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Posts posted by symmouk

  1. Hi General

    I ordered the new shirt online through Villa and i am quite annoyed.

    I ordered the shirt as a present for someone im going to visit abroad this weekend. It came today and i was delighted, only to see it is long sleeve. I phoned the Customer Services there, and they said i need to send it back recorded delivery.

    So now, i have spent £50 getting the shirt (£45 + Shipping £4.50), and now have to spend another £6 sending it back to Villa even though they have sent me the wrong shirt. I am spending £56 now on the home shirt here, and i will have to wait another 2 weeks to get it! I thought buying direct was a better idea as money goes to the club even though I live in South London, when i could have bought the shirt from SportsWorld or somewhere for about £20 cheaper than this whole process, plus instead of giving my friend the shirt this weekend, im going to have to send it on to him, again costing me more money.

    I have called Aston Villa Direct about this, but they are as helpful on the matter as a fur coat in a sauna.

    Is there someone i can speak to at the club who can help me on this matter?


  2. i once appeared on a late night dating show on ITV2 about a year ago!

    i pulled brooke kinsella (was in Eastenders as Kelly, Zoe Slaters best mate) in a london nightclub about 2 years ago!

    i was an extra on Dream Team for ten episodes at the end of series 6

    i was in the audience for TRL, an MTV show and John Travolta said he liked my hair!

  3. HI General,

    I know the news of Oll leaving was expected, but a lot of the fans would love the last game of the season to say thanks. Im not sure whether you are aware, when Dennis Bergkamp had his last game for Arsenal, the had a "Holland" day which was a huge success and Dennis saying how much it meant to him, maybe a "Sweden" day for Olly? Handing out Yellw and Blue sheets of paper so we can hold them up in the shape of a Sweden flag and little things for him?

  4. i genuinely dont think we are gonna get anyone this window. it seems to me that MON said he wants players, but lately he i saying he HOPES he can get someone in. I just have a horrible feeling that we arent getting anyone. If we do, it will be a back up/youth player.

  5. HI General,

    What a fantastic image it is to see Tom Hanks wearing a Villa scarf and waving it at the premiere. Whoever sent him that at the club should be knighted!

    I agree he should be invited to the Reading game, or a future game, the publicity Sly Stallone got going to everton last season was huge, i think Hanks attending a villa game in a scarf would be amazing for the club.

  6. General,

    I feel your last response has accepted parts of what has been said, but not really understood what a lot of fans have said.

    I do understand your points, but also, i feel that, without being disrespectful, you havent understood what the fans are saying here.

    We understand how much the board has done in the past, and you have no idea how thankful we are for the things that have been done.

    In the UK, Christmas is an expensive time, especially for people who have children. Unless part of the childs christmas present is going to the FA Cup game, which in being honest children want things they can unwrap, if you have a family of 4, after spending vast amounts for xmas, the average family of 4 is expected to pay 2 x £32, and 2 x £19, which works out at £102. That is a vast amount of money for somebody to spend after the christmas period, one of the most expensive times of the year.

    A lot of my friends from london wanted to go to the game as well, but with £32 tickets, added to the travel, food and drinks, works out at over £70 per person just for 1 adult ticket. For an FA cup game at this time of year, is simply too much.

    Its not the adult prices that many have an issue with, its the fact the child prices were £19. Even if the ticket prices were £25 for adults, and £10/£15 for children, you could have guaranteed a sell out.

    I dont mean to come across like i am having a go at the board, they have been amazing to the fans since taking over, but after MON and the players saying how amazing the fans have been, especially this season, maybe we expected lower cup prices this season, like the league cup tickets have been.

    Again, please dont think i am dis-respecting the board here, they, and yourself have been amazing to all, especially how you helped my brother at the start of the season.


  7. think one of the best this series was Clarkson driving the smallest car ever round the BBC offices! seeing him go past the back of the BBC News 24 show was classic!!

  8. Hi General,

    Anynews on the Juan Pablo Angel apreciation day that i know so many fans want? Would be a guaranteed sell out that day, as none of us got to say bye to him in the way he deserved.

    Also, an idea to make good us f the Villa/Browns connection, would be a kind of VIP day if a villa fan was to go watch a browns game in the future or something like that?

  9. Hi General,

    I was just wondering if you had read Karren Brady's comments in the Sun today? here they are for your reading...

    Sunday 23rd September

    Writing to Aston Villa has never been very high on my calender of things to do for the simple reason I've never needed to.

    However when my chairman and the word pig apppear to gether on the front of a local newspaper, I have to put pen to paper.

    Villa's bluindering director General Charles Krulak put his foot in it with his comments about getting down in the mud "with the pigs", aimed at ourt chairman David Gold, who had suggested and all round 20 percent cut in admission prices.

    David, the most amiable of men, was staggered at the insult which included a sneer at the price we charge Villa fans. Its £45, not £55 by the way.

    Our maximum attendance is 29,000, Villas maximum gate is 43,000 so you can see why we have to charge higher prices for select matches.

    Heres a suggestion, General. Lets both charge the same derby-match prices and divide takings down the middle.

  10. Reminder - this thread is for comments and questions for General Krulak/the club. When you have a comment/question it will be very welcome. until then, saying you will post one in the future, is kind of nugatory - so this post and your comment on the views of other posters has been deleted. We're aiming to keep the thread as concise as possible to ease reading for both people looking for answers and info and also for GK. That's how it is. Ta. Blandy

  11. General,

    I am pretty disgusted that the board would side with West Ham on this. If we were in the relegation scrap right now, and we had been relegated, then im sure we would have gone crazy in appealing. So whats the differnece. I feel we have a right to show we can side with the clubs who have been affected, as 6 games ago, we could have been affected.

    As much as I love the board for there takeover and appreciate everything so far they have done, i feel they are taking the easy way out, and that we are a stronger club than to bow to the FA's shocking decision.

    Its clear here that the majority of fans disagree with the boards decision.

    I would like to point your attention to AFC wimbledon General. They were deducted 3 points for fielding 1 illegal player for 1 game.

    If West Ham can do it for 20 odd games, then is this saying it is ok for Villa to illegally sign Ronaldinho, Cristiano Ronaldo and Buffon, and they guide us to Champions League next season if we only get a £20million fine when qualifying for Champions League is worth a hell of a lot more??

    Sorry to be a downer but its a shocking decision to side with the FA.

  12. I think Bellamy would be idal for Villa. Apart from Hendrie, who else in our team shows real passion on their sleeve on the pitch? (Ok Hendrie isnt the best, but thee is no questioning his passion on the field)

    We need someone who gets annoyed when they miss a shot, gets other playwers fired up. We havent had that kind of playeror a long time here, and with MON working with Bellamy, he seemed to get his career back on track at Celtic, and I think could make him class player at the Villa

  13. I think what O'Neill is building, is options. Carew will still be the target man, and we only went 442 in the second half against West Ham. My feeling is that we will play similar to chelsea, with Carew in the middle, Gabby, Moore or Young as the 2 wingers, te 3 midfielders will be 3 of Petrov, McCann, Barry, Maloney. McCann will obviously sit deep, leaving the other 2 to get forward or out wide i.e Barry and Petrov at the minute.

    But its the first time we have had options in the squad for a long time, and we should be praising that.

    We can afford to rotate the team. We now dont have a set first 11 unless an injury. Which is brilliant news.

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