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Posts posted by Rocafella

  1. And people should not read too much into what the media says about certain players. The picture of Barton is probably 10 times worse than it really is you know, but bugger now that he's signing for another club I guess we can't believe anything else. Same with NRC, if he's signing for Villa I guess what he did over at West Ham was never his fault at all ;)

  2. In the end;

    Fans of NUFC will claim Barton is better than NRC and Parker,

    Villa fans will claim NRC is the best and WH the same about Parker.

    All the other fans would say they are equally good. And that's probably

    the truth. Barton and Parker knows how to pass and perhaps score a few

    whilst NRC works better in defence even though he is crap in attack and

    the team suffer a little bit from it.

  3. If that is true.....that will also mean Glaston Spur was not talking bollocks...

    Of course he is talking bollocks. Even I could have predicted him going to Spurs, if he goes there. Out of the interested parties Spurs clearly

    were one of them and they did make a bid in January I think. So you didn't have to be a scientist to understand it after all. Going onto a forum

    for another club and claim with a 95% certainty that he was going to sign, without any knowledge other than "I think this and that" and "I have

    done some math and he has to sign", is bollocks. At least I am 95% certain of it.

  4. As if you're going to get real opinions on Reo Coker from West Ham fans.

    If we were buying Lampard, they wouldn't be able to put their personal opinions aside and admit he was good.

    Some answers were **** up and some were really down to earth. Not every person is a prick you know.

    ...because the WHU fans booed him?! In the games I saw him, I thought he was excellent. Tevez scored the goals yes, but Reo-Coker was immense in midfield to keep them up. Don't kid yourself.

    Don't kid myself? Then what about Cristiano Ronaldo? He received 1000% times the stick NRC got this season, every ime, everywhere he went. Not just some dicks booing him off at Upton Park. And yeah, I have seen many WH games this season and they haven't booed him much to be honest. In the end, nothing at all.

    Time will tell, but there's a reason why this geezer was linked to the likes of Arsenal, Man Utd and Spurs. He'll be excellent for the Villa. Would you really have prefered Barton or Parker? If so, why?

    Here is why; they are both proven at a higher level than NRC. Over time. Many people on here have been raving about Parker for seasons and I too feel he is very stable and able to do his job very well. Parker - Barry - Petrov would be very neat, so would Barton. NRC is probably the least proven of the three and you really can't deny that as he was not having a good season this time around. Remember, once is once.

    Let me tell you that I am not opposed to the transfer of Nigel Reo-Coker, we need reinforcements and if MON can't get any better than him then let's get him. Out of the three I am not certain who I'd want to be honest. Perhaps Joey Barton, although it's remained to be said that none of them are what we call top class, at least not Reo-Coker, yet.

  5. West Ham fans about Nigel Reo-Coker going to Villa

    He's an average player. I can't help feeling he'll always be an average player. His passing's poor, his shooting's poor... all he can really do is run with the ball and he can be strong in the tackle on his day. He can turn defence into attack if he's got the right players around him. Personally, I don't think he's going to be bringing much to whoever he goes to.

    The real villain is the agent but the fact is that Reo-Coker, while being a reasonable player, isn't captain material. He can make good runs but always seems to run into blind alleys. He can't pass well and has a pretty shite first touch. Wins the ball in the middle of the park well, when he's playing the big sides, but cannot do anything with it - see the 2nd Bolton goal, where he lays it off to Noble (much better player imo) who plays a neat throughball and gives us the 3rd goal.

    Hes a good player and im gutted to see him leave but he made a mistake and he wants out so he can go.

    As a footballer if MON can sort his head out he would become a class player, a future England International for sure.

    I have attempted to justify and defend Nigel on this forum before but the fact remains he acted like a spoilt brat when things didn't go his way. He didn't deserve some of the abuse he got and the hate mail was uncalled for. However the fact remains, as our captain he should have acted with more maturity. He didn't. I believe a lot of the hatred for him stems from people's hatred for his agent, Tony Finnegan who is a tosser of the highest order.

