy at work. I actually knocked this up on Sunday before Barry's latest comments so hadnt really taken that into account either.

    Essentially i'm trying to look at from as neutral a point as possible and just see too many question marks over Liverpool. Barry should be looking to emulate Gerrard and needs to realise that to be the star captain lifting trophies he needs to try to do it here, he simply will not receive the same satisfaction and adulation from doing it elsewhere.

    I understand the playing Champions League argument but the real prize to aim for is surely to captain your side to great things as the leader and long-serving talisman of the club, not to be a squad player with a couple of years service. This opportunity Barry has to achieve something special with Villa is so rare that I just hope he realises it before it's too late.

  5. I almost felt sorry for Chelsea... then Peter Kenyon bowled on to the field and I remembered exactly why I hate that club.


    Don't know if anyone else noticed, when Chelsea went up to get their medals Kenyon was leading them, as they approached the Man u players etc Ferguson was first in line, Kenyon looked at him almost I suspect wanting to shake hands and Ferguson completely ignored him.

    Quite possibly. He was having a good old laugh with some of the UEFA suits when collecting their losers medals (because he deserves one?) with a distraught John Terry behind. He's just a knob and that entire club reeks of him.

    Have a bag of shiny Kudos you two! :)

    I just could not work out what was going on with Kenyon walking the team up the steps. Absolute self-promoting tosser. For a minute i even wodered if it was normal procedure and i'd just not noticed before.

  6. After the initial 20 minutes sparring i thought it was a great game.

    So much incident and drama it was very fitting for the occassion.

    Ronaldo came so close to being the villain of the story with that awful penalty but imo was by far the best player on the pitch, he was sublime and made international players look like kids. I mean Essien is a £24 million player and has been superb at right back, physically he is probably their best player to deal with him but he was made to look an absolute mug for most of the game.

    Glad Man U won it to keep it from Chelsea.

  7. Its the latest popular US show to be ruined by executives who want to stretch it out, dont blame the scriptwriters.

    The lad who plays Charlie said as much on the Jonathan Ross show a while back, that it was a brilliant show written for 2 series but that the executives demanded it be stretched out for financial profit at the expense of the storyline. In effect it becomes diluted and i like your lottery analogy alot, keep watching for fear you are about to miss the big reveal.

    The X files would perhaps be the best comparison, no-one was waytching by the end.

  8. I put films initially on the basis they are escapism, contain music anyway and are a vehicle for creativity and presenting ideas and themes (moreso than music which does it to a lesser degree).

    But so much of my social scene revolves around music that i'd struggle to replace this, plus there are always books for escapism and presenting ideas to people.

    Very tough call but i'd keep music.

  9. Green.

    A sybolic vote more than an actual desire for them to gain power. A message to the mainstream parties.

    Labour are gone and as much as i dislike the current political cyclical set-up i think the conservatives have to be given a chance now.

  10. Is there a pundit who is more dumbed down than Gavin Peacock?

    Who said last night "He blows a bit hot and cold....by that i mean a bit good and er, a bit bad".

    Cheers for clearing that up Gav. Patronising clearing in the woods!

    Generally prefer MOTD2 though. Shame the highlights dont last a bit longer but i like the fact they try and throw some comedy in. There does seem to be a lack of decent analysis at present though. To the extent it makes me wonder just how much 'knowledge' these people have in the first place, let alone their ability to communicate it to the audience. Strachan and O'Neill were probably the last ones the BBC had that provided decent tactical insights.

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