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Posts posted by Grant(aka_eddy)

  1. Should be a 50/50 split imo, both fighters have the same to lose or gain.

    They have been the top p4p fighters within a very very close space of time and appear to be of similar ability. Floyd will want to retire knowing that there was not anyone around that he couldnt beat, not just that he retired just as that person came along. Manny will not want people to say he is champion....but only because Mayweather had given it up.

    When two fighters overlap so closely and are both so highly rated then folks will always dispute who was the better. So I agree with Harry Hill, there is only one way to settle this....

  2. Hatton has only just come up short against two of the best p4p fighters ever. His aggressive style always meant that if he came up against a better boxer there would be weaknesses to exploit. Mayweather exposed this and Manny quite spectacularly underlined it.

    Hatton looked a bit frailer than i expected at the weigh in. He's the same weight as he was when he fought Malignaggi but doesnt look it.

    Bit worried about this one now.

    I said that after the weigh in and it surprised me that people were still expecting Hatton to have the power advantage. He'd cut down so much he'd lost it and it was quite rightly pointed out last night that Manny's slow progression in building weight is a better approach then the toil Hatton puts his body through. Something didnt look right to me and i think they tried to get his speed up as best they could and ended up losing the power advantage. Manny just had the edge over him in both areas, Hatton threw some big punches that came so close to landing but he just avoided them and was impressive in soaking up the few that did connect and still coming on relentlessly.

    Feel for Hatton and all the fans who travelled but he's had a brilliant career. If he wants a showpiece fight in Manchester as a thank you then thats understandable but the real question has now been answered and that will take place in the background. The big story is whether Mayweather and Manny will get to meet which is a phenomenal prospect. Personally i wouldn't be putting any money on Mayweather and i think he has the most to lose too.

    Another prime expample of why pay per view is a waste of money too. I really think it should be banned.

  3. I think he's awesome.

    However, i would not be surprised in the least if at some point he was outed as a real sicko. He seems to have a very odd liking for women and violence that comes very close to crossing the boundaries. If it's an insight into a part of him then its very worrying!

  4. They lack depth. They're a band that knocks out stuff that, if you hear it but aren't really listening to it, sounds quite good. But then you listen to it more closely, and realise that actually it's tripe. Made worse by the fact they clearly think they're the dogs bollocks.

    I agree with this to an extent...but not quite so harsh.

    They're not as good on close listen than they could be.

  5. I've never heard of anyone disliking sunglasses before.

    The people you refer to would be tossers whether they had sunglasses or not. The fact that the other 95% of the population use them too negates them from being a factor i reckon.

    Whilst i do like designer ones i never buy them myself as i am pretty bad at loising or breaking them. Ok you will wear them for bbq's and the like but also for holidays (leave on the beach while you're in the sea) and whilst doing activities. I wouldnt go for designer knock offs as you cant guarentee they have the right coatings to protect your eyes from the suns rays, just a tint. Instead I go somewhere like Next and pick out a pair of the funkier aviators from their range. Stylish, all the right coatings on the lenses and set me back a grand total of 12 quid.


  6. 1 - Cheryl - Best looking and best all rounder. Perfect woman?

    2 - Sarah - Pure sex but sets off too many alarm bells. She's a nutter.

    3 - Nadine - Best legs and ass. And i'm a legs and ass man.

    4 - Nicola - When her hair isnt mental she is ok looking and a really decent body too. I bet if she dies her hair brown alot of people would change their opinion of her.

    5 - Kimberley - I dont get it, sorry. I just dont find her attractive.

  7. I do not believe in God or Gods. I am definitely an atheist.

    I have very recently become sceptical with the concept of evolution though. I cannot conceive how such intricate things such as the working brain can occur through chance, or how that chance even comes about. The sheer complexity of the mind and neurons firing, chemical balances, nerve and muscle control, control of systems and motor skills....I just cant get my head around it.

    Thats not to say i am jumping over to creationism either, just that i think it's a bit of a mystery still.

    We can use hard evidence to show how far man has evolved over thousands of years, imagine that process over a million times.

    It's really not that far fetched.

    Well it is to me.

    I suppose i'm going down to the building blocks of life, cells, dna, how it all fits together to form an incredibly intricate machine that takes on, processes and expends energy and all the associated mechanisms.

    Evolution does not explain these to me. It explains changes and how the changes occur over time, but not how these processes etc came to be in the first place.

    When a neuron fires in the brain to control each and every task we perform...I understand the building blocks and then how they work once in this form, but just how does that come about?

    There is for me a missing link (it may exist but i'm not aware of it, yet, hopefully) that explains the how we get from raw materials to the abilty to evolve to a working, functioning person (animal, plant, PC World, etc) if indeed it is evolving that we do (which i think it is, if this extra stage can be explained).

  8. I do not believe in God or Gods. I am definitely an atheist.

    I have very recently become sceptical with the concept of evolution though. I cannot conceive how such intricate things such as the working brain can occur through chance, or how that chance even comes about. The sheer complexity of the mind and neurons firing, chemical balances, nerve and muscle control, control of systems and motor skills....I just cant get my head around it.

    Thats not to say i am jumping over to creationism either, just that i think it's a bit of a mystery still.

  9. Not me. I was raised as a Catholic but now i'm an Atheist and believe in Science.

    And why can't God and Science be the same thing?

    because the text faith is based upon contradicts science in about 1000 different ways, and which faith is the "true" god?

    only one of the religon's is correct, so which one?

    (big brother voice)

    Ewe Decide!

    Oh Christ....if we leave it for the sheep to decide we'll really be ****!


  10. Everton win please.

    I really dont think they're better than us and feel we'll finish above them. And it puts Liverpool, as well as Chelsea in our sights and Arsenal behind us. I dont necessarily think we're better than those teams but the more that are closer to us, the greater the possibility that we'll be there to pip them if they slip up.

    'pool and Chelski both on bad form at the minute and their morale could fall further if problems with the owners crop up again now Benitez is trying to pressure them into giving him what he wants in his contract.

    But if my money was going on it i'd say 'pool will probably ease through this game 2-0.

  11. I wear 36", but it's mostly because a 34" trouser would be too tight around my thighs. For some reason, I've got the thighs of a speed skater.

    I'm 191 cm tall and weigh slightly under 90 kg.

    I'm similar.

    6ft 2", 13 and a half stone and a 34" waist. (32" for combats though)

    But last year i was a whole stone lighter and still a 34" waist due to my thighs refusing to slip into anything slimmer.

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