    In terms of footballing ability, I am of the opinion that Nigel will go on to achieve great things if he is under the wing of a manager who brings back a sense of reality to his inflated ego. Martin O Neill could well be that man, if so you will have a cracking player on your hands in a year or two. If I was you mate, I would relish the prospect of attaining one of Englands brightest hopes. Remember he wasn't captain of Wimbeldon, West Ham and England u-21's for no reason.

    if you compare him to let's say gavin mccann..then he's an improvement.

    but the whole truth is..his attitude sucks, he goes missing in games too many times. his passing is just abisemal, although he's a fairly good tackler.

    his stamina is good but he gives the ball away far too easily.

    and for a box to box player he just scores to few goals.

    Box to box midfielder whose key attribute is breaking up the play of other teams and breaking out of defence quickly

    Not particularly disciplined in the tackle

    Not good at passing

    Not good at attacking (shooting, playing the killer ball etc)

    Basically raw talent that needs lots of work... and for 8 million (or whatever is being quoted), a very risky investment, but if he comes good is likely to be a good prem player

    NRC has potential because he is combative and an able athlete. He is not a technical player, rarely places a lengthy pass and, having seen 50% of his games in the last 3 seasons, I'd suggest that he can sometimes go missing in a game, such that you almost forget he's on the pitch

    This is the 1st time I have read a thread of this size ALL the way through (only 3 pages, but I get bored easily), 90% of the replys are seriously thought out answers. Do you still want him?

    So reading through numerous posts it's pretty fair to say that he cannot pass and do anything in attack. Pretty much like Gavin McCann in my eyes. I know he is going to become better than Macca, he probably is already, it's just that I am not overly impressed with him before or after reading this factfile of him. We would basically buy a talent, for 8M. I hope there isn't any truth in this matter at all, but I guess there is.

  6. So because the people at your wedding said it must be true? They are in the know because they support Arsenal and all the people who rate Bent are wrong?!

    You are very, very aggressive today.

    I think the reference you missed was the "season ticket holder". People who watch games week in, week out. I don't profess to know much about many players because what highlights packages I see on TV, West Ham and Spurs would be Champs League, Villa relegated, and Stuart Downing the new Maradona.

    I am not aggressive mate, it's just my poor English coming across.

    If they are season ticket holders it don't make them watch more of Bent than for example I do, who live in Norway. Perhaps I even watch more of him since I am in front of the TV and not at Emirates every week :) ? The Arse fans watched him once this season and he scored against them, perhaps that's why they are so pissed?

  7. So because the people at your wedding said it must be true? They are in the know because they support Arsenal and all the people who rate Bent are wrong?

    When I see Bent I don't see just the goals scored, I see the vision, the composure and the presence of a true striker.

    Perhaps they are talking him down because they know he is going to sign for Spurs? Hell, I wonder what our impression for NRC or McShane would be like if they signed for the SHA!

  8. What was Joey Barton doing 3 years ago?!

    Can't say I remember other than putting a cigar in a team mates eye in LUSID! (Bar in Manchester)

    NRC has fantastic potential and is still only 21 years old, he has his WHOLE career ahead of him. I would like Barton and thought I'd prefer him to NRC, but after thinking about it, I'd prefer NRC.

    I think NRC is a better defensive midfielder than Barton and that's what we really need for Petrov to go express himself. The thing with NRC other than Barton is that of energy and pace. NRC can run all day, box to box, and this is something the Villa haven't had in absoloute years.

    If NRC signs, he'll be a fantastic addition to this football club. People are forgetting too easily how good he was at WHUFC before this season. He's a player that needs to be shown some 'love', arm round the shoulder and all that. This is something he clearly hasn't had at WHUFC.

    Seeing his interview whilst at the hairdressers showed me a couple of things - great maturity, well spoken and still not interested at having digs at WHUFC like the fans are at him - yes, he said that he never felt wanted, but that is an emotive expression, not him having a go. Also, how many footballers would let you talk to them whilst having a haircut?! lol.

    Fair enough - I also see a player with lots of potential.

    But what if we turned the facts around and looked at it the way the Hammers do:

    1) He had one great season - then he suffered from the second season syndrome and was absolute wack last year

    2) West Ham fans claim he was shown a lot of love it's just that he was too much of a c*unt (a word they use a lot over there) to realize it. Who is to say MON will cure it?

