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Posts posted by MagicMushroom

  1. That's quite a misrepresentation, Ian.


    I think we all know, don't we, that his brief was to bring about a big turnover in the squad, in order to bring the wage bill down.


    Necessarily, that means letting some players go, and trying to loan out others if there's no-one looking to buy them.


    It also means that the manager has to be given money to buy replacements, unless someone is going to turn up like the fairy godmother and take people like Bent and Ireland off our hands for megabucks.


    "Chequebook manager" to me means someone whose approach is entirely dependent on buying expensive stars who can come in and perform from day one.  Lambert's approach has been to look for bargains, people who won't command big wages and whose fees won't use up all the transfer budget.  In the summer, he did well at that, in my view.  His biggest buy is now worth perhaps twice what we paid, and the rest represent a respectable effort at filling a lot of positions for not a great outlay.


    But several of the underperforming high earners remain, and it looks as though it will be hard to shift them.  It also seems that there is less money for fees and wages than Lambert thought, from his interview last week, where he said he knows the fees and wages the club has in mind, but having made several approaches to teams and players, the cost was too high - so either the clubs and players were asking far more than he expected, or else the willingness to spend is less than he thought.


    He's been given a challenging task, which it seems the board are making harder than it need be.  I think it would be good if there was a bit more recognition of that.





    100% this. :thumb:

  2. Lose to Newcastle, and you will think there is a boycott. I think people will just vote with thier feet.


    Its hard to pay and watch something you love being destroyed in front of your eyes. I admire those who have the strength and faith to do that, but im at my end with it. Will still go away, but Villa Park is starting to hurt big time.

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  3. I think it's over anyway to be honest Trent, I'd be utterly amazed if we stay up with no new additions



    Weve gone. Weve surrendered without a whimper.


    And i really hate saying that.

  4. all we are hearing now whenever anyone question's Lambert is that he has to be given money. A phrase that used to be in football a lot was a "cheque book manager", is that what Lambert basically is then? So he is useless at his job unless he has massive funds given to him?


    Or is the reality that he is basically useless at his job, end of.




    The squad is shit. It was shit when he came and its shit now. Jesus Christ couldent do anything with this lot!


    The only beef i have with Lambert, is bringing in to many young and inexperienced faces in one go. That now seems to have been a big risk that has backfired big time.


    However, we dont know under what remit he was told to work with when he accepted the job. I guess he was told more cash would be available in January to enable him to bring in experience. I imagine he was told he could use the Bent money when sold. Since then, things have changed, and hes being hung out to dry without a word coming out of the useless fools making the decisions.


    Lambert has made mistakes, but the buck stops with the owner for me.

  5. maybe he got benteke knowing he would have to get rid of bent this january/next summer? would explain him playing benteke all the time, get him into the team properly before we send off bent?




    This was proberly the hope, but injuries and niggles with Bent basicly scuppered it and our plans for the month. Seems to fit in with the "wing and a prayer" strategy thats at the club at the moment. Faulkner is Lerners very own Tony Butler. "Get your prayer mat out"  lol.

  6. How did the journalist "get personal" - what was the printed offence?



    To be honest, i think its frustration. You keep loosing the way we are, and you want to hit out. Blaming the media and creating a them and us scenario might be he only way he feels he can keep the growing pressure away from an wholly inexperienced bunch of lads?

  7. Im getting really excited by the prospect now. Ive come to terms that we are shit and that everyone is laughing at us, so im now going to savior every 8-0 defeat with relish.


    Im so happy, its unbelievable.


    Cheers Randy for making me realise that there is more to life than being laughed at*.












    * Yes, unfortunatly i live in an area where nine toed heathens hold sway, but unlike you and them, i dont hide when we are shit. I still wear my clubs colours with pride, so **** you and the unblessed.

  8. I don't think for a minute a player would approach a manager in the midst of a relegation battle and say: hey gaffer, see if we go down I'm jumping ship just so you know! Absolutely no chance such conversations take place between a player and a manager. Of course, they would get their agent to make their feelings known as and when such a situation happened but to suggest that has happened already I'd suggest is 100 per cent wrong.


    I think what you'll find at the moment in time is a lot of stories and just about all of them nonsense. I don't mean that to be rude because everyone is rightly desperate to find out pieces of information with things the way they are.




