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Posts posted by Bradd92

  1. This sounds pretty cool.



    The secretive Star Wars game Amy Hennig is directing for EA Visceral has been described as "Star Wars in the style of Uncharted", and "along the same lines" as gritty and glitzy third-person action adventure Star Wars 1313, which was canned.

    The descriptions came from actor Nolan North, who's best known for bringing Uncharted hero Nathan Drake to life.

    "If you're a big fan of Amy Hennig and her styles of story: the big thing about her is that she's gone to EA and is going to reboot a brand new Star Wars franchise in the style of Uncharted," he told an audience at Metrocon 2015




    If the single-player component is just a series of co-op and multiplayer maps filled with AI opponents, isn’t it going to lack depth and longevity? 


    I don’t want to say, you just have to trust us, we need to prove it of course, but we’re using all the knowledge about depth and longevity that we’ve accumulated over years of making the Battlefield games. Also the missions we have in the game have more longevity than most single-player campaigns.

    They tend to have a length of between 6-10 hours and that’s it – most people don’t replay them, most don’t go through the secondary objectives, they run through the story and they’re done.

    In Battlefront, it’s very different, it has more to do with replayability than most narrative-driven single-player experiences.

    It gives you something else, something you may not be used to seeing.

    We have done a lot with this game that keeps it attractive for a longer period of time.

    There’s a lot of persistence work going into it – how you unlock things, how you explore new ways of playing, how you collect things and rank up, and also how you compare yourself with your friends.

    There are a lot of different ways to play the game. There’s a lot of variation.


    Sounds like it may be a more exciting SP this time.

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