    3) That hairdresser thingy is of course a nice thing, but I reckon they might look at him in a different light saying he did it to put himself in a better situation and fish for new clubs as there really hasn't been much activity around him.

    Like I said, I am just playing the Devil's advocate on this one, but what strikes me is that this never happens in football, oh, to other than pricks I mean. Who is in trouble in England? Barton, Bellamy (always), Reo-Coker right now, before it has been Di Canio, Cantona and Ginola, Kluivert...... all "pricks" you know..... it doesn't happen to Darren Fletcher or Gavin McCann. Nigel Reo-Coker can be a huge asset to us, I don't know, but I just want to point out that he isn't a saint, by the looks of it....

  9. Koumas better than Gardner? I think not.

    You keep trying to prepare us for disappointment Jez but the truth is you know no more than anybody else and its not your job to prepare fans for anything, thanks.

    We'll cope, honestly.

    Really so after playing about half a season regularly, well not even that; Gardner is better than Koumas? Someone told me he was better than NRC as well which was just as daft.

    Why do i keep trying to prepare us for disappointment?

    I know some of the players suggested on here are ridiculous but if you point that out your being negative and bringing Villa down or preparing for the worse!

    How about its called being realistic? Is that not a consideration?

    Yeah I agree with you, but naming targets from the Championship and tilting when others disagree with you is just as daft. I don't rate McShane and Koumas, but it doesn't mean I am going to get disappointed if we aren't getting Micah Richards and Andrea Pirlo. There is a difference between being realistic (which be both are, I think we both know that our chances of getting van der Vaart/Sneijder and Saviola are slim :) ), I just think that getting players such as Bent or Tim Cahill isn't out of the question, why should it be?

    Like I have said before, why can't we sign Darren Bent (who is in the Champ) if Boro could sign Juninho/Ravanelli/Ziege and Newcastle with Owen/Shearer/Martins and you name it. We have Lerner and MON at charge right now.

  10. Koumas better than Gardner? I think not.

    You keep trying to prepare us for disappointment Jez but the truth is you know no more than anybody else and its not your job to prepare fans for anything, thanks.

    We'll cope, honestly.

    Of course Jez is right on this one, Koumas is way better than Gardner right now. I think a lot of Villa fans have put way much into the fact that Gardner played well at the end of the season. Putting this much pressure on a player is way too dangerous lads, he is nothing but a talent and even though I started to rate him more at the end of the season, I couldn't see what would make him a good footballer earlier in the year. He improved his vision and composure, he didn't stress that much on the ball and he looked a better player no doubt. It's now and the next 3 seasons he has to improve, learn from the older players and develop his own thing.

    Do I have to remind people we are not going to hope for a top 10 this season (like Fulham and Birmingham do), we should hope for a top 6, even though other fans might think it's unrealistic it's nothing short of what we must hope for. What I mean is that you always predict a little bit higher than what your mind tells you. Arsenal will go for gold next season even though they know it's not going to happen, on paper at least....

  11. If we were to pick one of these problem-children I would go for Joey Barton before NRC and Craig Bellamy. He is only 24 years old which means he is only going to get better and he is already a better player than NRC in my opinion. Joey Barton went from good to much better this season, whilst NRC went from good to utterly crap (although much can be explained by his relationship with the Hammers). Is NRC proven? Not entirely. Being 24 as a central midfielder you are still just in the talent bracket of age really, look at players like Scholes and Lampard. Scholes was always the talent but reached the heights when he was 26-31. Lampard was at Barton's level when he was at his age I think. What I mean is that the age thing between NRC and Barton shouldn't really be a factor, 21 or 24, it doesn't matter.

  12. Right now we have players who can do a decent job, in Berger, McCann, Osbourne and you name it. We want players who can go to the extra level of performances, I think people are just getting a little bit anxious about the no-show of signings and start to lower their expectations. I mean; Jagielka, Koumas and the 29 year old Bellamy? Those are the signings I would expect under Doug and O'Leary, not Lerner and MON.

    Jagielka is a fine player and would improve our squad.

    Koumas is better than both McCann and Osbourne even Gardner! (god forbid)

    It seems to me Roca that if a player isn't trendy your not interested, if they are not well known or a 'name' they are useless!