    Thats a relief!


    The one guy i dont want to leave is Weimann.



    I aint read all the above, but can you tell me why Lambert is putting up with this shit?


    Not being funny, but i imagine a large section of our support would stand right behind him if he came out and said openly that the goal posts had changed.

  9. Anybody whom thinks we will come straight back up, forget it. Not ITK......right, so dont roast my balls. However, 4 players have already told Lambert they want out if relegated, one of which is weimann. Was told the other three, and they are not whom you would imagine.


    I just never heared him properly, other than the name Weimann.





    Hairy hands, can you confirm?

  10. Imagine it. We get relegated, we lose players like weimann, benteke and so on. Lerner sells the club to something like venkys and there we are. Who knows, we might be witnessing the end of this club for a long long time. It may go a completely different route but who knows, the people that are running this club seems clueless so everything is up on the table if you ask me. 


    I think your right. I imagine Lerners only option now is to sell to whomever offers the most, so in effect we have the Venky situation already.


    Anybody whom thinks we will come straight back up, forget it. Not ITK......right, so dont roast my balls. However, 4 players have already told Lambert they want out if relegated, one of which is weimann. Was told the other three, and they are not whom you would imagine.


    I just never heared him properly, other than Weimann.


    Seems Lambert is loosing the dressing room.

  11. Hate to bring up the past, but i would really love to know the REAL reason Oniel suddenly walked like he did. We have all heared the varying reasons put forward since, but only he and the club know what occurred. When he walked this club changed for the worse, and its steadily got to where we are now.


    Personally, i just think Lerner gave up. I think he under estimated what was needed, and downsized his ambition to just hold our own, which in this league means falling further and further behind. He has been ill advised from start to finish, and thats his fault for surrounding himself with lap dogs.


    He will be gone by the start of next season, then we will learn just how much damage has been done, due to his ill judged gamble with soccer ball.

  12. When Lambert walks, who on here calling for him to go, has confidence in the "board" actually finding a replacement that will keep us up, and work under the same restrictions as Lambert?


    Hands up all those who think everything will get better, because i see things only getting worse with/or without Lambert.


    Thats not me backing him btw, just being realistic.

  13. Well that's reassuring, albeit not surprising at all...





    Heres another bit of cheerfull news.......


    Was told a fortnight ago that all signings weve made since Lerner have been "Mortgaged" to him. Now a lot of you are far more clever than me, and a lot more clued up on finance than i ever will be, but if it means what i think it means, then it explains why its difficult shift pople and why we have never seen seen the full money recieved from sles of Milner ect, fully reinvested into the squad.


    The guy i learnt this from?


    Knows uncle Doug very well, and quite a few others connected to the club, and is pretty well respected. So not the type to spread idle gossip.


    Like i said, think about it, it would explain quite a bit.

  14. only pointing it out


    Paul Lambert refusing to answer local media press questions is really poor . Massive snub to the #avfc fans


    he should be gone.




    Unless we know what the questions were or are, then we simply cant say that.


    I have a strong feeling that he feels he is being hung out to dry with the fans, when being fielded with questions that maybe Faulkner should be answering.


    You can see it in his demeanour during interviews, he seems clearly unsettled when asked those questions. Even the answer he gave about his reationship with our absent owner seemed mere lip service.


    Incidently, why has Faulkner suddenly become so quiet?


    Something stinks and they are hanging out thier manager as the fall guy.


    (Not that hes not helping himself)


    Big picture guys!

  15. We really need another centre half





    Getting Dunne in beside Vlaar may improve things, but its the protection in fron of them that worries me. Also, our fullbacks are weak and easily bullied off the ball, Bennett being the major concern.

  16. Good question. I think give money to Lambert. I think a few players will see us through. But they will not come. 



    Depends on how  we sell the club to them. Unfortunately, its only big ambition that can do that, and we just dont have any.

  17. Date: Tuesday, 29th January 2013

    Place: Villa Park, Birmingham

    Objective: To let Lerner and Lambert know that we have had enough.





    This has to happen now. We cant go on keeping silent whilst our club disenergrates before our eyes.


    Protest....if you love villa!

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