    Better prepare yourself for a disappointing summer then, because there will be less trendy signings and more solid signings.

    Why do you always say this to me? When I always tell you the opposite every time. It's starting to get a bit tedious you know, you can't end an argument with a lousy attempt of bringing someone down.

    I don't really care about Koumas. In my eyes he is mediocre and has played well at a level under ours and should take three steps up to become a top-6 player. Sidwell simply is the prospect of a one season wonder and I don't want us to take that risk. Why, since I like Ronaldo whom you probably rate as "fancy" and "trendy", is that why you think I just want these players?

    Grow up dude, I have names several players and I tend to stick with them. My idea is that this squad is filled with numerous "decent" players, we don't need to fill more on top of that. We need the extra bit of quality, well we need a lot, to become top 6 challengers. Just because I am opposed to signing the players YOU drop, doesn't mean that I am wrong because I want the fancy ones and you want the Championship ones in Koumas and McShane. You have your idea and I have mine. I could give a **** if his name was Ronaldinhonaldo or McMuff, as long as I knew he was going to improve us vastly. Tell you this, I don't want us to bring in those fancy players either, as you call them, they can cause everything but prosperity. Look at players such as that Portuguese player Tottenham got and not least Veron/Porborsky and Cruyff.

  13. I just have to paste in something I just posted in another thread:

    How many games did Davis play when he was voted best of the season? 35 games and 4 goals

    What about Sidwell this season? 35 games and 4 goals you say? Damn....

    Not saying that it will happen, of course there is no rule around it. Hardly pointing out that you

    shouldn't really put too much into one season, especially for a player like this. Sidwell, well OK,

    he will be mediocre next season because he isn't going to play shit. That is his bad, but let's say

    he transfered to Everton or some team on our level, I wouldn't be too sure he would play as well

    as he did this season.

  14. Right now we have players who can do a decent job, in Berger, McCann, Osbourne and you name it. We want players who can go to the extra level of performances, I think people are just getting a little bit anxious about the no-show of signings and start to lower their expectations. I mean; Jagielka, Koumas and the 29 year old Bellamy? Those are the signings I would expect under Doug and O'Leary, not Lerner and MON.

  15. Jason Koumas is the definition of mediocre and I don't want him at all

    If the new regime was in place last year and Reading hadn't gone up, how would you have felt if we'd signed Steve Sidwell (who was not as highly rated as Koumas btw)? I bet you'd have been moaning then too, but we'd have got one of the top midfield players in the country last season, who has now gone to Chelsea.

    He doesn't have to be a big name star to be a good player. Personally, I've seen very little of him so I can't make a judgement. I'd suggest that the same goes for you.

    1. I didn't know very much about Steve Sidwell other than the fact that he was the best player in the Championship that year. I wouldn't have wanted him here then I guess, and I don't want him now either because I think we can do better and he looks like a corpse! Signing for Chelsea doesn't mean much in my book to best honest, he is competitive and he cost them nothing, therefore it's just a good player to field against Macclesfield in the cup and Derby at home when Essien and Mikel are in Africa. I think it's very dangerous to rely on one season wonders and he didn't exactly perform wonders in the second half of this season did he. With this mentality we could easily go for Doyle and Hulse as well.

    2. I have seen Koumas numerous times both in the Premiership, Championship and on the international arena so perhaps you shouldn't make any assessments of my knowledge just because you don't know anything about him. I think he would suffer enormously with the tempo and the dictation of the game, if he was going to become the "spielführer" for a team wanting to snatch a place in the UEFA cup in one year. At least that's where I want to be, I don't know about the rest. Sure he could dominate games for clubs like WBA (who did not promote by the way) or Derby, Sheff United or Fulham, but they are in a different bracket compared to us.

  16. I am thinking Dani Alves is a RM target, he is way too much offensive for Benitez' liking, as a defender I mean.

    Also, Jermaine Pennant is a terrible winger and he won't be a regular after the next season. I actually heard him

    mentioning Ronaldo and how he struggled the first season at United. Sure, Pennant is gonna be the next Ronaldo.

    Finnan leaving Liverpool is like Neville/Giggs/Scholes leaving United or Barry/Mellberg leaving us to so speak.

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